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《婚姻之爱》 第504节














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Conjugial Love #504 (Chadwick (1996))

504. (iii) Deflowering with no intent to marry is a piratical crime.

Some adulterers have a longing for deflowering virgins, and hence also girls of the age of innocence. They may be enticed into this either by being persuaded by a procuress, or by having presents given to them by men, or by promises of marriage. After deflowering them, these men abandon them and go looking for girls, one after the other. Moreover, they are not satisfied with what is past, but by what is always new; and this lust grows until it becomes the chief of their fleshly pleasures. They add to this the crime of luring by various tricks virgins, who are about to be married or have just been married, to offer them the first-fruits of marriage, a filthy befouling of marriage. I have even been told that, when the sexual drive has gone and their potency has failed, they boast about the number of virginities they have taken, like Jason boasting of so many golden fleeces.

[2] This crime, which is corruption, being started in the vigour of youth and then established by boasting about it, remains rooted in them, so that it lasts after death. The nature of this crime is evident from what was said above, that virginity is the crown of chastity, the pledge of future conjugial love, and that the virgin who surrenders this to a man surrenders her soul and life to him. The friendship and mutual trust of married couples is also based on this. Also, a woman who loses her virginity to such a man, once this doorway to conjugial love is forced open, loses her modesty and becomes promiscuous, for which the despoiler is also to blame.

[3] If the despoilers themselves, after achieving these acts of wantonness and profanations of chastity, turn their attention to marriage, they have nothing else in mind but the virginity of the woman who is to be their wife. Once they have taken it, they loathe the marriage bed and nuptial chamber, in fact they loathe the whole female sex apart from young girls. Since such men violate marriage and look down on the female sex, being thus spiritual robbers, it is obvious that they are pursued by Divine nemesis.

Conjugial Love #504 (Rogers (1995))

504. 3. Defloration without intention of marriage is the villainous act of a robber. Some adulterers have a lust to deflower virgins, including therefore also girls of a naive age. The girls are enticed into these acts by the persuasions of female intermediaries, or by gifts from the men, or by promises of marriage; and after deflowering them the men abandon them and go in search of others and still others after them. Moreover they have no pleasure in the girls they have had, but gain it only from continually new ones; and this lust grows in them until it becomes the principal delight of their flesh.

To these practices some add also the following enormity, that by various artifices they entice maidens before their wedding or right after their wedding to offer to them the first gifts of their marriage, thus foully defiling the marriage as well.

I have heard, too, that when that heat together with its ability wanes, they boast of the number of virgins they have had, as though over so many fleeces like the golden one stolen by Jason.

[2] This villainy, or debauchery, once commenced at an age of vigor and afterwards defended in boasts, remains deeply implanted and is thus entrenched after death.

The nature of the villainy is apparent from observations made above, that virginity is the crown of a woman's chastity, a token of conjugial love to come, and that a maiden commits her soul and life to the man to whom she yields it. The friendship of a marriage and its accompanying trust are also founded on it. In addition, too, after this portal of conjugial love has been breached, a woman deflowered by villains such as these loses her sense of shame and becomes a trollop, for which as well that thief is responsible.

[3] If, after these indulgences of sexual lust and profane desecrations of chastity have come to an end, these robbers themselves turn their mind to marriage, they mentally contemplate only the virginity of their bride to be; and after they have tasted it, they loathe the marriage bed and chamber, indeed the entire female sex as well, all except young girls.

Accordingly, because such men are violators of marriage and despisers of the feminine sex, and so are spiritual bandits, it is apparent that a Divine retribution pursues them.

Love in Marriage #504 (Gladish (1992))

504. 3. Defloration without the goal of marriage is the shameful act of a thief. Some adulterers have desire to deflower virgins and therefore also girls at an innocent age. Virgins are enticed into things like that either by the persuasion of madams or gifts from men, or promises of marriage, and the men abandon them after the defloration and search for more and more others. Add to this that they are not interested in past victims but ever new ones, and this desire grows to be the height of their physical pleasure. And they add to these things this villainy - that by different crafty tricks they entice virgins that are about to be married, or are just married, to bestow on them the firstfruits of marriage, which they disgracefully defile in this way. I have also heard that when that lust fails, together with its potency, they glory in their number of virginities as so many golden fleeces of Jason.

