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《婚姻之爱》 第392节









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Conjugial Love #392 (Chadwick (1996))

392. (v) This sphere affects the wicked as well as the good, making every individual disposed to love, protect and support his own offspring as the result of his particular love.

Experience proves that the love of children or parental affection exists as much among the wicked as among the good, and equally among animals, both tame and fierce. In fact it is sometimes stronger and more ardent among wicked people, just as among fierce animals. The reason is that every love which emanates from the Lord and influences what it reaches is there turned into the chief love of its life. For every living creature feels nothing but that it loves of itself, since the influence is imperceptible. When it is really loving itself, it makes the love of children its own, for it, so to speak, sees itself in them and them in itself, and sees itself united with them.

[2] That is why that love is more violent in the case of fierce animals, as among lions and lionesses, bears, leopards and wolves of both sexes, and likewise other animals, than among horses, deer, goats and sheep. The reason is that the fierce animals are dominant over the tame ones, so their self-love is predominant, and this love makes them love themselves in their offspring. So, as I said, the love which flows in turns into what is their own. It is of the Lord's Divine providence that this inflowing love is so turned into what is their own, and is thus the motive which causes wicked parents to protect and support their offspring. If it were not for this, there would be only a few survivors from the human race, and none at all from the fierce animals, which are none the less of some use. These facts make it plain that everyone is disposed to love, protect and support his offspring as the result of his particular love.

Conjugial Love #392 (Rogers (1995))

392. 5. This atmosphere affects both evil people and good, and disposes everyone to love, protect and maintain his progeny, in accordance with his particular love. A love of little children or storge occurs equally in evil people as in good ones, as experience attests; likewise in animals, gentle and savage. Indeed, in evil people, as in savage beasts, it is sometimes stronger and more fervent. The reason is that every love emanating from the Lord and flowing in is turned, in the recipient, to its life's love. For every animate recipient feels no otherwise than that it loves of itself, since it does not perceive the influx; and so long as it also actively loves itself, it makes the love of its young an extension of its self-love, seeing itself as though in them and them in itself, and regarding itself as thus united with them.

[2] That, too, is why this love is fiercer in savage beasts, as in lions and lionesses, in bears and she-bears, in leopards and leopardesses, in wolves and she-wolves, and other like animals, than in horses, deer, goats and sheep. The reason is that these savage beasts have a supremacy over the gentle, and so have a dominant love of self, and this love loves itself in its offspring. Consequently, as said, the love flowing in is turned to self.

Such an inversion of the love flowing in to self, and the consequent protection and maintenance of their offspring and young by evil parents, is of the Lord's Divine providence; for otherwise, of the human race, only a few would survive, and of the savage beasts, which nevertheless serve a use, not any.

It is apparent from this that everyone is disposed to love, protect and maintain his offspring in accordance with his particular love.

Love in Marriage #392 (Gladish (1992))

392. 5. This aura affects bad people as well as good and disposes everyone to love, protect, and nourish his offspring on account of his own love.

Experience witnesses that love for children, or parental love, is in bad people just as much as in good people, just as it is in fierce and gentle animals. In fact, it is sometimes stronger and more ardent in bad people, as in fierce animals. The reason is that all love coming from the Lord and flowing in is turned, in the recipient, into the love of his life, for no living being feels anything but that he loves by himself, since he does not notice what flows into him. And when he does actually love himself, he makes his love for children his own, for he sees himself in them, so to speak, and them in himself, and himself united with them in this way. This is why that love is more fierce in savage beasts - as in lions and lionesses, male and female bears, leopards and leopardesses, male and female wolves, and others like that - than in horses, deer, goats, and sheep. The reason is that these savage beasts have power over the tame ones, and it gives them an especially dominant self - love, and this love loves itself in its offspring. So, as was said, the love that flows in turns into their own love.

This turning of the inflowing love upside - down into your own love, and the consequent protection and nourishment of offspring and young by bad parents, is due to the Lord's Divine Providence, for otherwise only a few of the human race would survive, and not any of the savage beasts - which are useful, nevertheless.

These observations show that everyone is disposed to love, protect, and nourish his offspring, due to his own love.

Conjugial Love #392 (Acton (1953))

392. V. THAT THIS SPHERE AFFECTS BOTH THE EVIL AND THE GOOD, AND DISPOSES EVERY ONE TO LOVE, PROTECT, AND SUPPORT HIS OFFSPRING FROM HIS OWN LOVE. It is the testimony of experience that the love of infants or storge is equally with the evil as with the good, and likewise with mild beasts and with savage; yea, that with evil men as with savage beasts it is sometimes stronger and more ardent. The reason is, because every love proceeding and flowing in from the Lord is turned in the subject into the life's love of that subject. No animate subject feels otherwise than that it loves of itself, since it does not perceive the influx. When in addition it actually loves itself, it makes the love of infants its own love of self; for it sees itself, as it were, in them, and them in itself, and thus itself united with them.

