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《婚姻之爱》 第500节








































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Conjugial Love #500 (Chadwick (1996))

500. At this point I shall add this account of an experience.

I once heard a great hullabaloo in the world of spirits. There were some thousands gathered together shouting 'Punish them, punish them!' I went close and asked, 'What is going on here?' One who was standing apart from the huge crowd told me that they were furiously angry with three priests, who were going about everywhere preaching against adulterers, saying that adulterers did not acknowledge God, that heaven was closed to them and hell open; and that in hell they are filthy devils, because seen from a distance there they look like pigs wallowing in dung, and the angels of heaven loathe them.

'Where,' I asked, 'are these priests, and why is there all this shouting about it?' He replied that the three priests were in the middle of the crowd, protected by attendants. The crowd was composed of people who believe adultery not to be a sin, and say that adulterers acknowledge God just as do those who keep to their wives. They are all from the Christian world. They were visited by angels to see how many there were who believed adultery to be a sin, and out of a thousand they found less than a hundred.

[2] The remaining nine hundred, he told me, expressed the following views on adultery. 'Anyone knows that the pleasure of adultery is far superior to that of marriage. Adulterers are perpetually on heat and so more alert and busy, and lead a more active life than those who live with only one woman. On the other hand, love with a wife grows cool, sometimes to such an extent that eventually hardly a word of conversation 1or [an hour] in her company has any life in it. It is different with prostitutes; the deadening of life with a wife, due to a failure of potency, is revived and quickened by affairs. Is not something that revives and quickens more valuable than something that deadens? What is marriage but a lawful affair? Can anyone tell the difference? Surely love cannot be compelled - yet a man is compelled to love his wife by a marriage compact and the law. Love with a wife is surely sexual love, something so universal that it is shared by birds and animals. What is conjugial love but sexual love? And sexual love is unrestricted with every woman. The reason there are civil laws against adultery is that the legislators believed that this is in the public interest; yet the legislators and the judges themselves sometimes behave immorally, and say to one another, 'Let him who is without sin throw the first stone.' Only simple and pious people believe adultery to be a sin; intelligent people do not, for they, like us, use the poor light of nature to examine this subject.

[3] 'Does not adultery lead to the birth of children, just as marriage does? Are not illegitimate children as handy and as capable of performing duties and services as legitimate ones? Moreover this provides families, where otherwise there would be barrenness; is this not an advantage rather than a loss? What harm does it do a wife to have a number of rivals? And how does it harm a husband? The view that it is a disgrace to the husband is a frivolous one based on imagination. The reason why adultery is contrary to the laws and statutes of the church is that it gives the clergy power. But what have theology and spirituality to do with purely bodily and fleshly delights? Are there not priests and monks who behave like this? Surely they are not thereby prevented from acknowledging and worshipping God? So why are these three preaching that adulterers do not acknowledge God? We will not put up with such blasphemy. So let them be tried and punished.'

[4] After this I saw them summon judges, whom they requested to sentence them. But the judges said, 'This is no part of our duties, for it concerns the acknowledgment of God and sinning, and thus salvation and damnation. Judgment on these matters comes from heaven; but we will give you advice on how you can know whether these three priests were telling the truth. There are three places which we judges know, where such matters are especially put to the test and revealed. One is where everyone finds a road open to heaven; but when they reach heaven they can perceive for themselves what they are like as regards the acknowledgment of God. The second place is where they find another road open to heaven, but no one can take that road unless he has heaven within him. The third place is where there is a road to hell, and those who love what is hellish take that road of their own accord, because they find it pleasant. We judges send all who demand a judgment from us about heaven and hell to those places.'

[5] On hearing this the gathering declared, 'Let us go to those places.' When they went to the first, where all find a road open to heaven, it suddenly became pitch dark; so some of them lit torches and led the way with them. The judges accompanying them said, 'This happens to all who approach the first place, and as they come near their torches burn less brightly, and when they reach it the torches are put out by the light flowing in from heaven. This is a sign that they have arrived. It is because heaven is at first shut to them, and then later it is opened.'

So they reached this point, and when their torches had gone out of their own accord, they saw a slanting road leading up to heaven. Those who were furiously angry with the priests took this road. Those who were deliberate adulterers led the way, and they were followed by the confirmed adulterers. As they went up the first group shouted, 'Follow us!' and those behind them shouted 'Hurry up!' and urged them on.

[6] After a short while, when they were all inside the heavenly community, a gap appeared between them and the angels; and the light of heaven flowing from above the gap into their eyes opened up the inner levels of their minds, thus making them express what they thought inwardly. Then they were questioned by the angels whether they acknowledged the existence of God.

The first group, the adulterers by a deliberate act of the will, replied, 'What is God?,' and looking at one another they said, 'Which of you has seen Him?' The second group, the adulterers confirmed as such by the intellect, said, 'Is not everything a proof of nature? What stands above nature but the sun?' Then the angels said to them, 'Begone from us. Now you can perceive that you have no acknowledgment of God. When you go down the inner levels of your minds will be closed, and the outer ones opened; and then you will be able to speak contrary to your inner thoughts and say that God exists. Believe us, as soon as a person becomes an adulterer in fact, heaven is closed to him; and when it is closed, there is no acknowledgment of God. We can tell you the reason: adultery is the source of all the uncleanness of hell, and in heaven this stinks like the foul mud of the streets.'

On hearing this they turned about and came down by three ways. When they were down below, the first and second groups held a discussion and said, 'The priests won there. But we know that we can talk about God just as well as they can; and when we say that He exists, are we not acknowledging Him? The inner and outer levels of the mind the angels kept talking about are a fiction. But let us go off to the second place the judges pointed out, where there is a road open to heaven for those who have heaven within them, and so for those who are to come into heaven.'

