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《婚姻之爱》 第502节










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Conjugial Love #502 (Chadwick (1996))

502. (i) The state of a virgin or untouched woman before marriage and after marriage.

What the state of a virgin is before she has been taught the facts about getting married was made plain to me by wives in the spiritual world, who had departed from the natural world as children and been brought up in heaven. They said that on reaching marriageable condition they began through watching married couples to love married life, but only in order to be called wives, to keep company in friendship and trust with one man, and also to be free of obedience at home and have control of their own lives. They said it was only the blessedness of friendship and mutual trust with a male consort that made them think about marriage, and there was not the slightest hint of the delight of any passion.

[2] The virgin state changed after being married to a new one, about which they had previously known nothing. This state, they said, was one in which everything to do with bodily life from first to last had extended so as to receive their husband's gifts and to unite them to their own life, thus becoming his love and a wife. This state began from the moment of being deflowered, and after this the passion of love blazed up directed towards their husband alone. This extension made them experience heavenly delights. Since the wife had been brought into this state by her husband, and since he is its source and it is thus his in her, it was obvious that she could love no one but him.

[3] These statements made it clear what is the state of virgins in heaven before and after marriage. It is not difficult to see that on earth the state of virgins and wives on first being married is similar. How can any virgin know that new state until she experiences it? Ask and you will be told. There is a difference in the case of those who before marriage have been taught how to lure men by enticing them.

Conjugial Love #502 (Rogers (1995))

502. 1. The state of a virgin or untouched woman before marriage and after marriage. What the state of a virgin is before she has been instructed in the various aspects of the nuptial torch has been disclosed to me by wives in the spiritual world, by those there who departed from the natural world in their infancy and were raised in heaven.

They said that when they came into a marriageable state, from seeing married partners they began to long for married life, but only in order to have the name of wives and keep company with one man in a friendly and trusting association, and to be freed, too, from their condition of obedience at home and become independent. They also said that they thought of marriage only because of the bliss of the friendship and mutual confidence they shared with a male companion, and not at all because of the delight of any passion.

[2] After the wedding, however, their virginal state, they said, was changed into a new one, of which they had had no knowledge before. And they said that this new state was one in which all the vital elements of their body, from the first to the last of them, swelled to receive their husband's gifts and unite these to their life, that they might thus become his lover and wife. Moreover this state commenced, they said, from the moment of defloration, and after that the flame of their love burned for their husband alone, and they felt the delights of that swelling as the delights of heaven. So, too, because they were introduced into this state by their husband, and because it emanated from him and was thus his state in them, they could not possibly help but love him alone.

[3] It is evident from this what the state of virgins is before marriage and after marriage in heaven. A like state exists also in virgins and wives on earth who are married at the earliest opportunity, as may not be unknown. What virgin can have knowledge of this new state before she is in it? Inquire and you will hear. It is different with those who before marriage encounter stimulation from learning about it.

Love in Marriage #502 (Gladish (1992))

502. 1. A virgin's, or inexperienced woman's, condition before marriage and after marriage. Wives in the spiritual world showed me clearly, by the example of women there who left the natural world in childhood and were brought up in heaven, what a virgin's state is like before she is taught the many things that have to do with the beginning of marriage. They said that when they reached a marriageable state they began to love married life by seeing married partners, but only so as to be called wives and to have friendly and trusting companionship with one man, and also have their own rights, away from the obedience of home. And they said they thought about marriage only for the happiness of shared friendship and trust with a male partner, and absolutely not for the allurement of any passion. And after their wedding that virginal state was changed into a new one that they had known nothing about before. And they said this state is a state of expansion of everything in their bodily life, from first to last, to receive what their husband gives them and unite their life with it, to become his love and wife. And they said this state was started by the moment of defloration and after that the flame of love burned only for their husband, and the delights of this expansion felt heavenly. And because a woman was led into this state by her husband, and because it came from him and so it is his in her, she certainly could not help loving him alone.

These remarks make it clear what a virgin's state is like before marriage and after marriage, in heaven. It is no secret that virgins and wives on earth who are married as virgins are the same.

What virgin can know that new state before she is in it? Ask, and you'll hear. It is different with those who learn about allurement before marriage.

Conjugial Love #502 (Acton (1953))

502. I. THE STATE OF A VIRGIN OR UNDEFLOWERED WOMAN BEFORE MARRIAGE AND AFTER MARRIAGE. What the state of a virgin is before she has been instructed concerning the various particulars of the conjugial torch, was made manifest to me by wives in the spiritual world, being women who had departed from the natural world in their infancy and had been educated in heaven. They said that when they came to a marriageable state they began to love the conjugial life from seeing married partners, but only to the end that they might be called wives and might have friendly and trustful companionship with one man; also, that when separated from the house of obedience, they might become of their own right. Respecting marriage, they said that they had thought of it solely from the blessedness of mutual friendship and confidence with a male consort, and not at all from the delight of any flame;

[2] but that after the nuptials the virgin state was changed into a new state, of which the virgin had previously known nothing whatever. They said further that this was a state in which everything of the life of the virgin's body from the first things thereof to the last is expanded for the receiving of her husband's gifts and the uniting of them to her own life, that so she might become his love and his wife; that this state commenced from the moment of defloration, and that after this the flame of love burned for the husband alone; that she felt the delights of that expansion to be heavenly delights; and that, having been introduced into that state by her husband, and the state being from him and so his state in her, she could not possibly love any but him alone.