This shameful act, violation, remains inrooted and thus engrafted after death, because it is begun at a vigorous age and is reinforced later by boasting. The dimensions of this shameful act emerge from what was said above - that virginity is the crown of chastity, a token of married love to come, and that the virgin who bestows it on a man bestows her soul and life on him. Also, the friendship of marriage and its trust are founded on it. And also, the woman deflowered by someone like that loses her modesty, after this entrance to married love has been broken through, and becomes a harlot. The ravisher is also the cause of this.

If these thieves themselves, after enacting these sexual excesses and profanations of chastity, turn their minds to marriage, they have in mind only the virginity of their married partner - to - be.

After they have tried it they loathe bed and bedroom - the whole feminine sex, in fact, except girls.

And, clearly, Divine justice pursues such people because they are violators of marriage with contempt for the feminine sex, and in this way they are spiritual thieves.

Conjugial Love #504 (Acton (1953))

504. III. THAT DEFLORATION WITHOUT THE END OF MARRIAGE IS THE SHAMEFUL DEED OF A ROBBER. Some adulterers have a desire to deflower virgins, and thence also girls in their age of innocence. The virgins are enticed to such deeds by the persuasions of procuresses, by gifts from the men, or by the promise of marriage. After the defloration, these men abandon them and search for other virgins and yet others. Add to this, that they have pleasure not from past victims but only from continually new ones; and that this lust so greatly increases that it becomes the chief of the delights of their flesh. To these they add also the crime, that by various wiles they entice virgins who are about to be married or immediately after the marriage, to offer the first-fruits of marriage to them; thus filthily defiling the marriage. Moreover, I have heard that when their burning heat with its potency has failed, they glory in the number of virginities as in so many golden fleeces of Jason.

[2] This shameless deed, which is stupration, commencing in the age of vigor and being afterwards confirmed by boastings, remains enrooted and thus inseated after death. The nature of this shameful deed is evident from what was said above, namely, that virginity is the crown of chastity, being the token of the conjugial love that is to be; and that the virgin gives up her soul and life to him to whom she gives up her virginity. Upon it also is founded conjugial friendship and the confidence thereof. After this door of conjugial love has been broken through, a woman deflowered by such men loses her modesty and becomes a harlot, and of this also that robber is the cause.

[3] If, after having accomplished their satyriases and profanations of chastities, these robbers apply their mind to marriage, they dwell in their mind on nothing else than the virginity of their future partner, and after they have tasted it, they loathe both bed and bed-chamber, yea, they loathe the whole female sex except young girls. Being violators of marriage and despisers of the female sex, and thus spiritual robbers, it is plain that the Divine nemesis pursues such men.

Conjugial Love #504 (Wunsch (1937))

504. (iii) Deflowering without the purpose of marriage is the atrocious act of a robber. Certain adulterers have a passion for deflowering virgins and therefore also girls at the guileless age. They entice them by the persuasions of procuresses or by gifts or promises of marriage; and after defloration abandon them and go in search of others and yet others. They take no delight in past victims, but only in new ones continually; and this lust grows to be the chief of their enjoyments of the flesh. To this they add the further crime that by various wiles they entice virgins about to be married or just married to yield to them the first-fruits of marriage, filthily defiling marriage itself in this way. I have also heard that when that burning heat with its potency has failed, they boast of the number of virginities as of so many golden fleeces of Jason.

[2] This enormity, which is debauchery, having been begun in years of vigor and been confirmed later by boasts, remains ineradicable and fixed after death. How atrocious it is, appears from what was said above, that virginity is the crown of chastity and a token of the marital love to be, and that to the man on whom she bestows it a virgin devotes her soul and life. Marital friendship and its confidence are also founded on it. The woman who has been deflowered by such a man, moreover, after this door of marital love has been broken through, loses shame and becomes a harlot, of which, too, the robber is the cause.

