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《婚姻之爱》 第424节






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Conjugial Love #424 (Chadwick (1996))

424. (i) It is impossible to know the nature of scortatory love without knowing the nature of conjugial love.

Scortatory love means the love of adultery which destroys conjugial love (as stated in 423 above). There is no need to prove that the nature of scortatory love cannot be known without knowing the nature of conjugial love; it need only be illustrated by comparisons. For instance, can anyone know what evil and falsity are, unless he knows what good and truth are? Can anyone know what unchastity, dishonesty, impropriety and unloveliness are, unless he knows what chastity, honesty, propriety and loveliness are? Can anyone discern follies, unless he is wise or knows what wisdom is? Again, can anyone properly perceive inharmonious squeaks, unless he has been taught and has studied what harmonies are? Likewise, can anyone perceive the nature of adultery, unless he has perceived that of marriage? And can anyone submit to his judgment the filth of the pleasures of scortatory love, unless he has first submitted to his judgment the cleanliness of conjugial love? Since I have now finished describing the delights of wisdom concerning conjugial love, I can use the understanding acquired from this to describe the pleasures concerning scortatory love.

Conjugial Love #424 (Rogers (1995))

424. 1. The nature of licentious love is not known unless the nature of conjugial love is known. By licentious love we mean a love of adultery that destroys conjugial love, as explained above in no. 423.

As for the statement that the nature of licentious love is not known unless the nature of conjugial love is known, this does not need to be demonstrated, but may simply be illustrated by comparable parallels. Who can know, for instance, what evil and falsity are, unless he knows what is good and true? Who can know what is unchaste, dishonorable, unbecoming, and ugly, unless he knows what is chaste, honorable, becoming, and beautiful? Who can discern insanities except one who is wise, or who knows what wisdom is? Or who can accurately detect dissonant discords except one who by instruction and practice has learned harmonic patterns? Similarly, who can see clearly the nature of adultery, unless he has seen clearly the nature of marriage? And who can display to his judgment the filthiness of the pleasures of licentious love, unless he has first displayed to his judgment the cleanness of conjugial love?

Now, because I have completed Part One, Delights of Wisdom Relating to Conjugial Love, from the intelligence thus acquired I am able to describe Pleasures Relating to Licentious Love.

Love in Marriage #424 (Gladish (1992))

424. 1. Without knowing what married love is you cannot know what illicit love is. Illicit love means the love of adultery that destroys the love of marriage (as above, no. 423). The fact that you cannot know what this illicit love is like without knowing what married love is like does not need to be demonstrated but only illustrated by comparisons. For instance, who can know what is evil and false without knowing what is good and true? And who knows what is unchaste, dishonest, unsuitable, and ugly without knowing what is chaste, honest, suitable, and beautiful? And who can recognize folly except someone who is wise, or who knows what wisdom is? And who can correctly pick out dissonances except someone who has learned harmonic progressions through teaching and study? Likewise, who can tell what adultery is like unless he sees what marriage is like? And who can judge illicit love's foul pleasure except someone who first judges married love's clean pleasure?

I have finished “The Sensible Joy of Married Love," so now I can describe, from the knowledge acquired there, the pleasures of illicit love.

Conjugial Love #424 (Acton (1953))

424. I. THAT THE NATURE OF SCORTATORY LOVE CANNOT BE KNOWN UNLESS THE NATURE OF CONJUGIAL LOVE IS KNOWN. Here, as in no. 423, by scortatory love is meant the love of adultery which destroys conjugial love. That the nature of this scortatory love cannot be known unless the nature of conjugial love is known, has no need of demonstration; it needs only to be illustrated by comparisons. For instance, Who can know what evil and falsity are unless he knows what good and truth are? and who can know what the unchaste is, or the dishonorable, the indecorous, and the ugly, unless he knows what the chaste is, or the honorable, the decorous, and the beautiful? Who can discern insanities save one who is wise, that is, Who knows what Wisdom is? Who can rightly perceive inharmonious stridors save one who by learning and study has absorbed harmonious numbers? In like manner, who can see clearly the nature of adultery unless he has seen clearly the nature of marriage? or Who can set before his judgment the filthiness of the pleasures of scortatory love unless he has previously set before his judgment the cleanness of conjugial love? Because I have now finished The Delights of wisdom concerning Conjugial Love, therefore, from the intelligence thence acquired, I am able to describe the pleasures [of insanity] from scortatory love.