[3] From this account, the nature of the state of virgins in heaven before marriage and after marriage was made manifest. That the state is the same with virgins and wives on earth when joined [to their husbands] at the first omens, is no secret. What virgin can know that new state before she is in it? Inquire and you will hear. It is different with those who before marriage get allurement from learning about it.

Conjugial Love #502 (Wunsch (1937))

502. (i) The state of a virgin or undeflowered woman before marriage and after marriage. The nature of a virgin's state before she has become acquainted with the particulars of the marital torch has been made plain to me by wives in the spiritual world who had departed from the natural world in their infancy and been brought up in heaven. They said that when they came to marriageable estate, on seeing married partners they began to love the marital life, but solely to the end that they might be called wives, might keep company in friendship and trust with one man, and having been emancipated from obedience at home might also be independent. They said that they thought of marriage solely from the blessedness of friendship and mutual trust with a male partner, and not at all from the delight of any passion.

[2] After marriage, however, their virginal state was changed into a new one of which they had known nothing previously. This state, they said, was one of expansion of all things of the body's life from first to last at reception of their husband's gifts and for union of these to their life, so that they became his love and wife. This state, they went on to say, began from the moment of deflowering; thereafter the flame of love burned for the husband alone; they felt the delights of that expansion as heavenly; and as a wife is introduced into this state by her husband, and as it is from him and thus is his in her, she cannot but love him alone.

[3] It is manifest from this what the state of virgins in heaven is before and after marriage. It is no secret that there is a like state with virgins and wives on earth who are married at the first omens. Can a virgin know this new state until she is in it? Ask and you will hear. It is different with women who from information feel allurement before marriage.

Conjugial Love #502 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

502. (1) On the state of a virgin or undefiled woman before marriage and after marriage. What the state is of a virgin before she is informed respecting the various particulars of the conjugial torch, has been made clear to me by wives in the spiritual world, by those there who departed from the natural world in their infancy and were educated in heaven. They said that when they came to a marriageable state they began to love conjugial life from seeing married partners, but only to the end that they might be called wives, and might have friendly and trustful companionship with one man, and also that, being released from the house of obedience, they might act of their own right. And respecting marriage, they said that they only thought from the blessedness of mutual friendship and confidence in a consort man, and not at all from the delight of any flame. But that after the nuptials their virgin state was changed into a new state, of which they knew nothing at all before. And they said that this was a state of expansion of all things of the life of the body, from the first to the last, for the reception of the gifts of the husband and for the uniting of these to her own life, so that she might become the love of him and a wife; and that this state began from the moment of defloration, and that after this the flame of love burned for the husband alone; and that the delights of that expansion they felt to be heavenly; and that because she was introduced into that state by her husband, and because it was from him and so was his in her, she clearly could not but love him alone. By these revelations it was made plain what is the nature of the state of virgins in heaven before marriage and after marriage. That on earth the state is similar, of virgins and wives who are joined at the first omens 1is not unknown. What virgin can know that new state before she is in it? Ask, and you will hear. It is different with those who catch allurement from information before marriage.


1. Latin: omen. The ancients before marriage offered sacrifices and watched the attendant omens, or signs, to see if they were favorable. The first omens, or the first time these were taken, means no doubt, the first intention or desire of marriage.

De Amore Conjugiali #502 (original Latin (1768))

502. I. De statu virginis seu foeminae illibatae ante conjugium, et post conjugium. Qualis est status Virginis, antequam instructa est de variis taedae conjugialis, mihi manifestatum est ab uxoribus in Mundo spirituali, ab illis ibi, quae in infantia sua e Mundo naturali excesserunt, ac educatae sunt in Coelo: dixerunt, quod dum in statum nubilem venerunt, ex visis conjugibus, inceperint vitam conjugialem amare, sed propter solum finem ut dicantur uxores, ac ut amice et confidenter cum uno viro consortium teneant, et quoque ut abalienatae e domo obedientiae, sui juris fiant; et dixerunt quod solum ex beatitudine amicitiae et confidentiae mutuae cum consorte viro de conjugio cogitaverint, et prorsus non ex delitio alicujus flammae.

[2] At quod status illarum virgineus post nuptias mutatus sit in novum, de quo prius ne hilum sciverunt; et inquierunt, quod hic status esset status expansionis omnium vitae corporis sui a primis ad ultima ad recipiendum dona mariti sui, et ad haec uniendum suae vitae, ut sic fiant 1amor ejus, et uxor; et quod hic status inchoaverit a momento deflorationis, et quod post hanc arserit flamma amoris ad solum maritum, et quod delitias expansionis istius senserunt 2coelestes: et quod quia in hunc statum a suo marito introductae sunt, 3et quia est ex illo, et sic ejus in se, plane non possint 4quam illum solum amare.

[3] Ex his manifestatum est, qualis est status virginum ante conjugium et post conjugium in Coelo: quod similis sit virginum et uxorum in terris, quae primis ominibus junguntur, non latet; quae virgo potest scire novum illum statum, antequam in illo est; quaerite et audietis: discrimen est apud illas, 5quae ante conjugium ex eruditione illecebram captant.


1. Prima editio: fiat

2. Prima editio: senserit

3. Prima editio: introducta est,

4. Prima editio: possit

5. Prima editio: illos,

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