[7] As they approached a voice came out from that heaven, 'Shut the gates! There are adulterers at hand.' The gates were suddenly shut, and guards with sticks in their hands drove them away. But they released from custody the three priests who had been jostled, and brought them into heaven. The moment the gate was opened to admit the priests, the joy of marriage blasted the rebels, and this, being chaste and pure, almost choked them.

So fearing they would faint through choking they made haste to the third place, from which the judges said the road led to hell. From there emanated the joy of adultery, and this so enlivened the deliberate and confirmed adulterers that they almost danced all the way down, and there they wallowed in filth like pigs.

Conjugial Love #500 (Rogers (1995))

500. To this I will append the following narrative account:

I once heard in the world of spirits a great tumult. Thousands of spirits had gathered and were crying out, "Punish them! Punish them!"

I drew nearer and asked, "What is going on?"

Leaving that great throng, one of them said to me that they were in a white-hot rage at three priests who were going about and everywhere preaching against adulterers, saying that adulterers lack any acknowledgment of God, and that heaven was closed to them and hell opened. Also that in hell they are unclean devils, because they appear at a distance there like pigs rolling around in piles of excrement, and that the angels in heaven abhor them.

I inquired where those priests were and why there was such an outcry on that account.

He replied that the three priests were in their midst, surrounded by bodyguards, and that the gathering consisted of people who believe that adulteries are not sins and who maintain that adulterers have an acknowledgment of God just as much as those who are faithful to their wives. "They are all from the Christian world," he said, "and when they were once visited by angels to see how many among them believed that adulteries were sins, not a hundred in a thousand were found who did."

Moreover he told me that the remaining nine hundred speak in regard to adulteries as follows:

[2] "Who does not know that the delight in adultery far surpasses the delight of marriage? That adulterers experience a perpetual state of heat and so possess a more vigorous, energetic and active life than those who live with just one woman? And that, conversely, love with one's married partner grows cold, and this sometimes to such a degree that at last scarcely a word of conversation and companionship with her has any vitality? It is different with loose women. The gradual deadening of life with a wife owing to a failure of ability is refreshed and invigorated by licentious affairs. Is not something that refreshes and invigorates better than something that deadens?

"What is marriage but legalized licentiousness? Who knows any difference between them? Can love be compelled? Yet love with a wife is compelled by covenant and laws. Is love with a partner not a sexual love? Yet this is so universal that it exists also in birds and animals. What is conjugial love but a love for the opposite sex? Yet love for the opposite sex is set free when enjoyed with every woman.

"There are civil laws against adultery because legislators have believed that it accorded with the public good, and yet the legislators themselves and judges sometimes commit adultery, and then say to each other, 'Let him that is without sin cast the first stone.' 1Only the simple and religious believe that adulteries are sins. Not so the intelligent, who, like us, view them in the light of nature.

[3] "Are children not born of adulteries in the same way as in marriages? Are illegitimate offspring not just as fit and serviceable for offices and ministries as legitimate ones? And besides, children are thus provided for families that would be otherwise childless. Is this not beneficial rather than harmful?

"What harm does it do a wife if she admits a number of rivals? And what harm does it do her husband? The idea that the husband is disgraced is a frivolous opinion springing from the imagination.

"The decree that adultery is contrary to the laws and statutes of the church comes from the ecclesiastical order in order to gain power. But what does theology and spirituality have to do with merely physical and fleshly delight? Are there not clergymen and monks who are adulterers? Are they unable on that account to acknowledge and worship God? Why then do these three priests preach that adulterers are without any acknowledgment of God? We will not tolerate such blasphemies. Therefore let them be judged and punished."

[4] After that I saw them summon judges, and they asked the judges to impose penalties on the priests.

But the judges said, "This does not fall within our province, for it has to do with acknowledgment of God and sin and thus with salvation and damnation. Judgment with respect to these has to come from heaven.

"However, we will advise you as to how you can ascertain whether these three priests have been preaching the truth. There are three places known to us judges where matters of this sort are explored and revealed in a singular manner. One is a place in which a path to heaven lies open to all, but where, when they arrive in heaven, they themselves perceive what their character is in respect to their acknowledgment of God. The second is a place where a path lies open to heaven also, but which no one can enter unless he has heaven in him. And the third is a place where there is a path leading to hell, which those who love hellish things enter of their own accord, because they are drawn by their delight.

"We judges send to those places all who demand judgment from us in cases dealing with heaven and hell."

[5] Upon hearing this, the people gathered said, "Let us go to those places."

So they went to the first, where a path to heaven lies open to all; and as they were going, suddenly they were enveloped in darkness, so that some of them lighted torches and held them before them.

The judges, who had accompanied them, said, "This happens to all who go to the first place, but as they draw near, the blaze of their torches becomes fainter, and on their reaching the place itself is extinguished, because of the light of heaven flowing in - a sign that they have arrived. The reason for this phenomenon is that heaven is first closed to them and then opened."

So they came to that place, and as the torches went out of themselves, they saw a sloping path leading upward to heaven. The people who were in a white-hot rage at the priests entered it. Among the first were those who were purposeful adulterers, behind them those who were deliberate adulterers. And as they ascended the first began to cry out, "Follow us," and those behind cried, "Hurry," so as to urge them on.

[6] A short time later, after they were all inside a heavenly society, a gulf appeared between them and the angels, and the light of heaven flowing over the gulf into their eyes opened the interior elements of their minds, so that they were compelled to speak as they inwardly thought. Whereupon the angels then inquired of them whether they acknowledged the existence of God.

The first group, those who were adulterers from a purpose of the will, replied, "What is God?" And looking at each other they said, "Have any of you seen Him?"

The second group, those who were adulterers from a persuasion of the intellect, said, "Is not everything attributable to nature? What exists above it but the sun?"

