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《婚姻之爱》 第442节








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Conjugial Love #442 (Chadwick (1996))

442. (xvi) The joys of scortatory love are the pleasures of folly, but the joys of conjugial love are the delights of wisdom

The joys of scortatory love are the pleasures of folly, because it is only natural people who enjoy that love, and the natural man is foolish in spiritual matters, opposing them and therefore embracing only natural, sensual and bodily joys. We speak of natural, sensual and bodily joys, because the natural divides into three degrees. Those who are natural in the highest degree take a rational view of their follies, but are still carried away by their pleasures, like boats by the current of a river. Those who are natural in a lower degree see and judge only by the bodily senses, and dismiss rational arguments against appearances and fallacies, rejecting them as having no weight. Those who are natural in the lowest degree are those who, being devoid of judgment, are carried away by the enticing heats of their bodies. This last group are called the bodily natural, the second group the sensual natural, and the first group simply the natural. The scortatory love of these peoples, its follies and its pleasures, are distinguished by similar degrees.

Conjugial Love #442 (Rogers (1995))

442. 16. The delights of licentious love are pleasures of insanity, whereas the delights of conjugial love are delights of wisdom. The delights of licentious love are pleasures of insanity because only natural people are caught up in that love, and a natural person is insane in spiritual matters; for he stands in opposition to them, and that is why he embraces only natural, sensual and bodily delights.

We categorize them as natural, sensual and bodily delights, because the natural mind is distinguishable into three degrees. In the highest degree are natural people who, from a rational sight of them, see the insanities, and yet are carried away by their delights, like small boats in the current of a river. In the degree below that are natural people who see and judge only on the basis of the physical senses, spurning rational considerations contrary to their impressions and misconceptions and rejecting them as of no account. In the lowest degree are natural people who without considering are carried away by the beguiling fires of their body. The last are people whom we call the carnally natural; the ones before that, the sensually natural; and the first, merely natural.

Licentious love and its insanities and pleasures are, in these people, of like degrees.

Love in Marriage #442 (Gladish (1992))

442. 16. Illicit love's delights are foolish pleasures, and married love's delights are sensible joys. Illicit love's delights are foolish pleasures because only worldly people have that love, and a worldly person is foolish in spiritual matters. For he is against them, so he embraces only worldly, sensory, and bodily pleasures.

We say "worldly, sensory, and bodily pleasures" because worldly people fall into three separate levels. People who are worldly on the highest level are those who have a reasonable view of follies and still are carried away by their pleasure like skiffs by the current of a river. Those who see and judge only from bodily senses and disdain the rational arguments against appearances and deceits and reject them as worthless are worldly on a lower level. People who are worldly on the lowest level are those who are carried away by the enticing tides of their bodies, without judgment. These are the ones called the bodily worldly, the ones mentioned before them are called sensually worldly, but the first are called worldly. Illicit love, its insanities, and its pleasures have the same levels in them.

Conjugial Love #442 (Acton (1953))

442. XVI. THAT THE ENJOYMENTS OF SCORTATORY LOVE ARE THE PLEASURES OF INSANITY, BUT THE ENJOYMENTS OF CONJUGIAL LOVE ARE THE DELIGHTS OF WISDOM. That the enjoyments of scortatory love are the pleasures of insanity is because no others are in that love but natural men, and in spiritual things the natural man, being against them, is insane. Therefore he embraces only natural, sensual, and corporeal enjoyments. It is said that he embraces natural, sensual, and corporeal enjoyments because the natural is distinguished into three degrees. Natural men in the highest degree are those who from rational sight see the insanities and yet are carried away by the enjoyments thereof, as boats by the current of a stream. Natural men in a lower degree are those who see and judge only from the senses of the body, spurn things rational as being contrary to appearances and fallacies, and reject them as worthless trifles. Natural men in the lowest degree are those who, being without judgment, are carried away by the alluring heats of their body. The latter are called corporeal-natural, the former sensual-natural, and the first natural. With them are also the same degrees of scortatory love and of its insanities and pleasures.

Conjugial Love #442 (Wunsch (1937))

442. (xvi) The delights of scortatory love are pleasures of insanity, but the delights of marital love are delights of wisdom. The delights of scortatory love are pleasures of insanity because only natural men are in that love, and the natural man is insane in spiritual things, for he is against them, and therefore embraces only natural, sensuous and corporeal delights. We say "natural, sensuous and corporeal delights" because the natural is distinguishable into three degrees. Men natural in the highest degree are those who discern insanities from rational sight, but still are swept along by the delights of insanities as skiffs are by the current of a river. The natural in a lower degree are such as see and judge only by the bodily senses, and spurn and reject as trifles things rational which are contrary to appearances and fallacies. The natural in the lowest degree are those who are borne along without judgment by the alluring heats of the body. It is these last who are called corporeal natural, the former, sensuous natural, and the first, natural. Scortatory love and its insanities and pleasures in such men are of like degrees.

Conjugial Love #442 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

442. (16) That the delights (jucundidates) of scortatory love are pleasures of insanity; and that the delights (jucundidates) of conjugial love are the delights (delitiae) of wisdom. The delights of scortatory love are pleasures of insanity, because none others than natural men are in that love, and the natural man is insane in spiritual things; for he is against them, and therefore, embraces only natural, sensual, and corporeal delights. It is said the delights are natural, sensual, and corporeal, because the natural is distinguished into three degrees. The natural in the highest degree are those who from rational sight see the insanities, and yet are carried away by the delights of them, as boats by the current of a stream; in a lower degree are the natural who only see and judge by the senses of the body, and spurn and reject, as trifles, things rational that are contrary to appearances and fallacies; in the lowest degree are the natural who without judgment are carried away by the alluring heats of their body. It is these who are called corporeal-natural; the former sensual-natural; but the first, natural. Scortatory love with them, its insanities and pleasures, are of like degree.

De Amore Conjugiali #442 (original Latin (1768))

442. XVI. Quod jucunditates amoris scortatorii sint voluptates insaniae, at quod jucunditates amoris conjugialis sint delitiae sapientiae. Quod jucunditates amoris scortatorii sint voluptates insaniae, est quia non alii quam naturales homines 1in illo amore sunt, ac naturalis homo insanit in spiritualibus, est enim contra illa, ac ideo solum jucunditates naturales, sensuales, et corporeas amplectitur: dicitur quod jucunditates naturales, sensuales et corporeas, quia Naturale distinguitur in tres gradus; in supremo gradu naturales sunt illi, qui ex visu rationali vident insanias, et usque feruntur a jucundis illarum, sicut cymbae a vena fluvii; in inferiori gradu naturales sunt, qui solum vident et judicant ex sensibus corporis, ac rationalia contra apparentias et fallacias aspernantur, et sicut floccos rejiciunt; in infimo gradu naturales sunt, qui absque judicio feruntur ab illecebrosis aestibus sui corporis; hi sunt, qui vocantur naturales corporei, priores illi naturales sensuales, primi autem naturales. Amor scortatorius, ejus insaniae et voluptates, apud illos sunt similium graduum.


1. Prima editio: hominis

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