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《婚姻之爱》 第437节





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Conjugial Love #437 (Chadwick (1996))

437. (xii) There is an equilibrium between these two spheres, and a person is kept in this.

The equilibrium between them is a spiritual one, since it is between good and evil. This equilibrium is the source of a person's free will. In and through this equilibrium a person thinks and wills, so that he speaks and acts as if of himself. His rational faculty is free to decide and choose whether he wants to receive good or to receive evil. This means whether he wants rationally in freedom to dispose himself favourably to conjugial love or to scortatory love. In this case he turns the back of his head and his body to the Lord; in the other he turns his forehead and chest to the Lord. If he turns to the Lord, his reason and freedom are guided by Him; but if he turns his back on the Lord, his reason and freedom are guided by hell.

Conjugial Love #437 (Rogers (1995))

437. 12. Between these two atmospheres there is an equilibrium, and mankind lives in it. The equilibrium between them is a spiritual equilibrium, because it exists between good and evil. Because of this equilibrium a person has free will. In it and through it a person thinks and wills and so speaks and acts as though of himself. His rationality has the option and choice as to whether it wishes to receive good or whether it wishes to receive evil; accordingly, whether it wishes, rationally and in freedom, to dispose itself for conjugial love, or whether it wishes, rationally and in freedom, to dispose itself for licentious love. If a person chooses licentious love, he turns the back of his head and body to the Lord; if he chooses conjugial love, he turns his forehead and breast to the Lord. If he turns himself to the Lord, his rationality and freedom are led by the Lord; but if he turns away from the Lord, his rationality and freedom are led by hell.

Love in Marriage #437 (Gladish (1992))

437. 12. There is a balance between these auras, and people are in this balance. The balance between them is a spiritual balance, because it is between good and bad. A person has freedom of choice on account of this balance. In it and through it a person thinks and wills and consequently speaks and acts as if by himself. His rational mind has the option and choice whether he wants to accept the good or wants to accept the bad - accordingly, whether he wants to incline himself toward love in marriage rationally and in freedom or wants to incline himself toward illicit love rationally and in freedom. If he inclines toward the latter, he turns the back of his head and body to the Lord, if toward the former, he turns his forehead and breast to the Lord. If he turns to the Lord, the Lord leads his rationality and freedom, but if he turns away from the Lord, hell leads his rationality and freedom.

Conjugial Love #437 (Acton (1953))

437. XII. THAT BETWEEN THESE TWO SPHERES IS AN EQUILIBRIUM, AND THAT MAN IS IN THIS EQUILIBRIUM. The equilibrium between them is a spiritual equilibrium because between good and evil. By reason of this equilibrium, man has free determination. In it and by it, he thinks and wills and hence speaks and acts as if of himself. His rational is in a position where it can choose an elect as to whether it wishes to receive good or to receive evil; thus whether, from free determination, rationally to dispose itself for conjugial love, or rationally to dispose itself for scortatory love; if for the latter, the man turns his occiput and back to the Lord, if for the former, he turns his face and breast to the Lord. If he turns to the Lord, his rationality and liberty are led by Him, but if backwards from the Lord, his rationality and liberty are led by hell.

Conjugial Love #437 (Wunsch (1937))

437. (xii) There is equilibrium between these two spheres, and the human being is in the equilibrium. The equilibrium between the spheres is a spiritual one, being between good and evil; and from it man has freedom of action. He thinks and wills in it and by means of it and hence speaks and acts as of himself. His rational consists in the option or election whether he will purpose to receive good or evil, therefore whether he will rationally and in freedom be disposed to marital love or so disposed to scortatory love. If to the latter, he turns the occiput and back to the Lord; if to the former, he turns forehead and breast to the Lord. If a man turns to the Lord, his rationality and freedom are led by the Lord; but if he turns away from the Lord, his rationality and freedom are led by hell.

Conjugial Love #437 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

437. (12) That between these two spheres there is an equilibrium, and that man is in this. The equilibrium between them is a spiritual equilibrium for it is between good and evil; from this equilibrium man has free-will. In this, and by means of this, man thinks and wills, and thence speaks and Acts, as if from himself. His rational consists in the option and choice whether he will receive good, or will receive evil, and so whether he will rationally, from freedom dispose himself towards conjugial love, or will rationally, from freedom dispose himself towards scortatory love. If to this, he turns the hinder part of his head and his back to the Lord; if to the other, he turns the forehead and breast to the Lord. If he turns to the Lord, his rationality and liberty are led by Him; but if backwards from the Lord, his rationality and liberty are led by hell.

De Amore Conjugiali #437 (original Latin (1768))

437. XII: Quod inter binas illas Sphaeras aequilibrium sit, et quod homo in illo sit. Aequilibrium inter illas est aequilibrium spirituale, quia est inter bonum et malum; ex hoc aequilibrio est homini liberum arbitrium; in hoc et per hoc homo cogitat et vult, et inde loquitur et agit sicut ex se; Rationale ejus in optione et electione est num velit recipere bonum, sive velit recipere malum, proinde sive velit rationaliter ex libero se disponere ad amorem conjugialem, sive velit rationaliter ex libero se disponere ad amorem scortatorium; si ad hunc, vertit occipitium et tergum ad Dominum; si ad illum, vertit frontispicium et pectus ad Dominum; si ad Dominum, ducitur ejus rationalitas et libertas ab Ipso; si autem retro a Domino, ducitur ejus rationalitas et libertas ab inferno.

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