At that the angels then said to them, "Depart from us. You yourselves now see that you lack any acknowledgment of God. When you descend, the interior elements of your minds will be closed and the outer ones opened, and after that you can speak contrary to your inner thoughts and say that God exists. Be certain of this, that as soon as a person becomes an actual adulterer, heaven is closed to him, and when it is closed, he does not acknowledge God. Hear the reason: From adulteries springs all the uncleanness of hell, and this stinks in heaven like the putrid filth of the streets 2."

Hearing this, the people turned and descended by three paths. And when they were below, the first and second groups conferred with each other and said, "The priests won there; but we know that we can speak of God just as well as they, and when we say that He exists, do we not acknowledge Him? These inner and outer elements of our minds that the angels told us about are fictions.

"But let us go to the second place described by the judges, where a path lies open to heaven for those who have heaven in them, thus for those who are destined for heaven."

[7] So they went, and as they approached, from that heaven went out the cry, "Close the gates! There are adulterers in the vicinity!"

Suddenly then the gates were closed, and guards with staffs in their hands drove them away. And they took from them the three priests in their keeping, against whom they had raised such a tumult, and conducted them into their heaven. The moment the gate was opened for the priests, moreover, immediately there wafted over the insurgents the delight of marriage, which because of its chastity and purity almost suffocated them.

For fear of fainting from loss of breath, therefore, they hastened to the third place that the judges had told them of, where they had said there was a path leading to hell; and wafting out from there then was the delight of adultery, which so revived those who were purposeful and deliberate adulterers that they almost danced as they descended; and on descending they immersed themselves like pigs there in unclean dirt and filth.


1. Quoting John 8:7.

2. Which in Swedenborg's day included garbage thrown out of windows and the droppings of horses.

Love in Marriage #500 (Gladish (1992))

500. I add the following story to these remarks.

Once in the world of spirits I heard a big uproar. Thousands were gathered together shouting, "They ought to be punished!

They ought to be punished!"

I went closer and asked, "What's this?"

Someone separate from the huge crowd said to me, "They're in a burning rage against three ministers going around denouncing adulterers everywhere, saying that adulterers have no knowledge of God and that to them heaven is closed and hell open. And that in hell adulterers are filthy devils, because from a distance there they look like pigs rolling in manure. And the angels of heaven detest them."

"Where are those ministers," I asked, "and why such an outcry over that?"

He answered, "The three ministers are among them, guarded by bodyguards, and it's a crowd who think adulteries aren't sins and say that adulterers acknowledge God as much as those who stick with their wives. They're all from the Christian world, and some angels visited to see how many there believed adulteries are sins. They didn't find a hundred in a thousand.

"And," he told me, "here's what the other nine hundred say about adulteries. 'Who doesn't know that the joy of adultery overtops the joy of marriage? That adulterers are always hot, so they have a more lively, industrious, and active life than those who live with only one woman? And that love with a married partner cools, on the other hand, sometimes to the point where at last hardly one word of speech and companionship survives? It's different with prostitutes. The deadliness of life with a wife, coming from lack of potency, is remade and brought back to life by illicit sex. Isn't something that remakes and revives worth more than something that deadens? What's marriage but licensed sexual love?

Who knows the difference? Can love be forced? And yet love with a wife is forced by the vows and laws. Isn't love with a spouse sexual love? And so common that the birds and animals have it? What's married love but sexual love? And sexual love is free with every woman.

"'The civil laws are against adulteries because the lawmakers thought it would be for the public good, and yet the lawmakers themselves, and the judges, sometimes commit adultery and say to each other, "He who is without sin can cast the first stone."

Only simpleminded and religious people think adulteries are sins, not intelligent people who, like us, look at them in natural light.

Aren't children born of adulteries the same as children of marriages?

Aren't illegitimates just as fit and useful for duty and employment as legitimates? Besides, it provides families for people who are otherwise without children. Isn't this a benefit and not an injury? What does it hurt a wife to accept several suitors? And what does it hurt the man? It's a worthless and imaginary opinion that this shames a man. That adultery is against the laws and statutes of the church is due to the ecclesiastical order, on account of power. But what do theological and spiritual things have to do with a purely physical and fleshly pleasure? There are priests and monks like that, aren't there? Does it keep them from accepting and worshiping God?

"'50 why do those three preach that adulterers don't accept God? We won't allow such blasphemies. They'll have to be judged and punished.'"

Then I saw them call judges. They asked them to sentence the three to punishment.

But the judges said, "That is not a job for us, since it has to do with accepting God and with sin, so it's a matter of salvation and damnation. These things are judged from heaven. But we'll advise you how you can find out if the three ministers have preached true things. We judges know of three places where things like this are investigated and disclosed in a remarkable way. In one place a road to heaven is visible to everyone, but when they enter heaven they find out what they themselves are like as far as accepting God goes. There's a second place where a road to heaven is also visible, but no one can get on the road except those who have heaven in themselves. And there's a third place where there's a road to hell, and people who love hellish things get on that road willingly because it makes them happy. We judges send to those places everyone that wants us to pass judgment about heaven and hell."

When they heard this the crowd said, "Let's go to those places."

On the way to the first place, where a road to heaven is visible to everyone, it suddenly became dark. So some of them lit torches and carried them in front. The judges with them said, "This happens to everyone on the way to the first place, but the flames of the little torches get dimmer as they come close, and at the place they go out, due to the light of heaven falling on it. This is a sign that they're there. The reason is that heaven is closed to them at first and opened later."

They arrived at the place, and when the torches went out by themselves, they saw a road stretching up into the sky at an angle.

The ones who were in a burning rage against the ministers got on the road - the ones who were purposeful adulterers among the first, and after them the confirmed adulterers. On the way up, the ones in front shouted, "Come on!" and the ones following shouted, "Hurry up!" and pushed forward.

In a little while, when they were all inside a community of heaven, a chasm appeared between them and the angels, and the light of heaven, above the chasm, exposed the inner reaches of their minds by flowing into their eyes, so they had to say exactly what they were thinking inside. And then angels questioned them, whether they acknowledged that God exists.