Conjugial Love #424 (Wunsch (1937))

424. (i) To know what scortatory love is like, one must know what marital love is like. By scortatory love is meant the adulterous love which destroys marital love (as above,423). That one must know what marital love is like in order to know what scortatory love is like, needs no demonstration but only illustration by parallels. Who, for instance, can know what evil and falsity are unless he knows what good and truth are? Or what the unchaste, immoral, indecorous and ugly are unless he knows what the chaste, moral, decorous and beautiful are? And who can discern insanities except a wise man or one who knows what wisdom is? Who, again, can rightly perceive the grating of the inharmonious except the man who by instruction and practice has learned harmonious numbers? Similarly, who can see clearly what adultery is unless he has seen clearly what marriage is? Who can confront the judgment with the filthiness of the pleasures of scortatory love except one who has first confronted his judgment with the cleanness of marital love? Inasmuch, then, as I have finished with MARITAL LOVE: ITS WISE DELIGHTS, from the intelligence so acquired I can describe scortatory love and its insane pleasures.

Conjugial Love #424 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

424. (1) That the quality of scortatory love is not known unless the quality of conjugial love is known. By scortatory love is meant the love of adultery which destroys conjugial love, as above in n. 423. That the quality of this scortatory love is not known unless the quality of conjugial love is known, there is no need to demonstrate, but only to illustrate by similar examples. For instance, who can know what is evil and false, unless he knows what is good and true? Or who knows what is unchaste, dishonest, indecorous, and unbeautiful, unless he knows what is chaste, honest, decorous, and beautiful? Or who can discern insanity but one who is wise or knows what wisdom is Or who can rightly perceive discordant, grating sounds but one who through learning and study has drunk in harmonious numbers? In like manner, who can perceive what the quality of adultery is unless he has perceived clearly what the quality of marriage is? Or who can present to the judgment the filthiness of the pleasures of scortatory love, unless he has previously presented to his own judgment the cleanness of conjugial love? Now, because I have completed the work on The Delights of Wisdom pertaining to Conjugial Love, from the intelligence thence acquired I am able to describe the pleasures of scortatory love.

De Amore Conjugiali #424 (original Latin (1768))

424. I. Quod non sciatur qualis est Amor scortatorius, nisi scitur qualis est Amor conjugialis. 1Per amorem scortatorium intelligitur Amor adulterii qui destruit amorem conjugialem, ut supra 423. Quod non sciatur qualis est Amor ille scortatorius, nisi scitur qualis est Amor conjugialis, non eget demonstrare, sed modo illustrare per similitudines; ut, quis potest nosse quid malum et falsum, nisi scit quid bonum et verum; et quis novit quid incastum, inhonestum, indecorum, et impulchrum, nisi scit quid castum, honestum, decorum, et pulchrum; et quis potest discernere insanias, nisi qui sapiens est, aut scit quid sapientia; tum quis potest rite percipere stridores disharmonicos, nisi qui doctrina et studio hausit numeros harmonicos; similiter quis potest perspicere quale est adulterium, nisi perspexerit quale est conjugium; et quis potest judicio sistere spurcitiem voluptatum amoris scortatorii, nisi qui prius judicio suo stitit munditiem amoris conjugialis: nunc quia absolvi Delitias sapientiae de Amore conjugiali, ex intelligentia inde acquisita possum Voluptates de Amore scortatorio describere.


1. Prima editio: conjugialis (absque puncto)

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