[3] If such despoilers think of marrying after having perpetrated these profanations of chastity and these excesses, they only have the virginity of the future partner in mind, and having tasted it, they loathe bed and marriage-chamber, indeed the whole female sex except young girls. Being such violators of marriage and despisers of the female sex and thus spiritual robbers, it is plain that the Divine nemesis pursues them.

Conjugial Love #504 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

504. (3) That defloration without the purpose of marriage is the infamous act of a robber. Some adulterers have a passion for deflowering virgins, and thence girls also in their guileless age. They are allured to such abasement either by the persuasions of bawds, and by gifts from the men, or by the promise of marriage; and after defloration those men abandon them and search for others and others. Add to this that they take no pleasure in past victims, but continually from new ones; and that the lust increases until it becomes the head of their carnal delights. And to these they join also this villainy, that by various wiles they decoy virgins about to be married, or immediately after the nuptials, to offer them the first-fruits of marriage, which they actually thus basely defile. I have also heard that when that burning heat with its potency has failed, they glory in the number of virginities as in so many golden fleeces of Jason. This atrocity, which is violation, because it has its beginning in the age of vigor and is confirmed by boastings afterwards, remains inrooted and thus infixed after death. How great the atrocity is, appears from what has been shown above, that virginity is the crown of chastity, the pledge of future conjugial love, and that the virgin gives up her soul and life to him on whom she bestows it. Conjugial friendship and its confidence are also founded upon it. And a woman deflowered by such, after this door of conjugial love has been broken through, loses her modesty and becomes a harlot, and of this also the robber is the cause. These robbers themselves, if after going through these lascivious excesses and profanations of chastity, they apply the mind to marriage, have in mind only the virginity of their future married partner, after they have tasted which they loathe both bed and bed-chamber, yea, they also loathe the whole female sex, except young girls. And because such men are violators of marriage and despisers of the female sex and thus are spiritual robbers, it is plain that the Divine nemesis pursues them.

De Amore Conjugiali #504 (original Latin (1768))

504. III. Quod defloratio absque fine conjugii sit flagitium praedonis. Est quibusdam adulteris cupido deflorandi virgines, et inde quoque puellas in aetate illarum innocua: pelliciuntur ad talia, vel per suasus a lenis, vel per dona a viris, vel per sponsiones conjugii; et viri illi post deflorationem relinquunt illas, ac alias et alias perquirunt: accedit, quod non oblectentur praeteritis, sed ex jugiter novis; et quod haec libido crescat usque in caput jucunditatum carnis illorum. Addunt etiam illis hoc facinus, quod variis astutiis virgines nupturas aut illico post nuptias pelliciant ad offerendum sibi primitias conjugii, quod etiam sic foede conspurcant. Audivi etiam, quod cum oestrum illud cum sua potentia defecit, glorientur ex numero virginitatum, sicut ex totidem velleribus aureis Jasonis.

[2] Hoc flagitium, quod est stuprum, quia in aetate roboris inceptum est, et postea per gloriationes firmatum, manet irradicatum, et sic insitum post mortem. Quale hoc flagitium est, constat ex supradictis, quod virginitas sit corona castitatis, tessera futuri amoris conjugialis, et quod virgo illi, cui illam addicat, animam et vitam suam addicet; amicitia conjugialis et hujus confidentia, super illa etiam fundatur: et quoque foemina, a talibus deflorata, postquam hoc ostium amoris conjugialis perruptum est, solvit pudorem, et fit meretrix, in cujus causa etiam praedator ille est.

[3] Ipsi illi praedones, si post exactas has satyriases et prophanationes castitatum, applicant animum ad conjugium, non aliud mente volvunt, quam futurae conjugis virginitatem, quam postquam libaverant, torum et thalamum fastidiunt, imo etiam, praeter puellas, totum sexum foemininum: et quia tales sunt violatores conjugii, et despectores sexus foeminini, et sic latrones spirituales, patet quod nemesis Divina illos persequatur.

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