The first, who were adulterers by willful purpose, answered, "What is God?" They looked around at each other and said, "Has any of you seen Him?"

The second group, who were intellectually confirmed adulterers, said, "Everything is part of nature, isn't it? What's above nature, besides the sun?"

And the angels said to them, "Get away from us. Now you yourselves can tell that you have no acknowledgement of God.

When you go back down, the inner parts of your minds will close, and the outer parts will open, and then you'll be able to speak against the things inside and say that God exists. Believe it - as soon as a person becomes an actual adulterer heaven is closed to him. When heaven is closed, God is not acknowledged.

Listen to the reason why. All the filth of hell comes from adulteries, and in heaven this stinks like putrid filth in the streets."

When they heard this they turned and went down along three roads. And when they were down below, the first and second groups, talking among themselves, said, "The ministers got the better of us there, but we know we can talk about God as well as they can. And when we say that He exists, don't we acknowledge Him? The inner and outer parts of your mind that the angels told about are something they dreamed up. But let's go to the second place the judges described, where a road to heaven is open to those who have heaven in them - which is those who are about to go to heaven."

When they came near there a voice went out from heaven, "Shut the gates! There are adulterers around here!" The gates were closed at once, and guards with nightsticks in their hands drove them away.

The bodyguards released from custody the three ministers that the disturbance was against, and they brought them into heaven. And as soon as the gates were opened for the ministers the joy of marriage breathed out of heaven on the rebels - which almost took their breath away, because it was chaste and pure.

So, for fear of passing out from suffocation, they hurried to the third place, where the judges said the road to hell started. And then the joy of adultery breathed from it, which revived the purposeful adulterers and the confirmed adulterers so much that they went down fairly dancing and plunged into the filth there like pigs.

Conjugial Love #500 (Acton (1953))

500. To the above I will add the following Memorable Relation:

Once, in the world of spirits, I heard a great tumult. It was from thousands of men gathered together and crying out, "Punish them! Punish them!" Going nearer, I asked, "What is the matter?" and one who stood apart from that great gathering told me they were in the burning heat of anger against three priests who were going around everywhere and preaching against adulterers, saying, that adulterers have no acknowledgment of God; that heaven is closed to them and hell opened; that in hell they are unclean devils because at a distance they appear like swine wallowing in dung; and that the angels of heaven abominate them.

To my question, "Where are those priests? and why such shouting on that account?" he replied: "Those three priests are in their midst guarded by attendants; and the gathering consists of men who believe adulteries are not sins, and declare that adulterers have an acknowledgment of God equally as do those who cleave to their wives. They are all from the Christian world, and a visitation has been made by angels to see how many there were who believed adulteries to be sins, and out of a thousand, there were not found a hundred."

[2] He further told me: "The nine hundred speak about adulteries in this way: "Who does not know that the delight of adultery is pre-eminent above the delight of marriage? that adulterers are in perpetual heat and thence in alacrity, industry, and an active life above those who live with one woman only? and on the other hand, that with a married partner, love grows cold, and sometimes so cold that at last there is scarcely a single word of speech with her or [any sort] of companionship that is living? Not so with harlots. By whoredoms the deadness of life with a wife arising from a lack of potency is restored and vivified. Is not that which restores and vivifies of more value than that which deadens? What is marriage but legalized whoredom? who knows of any distinction? Can love be forced? Yet love with a wife is forced by covenant and the laws. Is not love with a married partner love of the sex? and so universal is this love that it exists even with birds and beasts. What is conjugial love but love of the sex? and love of the sex is free when [indulged in] with any woman whatsoever. The civil laws are against adulteries because those who laid down the law thought it was for the public good; yet sometimes they themselves as well as the judges commit adultery and say among themselves, He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone. Only the simple and the religious believe adulteries to be sins. Not so the intelligent. They, like us, view them from the lumen of nature.

[3] Are not offspring born from adulteries equally as from marriages? Are not bastards just as fit and useful for offices and employments as legitimate children? Moreover, in this way provision is made for families otherwise unfruitful. Is not this a benefit and not an injury? What harm is it to a wife if she admits several rivals? and what harm to her man? As to its being a dishonor to the man, that is a frivolous notion from fantasy; and as to adultery being contrary to the laws and statutes of the Church, this comes from the ecclesiastical order, for the sake of power. But what has the theological and spiritual to do with a delight that is merely corporeal and carnal? Are there not elders and monks who are adulterers? Are they therefore unable to acknowledge and worship God? Why then do these three men preach that adulterers have no acknowledgment of God? We cannot tolerate such blasphemies. Let them therefore be judged and punished.""

[4] After this I saw that they called judges and asked them to sentence the priests to punishment. But the judges said: "This matter does not belong to our province for it concerns the acknowledgment of God and sin and thus salvation and damnation. Judgment concerning these must come from heaven. We will, however, give you counsel as to how you can learn whether these three priests have been preaching truths. There are three places of which we judges know, where such matters are investigated and laid open in a singular manner. ONE is a place where a way to heaven is open to all men; but when they come into heaven, they themselves perceive what their nature is in respect to the acknowledgment of God. The SECOND is a place where also a way opens to heaven, but none can enter that way save he who has heaven within him. The THIRD is a place where a way is open to hell, and those who love infernal things enter upon that way of their own accord, because from delight. We judges remand to those places all who demand of us judgement respecting heaven and hell."

[5] Hearing this, the assembled men said, "Let us go to those places." And as they were going to the first place, where a way into heaven is open to all, it suddenly became dark. Therefore some of them lighted torches and with these they led the way. The accompanying judges told them: "This happens to all who go to the first place; but as they draw near, the fire of the torches grows dim and, in the place itself, it is extinguished by reason of the inflowing light of heaven. This is a sign that they are there. The reason is because heaven is first closed to them and afterwards opened."