[2] Hence it is that this love is fiercer with savage beasts, such as lions, bears, leopards, wolves and other like beasts, male and female, than with horses, deer, goats, and sheep; for these savage beasts have dominion over the mild, and hence a predominating love of self, and this love loves itself in its progeny. Therefore, as was said, the inflowing love is turned into the recipient's own love. This inversion of inflowing love into what is their own, and the resultant protection and support of their offspring and babes by evil parents, is of the Lord's Divine Providence, for otherwise but few of the human race would be left, and of ferocious beasts, which yet are of use, none at all. From this it is evident that every one is disposed to love, protect, and support his offspring from his own love.

Conjugial Love #392 (Wunsch (1937))

392. (v) This sphere affects the evil as well as the good, and disposes each to love, protect and support his progeny out of self-love. Experience testifies that love for children, or storge, exists equally with the evil and the good. So it does with wild animals and with tame. Indeed it is often stronger and more ardent with bad men, as it is with wild beasts. The reason is that all love, proceeding and inflowing from the Lord, turns in each subject into the latter's life-love. For every animate subject feels no otherwise than that it loves of itself; the influx is not perceived. And loving itself, it makes the love of children proper to itself, always seeing itself in them and them in itself and regarding itself as united with them. Hence, too, it is that this love is fiercer with wild beasts, as with lions, bears, leopards, wolves, and other like animals, than with horses, deer, goats and sheep. Wild beasts, having the mastery of the gentle, have an overmastering love of self, and this love loves itself in the progeny. Thus the inflowing love, as we have said, is turned into self. This inversion of an inflowing love into self-love and the resulting protection and support of offspring and progeny by evil parents, is of Divine Providence; otherwise only a few of mankind would survive, and no savage beasts at all, which nevertheless have a use. From this it is plain that every one is disposed to love, protect and support his offspring out of self-love.

Conjugial Love #392 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

392. (5) That this sphere affects the evil as well as the good, and disposes everyone to love, protect, and sustain his offspring, from his own love. It is testified by experience that the love of infants, or storge, is equally with the evil as with the good; likewise with gentle and ungentle beasts; yea, that with evil men and with ungentle beasts it is sometimes stronger and more ardent. The reason is that every love proceeding and flowing in from the Lord is turned, in the subject, into the love of its life. For no animate subject feels otherwise than that he loves of himself, since he does not perceive the influx; and while in fact he is really loving himself, he makes the love of infants the love of his own, for he as it were sees himself in them and them in himself, and thus himself as united with them. And hence it is that this love is fiercer among the ungentle beasts, as among lions and lionesses, he- and she-bears, he- and she-leopards, he and she-wolves, and other such, than among horses, deer, goats, and sheep. The reason is that the ungentle beasts have dominion over the gentle, and hence a predominating love of self, and this love loves itself in its progeny; and thus, as was said, the inflowing love is turned into its own. Such inversion of the inflowing love into its own, and thence protection and support of their offspring and young by evil parents, is of the Lord's Divine Providence; for otherwise but few of the human race would be left and of ferocious beasts, which yet are of use, not any. From these considerations it is plain that everyone is disposed to love, protect, and sustain his offspring from his own love.

De Amore Conjugiali #392 (original Latin (1768))

392. V. Quod haec Sphaera afficiat tam malos quam bonos, ac disponat unumquemvis ad amandum, tutandum et sustentandum suam progeniem, ex proprio amore. Quod Amor infantum seu Storge sit aeque apud malos quam apud bonos, testatur experientia, similiter apud bestias mites et immites, imo quod apud homines malos, sicut apud bestias immites, quandoque sit fortior et ardentior; causa est, quia omnis amor procedens a Domino ac influens vertitur in subjecto in amorem ejus vitae: unumquodvis enim subjectum animatum non sentit aliter quam quod ex se amet, non enim percipit influxum, et dum etiam actualiter se amat, facit amorem infantum [amoris] sui proprium, nam tanquam videt se in illis et illos in se, et se cum illis ita unitum.

[2] Inde etiam est, quod ille amor apud bestias immites sit atrocior, ut apud leones et leaenas, ursos et ursas, leopardos et leopardas, lupos et lupas, et similes alias, quam apud equos, cervos, hircos, oves; causa est, quia immitibus illis bestiis est dominium super mites, et inde amor sui praedominans, et hic amor amat se in progenie sua; quare sicut dictum est, amor influus vertitur in proprium. Talis inversio amoris influi in proprium, et inde tutela et sustentatio prolum et foetuum a parentibus malis, est ex Divina Domini Providentia, nam alioquin ex humano genere non superessent nisi pauci; et ex bestiis ferocibus, quae tamen usui sunt, non aliqua. Ex his patet, quod quisque disponatur ad amandum, tutandum, et sustentandum suam sobolem, ex proprio amore.

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