Arrived at the place, and the torches having gone out of themselves, they saw a way tending obliquely upwards into heaven, and those who were in the burning heat of anger against the priests entered upon it. The first among them were those who were adulterers from purpose, after whom came those who were adulterers from confirmation. While they were ascending, those in front cried out, "Follow us"' and the followers cried, "Make haste;" and they pressed on.

[6] After a short time, when all were within the heavenly society, then, between them and the angels was seen a gulf. Over the gulf was the light of heaven, and this light, flowing into their eyes, opened the interior regions of their mind from which they were constrained to speak as they were inwardly thinking. They were then questioned by the angels as to whether they acknowledged that there is a God.

The first, who were adulterers from purpose of the will, answered, "What is God?" And they looked at each other and said, "Who among you has seen Him?" The second, who were adulterers from confirmation by the understanding, said, "Are not all things from nature? what is there above her but the sun?"

The angels then said to them: "Depart from us. Now you yourselves perceive that you have no acknowledgment of God. When you descend, the interiors of your mind will be closed and the exteriors opened, and then you can speak contrary to your interiors and say that there is a God. Be sure of this, that as soon as a man becomes an adulterer actually, heaven is closed to him, and when this is closed, God is not acknowledged. Listen to the reason: From adulteries comes all the uncleanness of hell, and this stinks in heaven like the stinking mire of the streets."

Hearing this, they turned around and descended by three ways. When they were below, the first and second groups conversing. among themselves said: "In that place the priests conquered; but we know that we can speak of God just as well as they can, and when we say that He is, do we not acknowledge Him? The interiors and exteriors of the mind of which the angels spoke are inventions. But let us go to the second place designated by the judges, where a way to heaven lies open to those who have heaven within them, that is, to those who are to go to heaven."

[7] When they drew near that heaven, a voice went forth therefrom, "Shut the gates; there are adulterers in the neighborhood." And suddenly the gates were closed and guards with staves in their hands drove them away, and releasing from custody the three priests against whom the tumult had been raised, they introduced them into heaven. Moreover, no sooner were the gates opened for the priests, when out of heaven there breathed upon the rebels the delight of marriage, and being chaste and pure, it almost took away their breath. Therefore, for fear of fainting from suffocation, they hurried away to the third place of which the judges had said that there was a way from there to hell. From that place there then breathed forth the delight of adultery, and those who were adulterers from purpose, and those who were such from confirmation, were so vivified thereby that they went down as though dancing and, like swine, immersed themselves in the unclean things there.

Conjugial Love #500 (Wunsch (1937))

500. To this I shall add the following Memorabilia:

I heard a great tumult once in the world of spirits. Thousands had gathered and were shouting. "Punish them! Punish them!"

I went nearer and asked, "What is the matter?"

A man who had stepped out of the crowd told me that they were in a white rage against three priests who were travelling about, preaching against adulterers and saying that there is no acknowledgment of God with adulterers, that heaven is closed and hell is opened to them, that in hell they are unclean devils, appearing at a distance like swine wallowing in ordure; and that the angels of heaven abominate them.

"Where are the priests?" I asked. "And why is there such an outcry on that account?"

"The three priests," he replied, "are in the midst of them under guard. It is an assemblage of those who believe adulteries are not sins, and who assert that the acknowledgment of God is to be found with adulterers as it is with those who are faithful to their wives. They all come from the Christian world. The angels made a visitation to see how many among these believed adulteries to be sins and found less than a hundred in a thousand who did."

[2] He proceeded to tell me that the nine hundred speak as follows about adulteries:

"Who does not know that the delight of adultery far excels the delight of marriage? That adulterers are in perpetual heat, and thence are more alert, industrious, and active in life than those who live with only one woman? On the other hand, that love with a married partner grows cold, sometimes to such a degree that at length scarcely a word of converse and companionship with her has any life? Not so with harlots: the life deadened with a wife for lack of potency is restored and quickened by whoredom. Is not what restores and vivifies of more worth than what deadens? What is marriage but legalized whoredom? Who knows any distinction? Can love be forced? And yet love with a wife is forced by the covenant and the laws. Is not a partner's love, sexual love? So universal is this love, it exists even among birds and beasts. What is marital love but love for the sex? And sexual love is possible toward every woman. There are civil laws against adultery because the proponents of our laws have believed that this would be for the public good; and yet these very proponents and judges sometimes commit adultery, and tell each other, 'He that is without sin let him first cast a stone. 1Only the simple and religious believe that adulteries are sins; not so the intelligent who, like us, view them in the light of nature.

[3] Are not offspring born from adulteries as well as from marriages? Are not those of illegitimate birth just as fit and useful in offices and employments as the legitimate? And besides, families, otherwise unfruitful, are provided for. Is this not a benefit, and no injury? How does it harm a wife if she admits several rivals? Or the man? It is a frivolous notion from fancy that the man is dishonored. That adultery is contrary to the laws and statutes of the Church is given out by the ecclesiastical order for the sake of power. But what has the theological and spiritual to do with a merely corporeal and carnal delight? Are there not clerics and monks who are adulterers? Can they not for all that acknowledge and worship God? Why then do these three preach that there is no acknowledgment of God with adulterers? We will not tolerate such blasphemies. Let them therefore be judged and punished."

[4] I then saw them call judges whom they asked to impose penalties on the priests. But the judges said:

"This does not pertain to our office; it concerns the acknowledgment of God and sin, and thus salvation and damnation. Judgment about these must come from heaven. But we will advise you how you may know whether these three priests have been preaching the truth. There are three places of which we judges know, where such things are discovered and revealed, in each place differently. One is where a way to heaven stands open to all; but on entering heaven adulterers themselves perceive what their quality is with respect to acknowledgment of God. The second place is where again a way stands open into heaven; but no one can enter the way unless he has heaven in him. The third place is where there is a way to hell; those who love infernal things enter that way of their own accord, doing so from delight. To these places we judges send all who demand of us judgment respecting heaven and hell."

[5] Hearing this, those assembled said: "Let us visit those three places."

As they were proceeding to the first, where a way into heaven stands open to all, darkness suddenly fell. Some of them lighted torches and held them in front of them.

The judges with them remarked, "All do that as they go to the first place! As they draw near, however, the light of the torches grows fainter, and at the place is extinguished by the inflowing light of heaven - a sign that they are there. This is because heaven is closed to them at first, and then opened."

They came to the place, and as the torches went out, saw a way tending obliquely upward into heaven. Those hot with anger against the priests entered it, among the first those who were adulterers from purpose, after them those who were adulterers by confirmation. As they ascended, those ahead cried out, "Come on," and those behind cried, "Hurry;" and all pushed forward.

[6] After a time they were all within the heavenly society. A chasm appeared between them and the angels, and the light of heaven, sweeping across the chasm into their eyes, opened the interiors of their minds, constraining them to speak as they inwardly thought. Thereupon they were asked by the angels whether they acknowledged that there is a God.

The first, who were adulterers from purpose of the will, answered, "What is God?" They gazed about and asked: "Who of you has seen Him?"

The second, who were adulterers from confirmation by the understanding, said: "Are not all things of nature? What is there above nature but the sun?"

Then the angel said to them: "Depart from us. You yourselves perceive now that you have no acknowledgment of God. When you descend, the interiors of your mind will be closed and its exteriors opened, and then you can speak contrary to the interiors and say that there is a God. Be assured that as soon as a man becomes an adulterer in fact, heaven is closed to him, and when heaven is closed, God is not acknowledged. Hear the reason! From adulteries all the uncleanness of hell comes, and it stinks in heaven like the rotting mire of the streets."

Hearing this, they turned and descended by three ways. Once below, the first and second, talking together, said, "The priests have conquered there. But we know that we as well as they can speak of God. Do we not also acknowledge Him when we say that He exists? These interiors and exteriors of the mind, of which the angels spoke, are inventions. But let us go to the second place named by the judges, where a way is open into heaven for those who have heaven in them, that is, for those who are going to heaven."

[7] As they approached, a voice called out from that heaven, "Shut the gates! There are adulterers near!"

Forthwith the gates were closed, and guards with staves in their hands drove the crowd away. And the guards released from custody the three priests against whom the outcry had been made, and led them into heaven. The moment the gate was opened for the priests, the delight of marriage breathed out of heaven upon the rebels, and being chaste and pure almost deprived them of breath. For fear of fainting from suffocation they hurried away to the third place from which the judges had said there was a way leading to hell. Thence there breathed forth the delight of adultery. Those who were adulterers of purpose and those who were adulterers by confirmation were so enlivened thereby that they seemed to descend dancing, and immersed themselves there like swine in unclean things.


1. John 8:7

Conjugial Love #500 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

500. To this I will add the following Relation:

Once in the world of spirits I heard a great tumult. Thousands were congregated, and were crying out, 'Punish them! Punish them!' I went nearer, and asked 'What is the matter?'

One who had separated from the great assemblage told me they were in angry wrath against three priests who were wandering about and preaching everywhere against adulterers, saying that with adulterers there is no acknowledgment of God, and that heaven is closed and hell opened to them, and that in hell they are unclean devils, because a long way off they appear like swine wallowing in excrements; and that the angels of heaven abhor them. I asked, 'Where are those priests? And why is there such an outcry on account of it?'

He replied, 'The three priests are in the midst of them guarded by attendants; and the assemblage is of those who believe adulteries are not sins, and who declare that there is an acknowledgment of God among adulterers, equally as with those who keep to their wives. They are all from the Christian world. And a visitation was made by angels to see how many there were who believed adulteries to be sins, and there were not found a hundred out of a thousand.'

And he told me that these nine hundred speak in this way about adulteries:

'Who does not know that the delight of adultery is pre-eminent above the delight of marriage? That adulterers are in perpetual heat, and thence in alertness, in industry, and an active life more than those who live with only one woman? On the other hand, that love with a married partner grows cold, and sometimes to such a degree that at length scarcely a word of converse and companionship with her is alive? Not so with harlots. That the deadening of life with a wife arising from lack of potency is restored and revived by scortations? Is not that which restores and revives more excellent than that which deadens? What is marriage but licensed scortation? Who knows the distinction? Can love be forced?

And yet love with a wife is forced, by the covenant, and by the laws. Is not love with a wife the love of the sex? And so universal is this love that it exists even among birds and beasts. What is conjugial love but the love of the sex? And the love of the sex is free with every woman. The reason why the civil laws are against adultery is, that the proposers of the laws have believed it would be for the public good; and yet the proposers themselves and sometimes the judges commit adultery, and say among themselves, 'He that is without sin let him cast the first stone.' Only the simple and the religious believe adulteries to be sins; not so the intelligent who, like us, view them from the light of nature. Are not offspring born from adulteries as well as from marriages? Are not those of illegitimate birth just as fit and useful for employments and ministries as the legitimate? And besides, families are provided for the otherwise unfruitful. Is not this a benefit and not an injury? What harm to a wife if she admits several rivals? And what harm to a man? That it is a dishonor to a man is a frivolous notion from fancy. That adultery is contrary to the laws and statutes of the church is from the ecclesiastical order, for the sake of power. But what has the theological and spiritual to do with a merely corporeal and carnal delight? Are there not such presbyters and monks? And can they not for all that acknowledge and worship God? Why then do these three preach that with adulterers there is no acknowledgment of God? We do not tolerate such blasphemies. Let them therefore, be judged and punished.'

Then I saw that they called judges, whom they asked to sentence them to punishment. But the judges said:

'That is not within our province, for it concerns the acknowledgment of God and sin, and thus salvation and damnation. Judgment concerning these must be from heaven. But we will give you counsel how you may know whether those three priests have been preaching things that are true. There are three places which we judges know of, where such matters are investigated and revealed in a singular manner. One is where a way stands open for all to heaven; but when they enter heaven they themselves perceive what is their quality with respect to the acknowledgement of God. The second place is where also a way stands plainly open into heaven; but none can enter the way but those who have heaven within them.

The third place is where there is a way to hell; and that way they that love infernal things enter spontaneously, because from delight. We judges send to those places all who demand judgment of us respecting heaven and hell.'

Hearing this the assemblage said: 'Let us go to those places.'

And as they were going to the first place, where a way is open to all into heaven, there suddenly arose thick darkness wherefore some lighted torches and carried these before them.

The judges with them said, 'This befalls all who go to the first place, but as they draw near, the fire of the torches grows more dim and is extinguished in that place by the light of heaven flowing in, which is a sign that they are there. This is because heaven is first closed and afterwards is opened to them.'

And they came to that place, and the torches having gone out, of themselves, they saw a way tending obliquely upwards into heaven. Those who were in angry wrath against the priests entered it. Among the first were those who were adulterers from purpose; after them those who were adulterers from confirmation. And as they were ascending the first cried out 'Come on,' and they that followed cried 'Make haste;' and they pressed forward.

After a short hour, when all were within the heavenly society, there appeared a cleft between them and the angels, and the light of heaven flowing in into their eyes over the cleft opened the interiors of their minds, from which they were constrained to speak as they inwardly thought. And then they were questioned by the angels whether they acknowledged that there is a God.

The first, who were adulterers from purpose of the will, answered, 'What is God?'

And they looked at each other and said: 'Who among you has seen Him?'

The second, who were adulterers from confirmation of the understanding, said: 'Are not all things of nature? What is there above her but the sun?'

And then the angel said to them: 'Depart from us. Now you yourselves perceive that you have no acknowledgment of God. When you descend, the interiors of your mind will be closed and its exteriors opened, and then you can speak contrary to the interiors, and say that there is a God. Believe, that as soon as a man actually becomes an adulterer, heaven is closed to him, which being closed God is not acknowledged. Listen to the reason: From adulteries comes all the uncleanness of hell, and it stinks in heaven like the rotting mire of streets.'

Hearing this they turned and descended by three ways. And when they were below, the first and second conversing among themselves said, 'The priests have conquered there. But we know that we as well as 'they can speak of God, and when we say that He is, do we not acknowledge Him? The interiors and exteriors of the mind which the angels told of are inventions. But let us go to the second place designated by the judges, where a way to heaven is opened to those that have heaven within them, that is to those who are about to go to heaven.'

And when they drew near there went forth a voice out of that heaven, 'Shut the gates! There are adulterers in the neighborhood.'

And instantly the gates were closed, and guards with staffs in their hands drove them away. And the guards released from custody the three priests against whom they had raised the outcry, and led them into heaven. And the moment the gate was opened for the priests the delight of marriage breathed forth out of heaven upon the rebels, which because it was chaste and pure almost took their breath away. And, therefore, for fear of fainting from suffocation they hurried away to the third place which the judges told them of, from whence there was a way to hell. And then there breathed forth from thence the delight of adultery, by which those who were adulterers from purpose and those who were adulterers from confirmation were so revived that they went down, dancing as it were, and plunged like swine into the unclean things there.

De Amore Conjugiali #500 (original Latin (1768))

500. His adjiciam hoc Memorabile. Quondam in Mundo Spirituum audivi magnum tumultum; erant Chiliades congregati, qui clamabant, puniantur, puniantur: accessi propius, et quaesivi, "quid hoc;" dixit mihi unus e magna illa Congregatione separatus, quod in excandescentia irae sint contra tres Sacerdotes, qui circumvagantur, et ubivis praedicant contra adulteros, dicendo, quod Adulteris non sit agnitio Dei, et quod illis Coelum occlusum sit, ac Infernum apertum; et quod in Inferno sint diaboli immundi, quia e longinquo apparent ibi sicut porci volutantes se in stercoribus, et quod Angeli Coeli illos abominentur. Quaesivi ubinam illi Sacerdotes, et cur propterea talis vociferatio; respondit, quod tres illi Sacerdotes sint in medio illorum a satellitibus custoditi, et quod congregati sint ex illis, qui credunt adulteria non esse peccata, et qui dicunt quod adulteris aeque sit agnitio Dei, sicut illis qui suis uxoribus adhaerent; "sunt omnes illi ex Christiano Orbe; et visitatum est ab angelis, quot ibi essent qui credunt adulteria esse peccata, et ex Mille non inventi sunt Centum;" et dixit mihi quod Nongenti illi de adulteriis loquantur ita;

[2] "Quis non novit, quod jucundum adulterii 1sit supereminens prae jucundo conjugii; quod adulteri in perpetuo calore sint, et inde in alacritate, industria et activa vita prae illis, qui cum una sola foemina vivunt; et quod vicissim amor cum conjuge frigescat, et quandoque in tantum, ut tandem vix una vox loquelae et consortii cum illa vivat; aliter cum scortis; quod mortificatio vitae cum uxore, oriunda ex defectu potentiae, reficiatur et vivificetur per scortationes; numne id quod reficit et vivificat, pluris est quam quod mortificat: quid conjugium nisi quam scortatio licita; quis novit discrimen; num amor potest cogi, et tamen amor cum uxore cogitur per foedus et leges; estne amor cum conjuge amor sexus, et hic tam universalis est, ut sit etiam apud aves et bestias; 2quid amor conjugialis nisi quam amor sexus, et amor sexus est liber cum omni foemina: quod leges civiles sint contra adulteria, est quia latores legum crediderunt, quod id esset cum bono publico, et tamen ipsi latores et judices quandoque moechantur, et inter se dicunt, 'ille qui absque peccato est, mittat primum lapidem;' quod solum simplices et religiosi credant adulteria esse peccata, non ita intelligentes, qui sicut nos intuentur illa ex lumine naturae:

[3] numne ex adulteriis aeque nascuntur proles, ut ex conjugiis; numne spurii aeque habiles et utiles sunt ad officia et ministeria, quemadmodum legitimi; ac insuper prospiciuntur familiae alioquin steriles; estne hoc emolumentum et non damnum: quid nocet uxori si admittat plures rivales; et quid nocet viro; quod dedecus viro sit, est opinio frivola ex phantasia: quod adulterium sit contra Ecclesiae leges et statuta est ex Ordine Ecclesiastico propter potestatem, sed quid Theologicum et Spirituale cum delitio mere corporeo et carnali; danturne presbyteri et monachi tales; num illi propterea non possunt agnoscere et colere Deum; cur itaque tres illi praedicant, quod adulteris non sit agnitio Dei; tales blasphemias non toleramus, quare judicentur et puniantur."

[4] Posthaec vidi, quod vocarent Judices, quos rogaverunt, ut poenas illis irrogarent; sed Judices dicebant, "hoc nostri muneris non est, nam agitur de Agnitione Dei, et de Peccato, et sic de salvatione et damnatione; de his judicabitur e Coelo: sed consilium dabimus, quomodo scire potestis, num tres illi Sacerdotes praedicaverint veritates; sunt tria Loca, quae nos Judices novimus, ubi talia singulari modo explorantur et revelantur; Unus est, ubi omnibus patet via in Coelum, sed dum in Coelum veniunt, percipiunt ipsi quales sunt quoad Agnitionem Dei: Secundus locus est, ubi etiam patet via in Coelum, sed viam illam intrare nemo potest, nisi qui Coelum in se habet: et Tertius locus est, ubi via est ad Infernum, et viam illam intrant ex spontaneo, quia ex jucundo, qui infernalia amant: nos Judices ad illa Loca amandamus omnes, qui de Coelo et Inferno judicium a nobis postulant."

[5] His auditis dixerunt congregati, "eamus ad illa Loca;" et cum iverunt ad Primum, ubi omnibus patet via in Coelum, subito facta est caligo, quare aliqui ex illis accendebant faces et praetulerunt; judices cum illis dicebant, "hoc fit omnibus qui ad Primum locum vadunt, at sicut appropinquant, ignis facularum fit hebetior, et in illo loco ex luce coeli influente exstinguitur, quod signum est quod ibi sint; causa est, quia primum occluditur illis Coelum, et postea aperitur:" et venerunt in locum illum, et exstinctis faculis a seipsis, videbant viam tendentem oblique sursum in Coelum; illam intrabant illi qui in excandescentia irae contra Sacerdotes erant; inter primos illi qui Adulteri ex proposito erant, post illos qui Adulteri ex confirmato erant; et in ascendendo primi clamabant, "sequimini," et sequentes clamabant, "festinate," et urgebant:

[6] post horulam, cum omnes intus in coelesti Societate erant, apparuit hiatus inter illos et inter Angelos, et Lux Coeli super hiatum influens in oculos aperiebat interiora mentis illorum, ex quo tenebantur loqui sicut interius cogitabant; et tunc sciscitabantur ab Angelis, num agnoscant quod Deus sit; responderunt Primi, qui ex proposito voluntatis erant adulteri, "Quid Deus," et aspexerunt se mutuo, et dixerunt, "quis vestrum vidit Illum:" Secundi, qui ex confirmatione intellectus erant adulteri, dixerunt, "suntne Naturae omnia; quid supra illam nisi Sol:" et tunc Angeli dixerunt illis, "discedite a nobis; nunc ipsi percipitis quod vobis non sit agnitio Dei; quando descenditis, claudentur 3interiora mentis vestrae, et aperientur exteriora ejus, et tunc potestis loqui contra interiora, et dicere quod Deus sit; credite, quod ut primum homo actualiter fit adulter, occludatur illi Coelum, quo occluso Deus non agnoscitur; audite causam; ex adulteriis est omne immundum inferni, et hoc putet in Coelo sicut putre coenum platearum." His auditis, converterunt se, et descenderunt per tres vias; et cum infra erant, Primi et Secundi inter se colloquuti dicebant, "vicerunt ibi Sacerdotes, sed scimus quod nos aeque ac illi possimus loqui de Deo, et cum loquimur quod sit, annon agnoscimus Illum; Interiora et Exteriora mentis, de quibus Angeli narrabant, sunt inventa. Sed ad secundum Locum a Judicibus designatum, ubi via patet in Coelum illis, qui Coelum in se habent, ita illis qui in Coelum venturi sunt, abeamus;"

[7] et cum accesserunt, exivit vox e Coelo illo, "claudite portas, Adulteri in propinquo sunt;" et subito clausae sunt portae, et custodes cum baculis in manibus abegerunt illos; et tres Sacerdotes, contra quos tumultuati sunt, exemerunt custodia, et in Coelum introduxerunt: et illico, cum Porta pro Sacerdotibus aperta erat, e Coelo afflabat rebelles jucundum conjugii, quod quia castum et purum erat, paene exanimabat illos, quare ex timore deliquii a suffocatione properabant ad Tertium locum, de quo Judices dixerunt, quod inde via ad Infernum esset, et tunc inde efflabat jucundum adulterii, ex quo ita vivificati sunt illi, qui ex proposito et qui ex confirmato erant adulteri, ut quasi saltando descenderent, et se sicut porci ibi immergerent immundis.


1. Prima editio: adul erii

2. Prima editio: bestias (absque puncto)

3. Prima editio: claudenrur

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