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《婚姻之爱》 第512节











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Conjugial Love #512 (Chadwick (1996))

512. Their fate after death is like this. The rapists then of their own accord separate themselves from those whose sexual love is limited, and completely from those who have conjugial love, and so from heaven. Later they are sent to the craftiest whores, who not merely by persuasion, but by a perfect piece of acting can imitate and represent themselves as models of chastity. They can very well tell which are the men who have that lust. In their presence they talk about chastity and how precious it is; and when the rapist approaches and touches them, they become furious, and take refuge, as if terrified, in a room where there is a couch or bed, lightly barring the door behind them while they lie down. From that position they use their skill to excite the rapist to an overbearing passion to break down the door, rush in and assault them. When this happens, the whore sits up and begins to fight the rapist punching and scratching, scoring his face and tearing his clothes, and shouting out in a frenzied voice to her fellow whores, as if calling on servants for help, 'Thief, robber, murderer!' While the rapist is achieving his purpose she weeps and wails, and then after the rape she throws herself on the floor wailing and crying 'Horrors!' Then in a serious voice she threatens the rapist that unless he pays a heavy fine for his rape, she will encompass his ruin. While they are engaged in this theatrical love-scene, they look at a distance like cats, which before mating fight, run about and wail in much the same way.

[2] After a number of such bawdy contests they are taken out and transferred to a cavern, where they are set to some task. But because of their foul smell, the result of having dispelled the marriage principle which is the jewel of human life, they are banished to the borders of the western region. There seen at a distance they look emaciated, as if made of bones covered only with skin, and from far off like panthers. When I was allowed to see them rather closer, I was surprised to find some of them holding books in their hands and reading. I was told that this was because in the world they had had plenty to say about the spiritual things of the church; yet they had befouled them by their acts of adultery, which they took to the extremes mentioned, and the correspondence of this lust was with the violation of the spiritual marriage. But it should be known that those who have this lust are few and far between. Certain it is that women repeatedly resist, because it is unbecoming for them to prostitute their love, and their resistance gives them strength. But still this is not due to a lust for being raped.

Conjugial Love #512 (Rogers (1995))

512. The fate of such men after death is as follows:

Of their own accord these violators of women separate themselves from men who have a restricted love for the opposite sex and altogether from those who possess conjugial love, thus separating themselves from heaven.

After that they are sent off to very cunning harlots who are able not only by persuasion but also by a perfectly acted imitation to carry and portray themselves as though they were the essences of chastity. These harlots accurately perceive which of them are caught up in this lust. In their presence they talk about chastity and its preciousness. Then, when a violator of women approaches and touches them, they blaze up in anger and flee as though in terror to a room where they have a couch and bed, and lightly closing the door behind them, lie down. Thereupon they use their skill to inspire in the violator an unbridled desire to break open the door, rush in and attack them. When he does so, rising up she begins to fight with the violator using her hands and fingernails, lacerating his face, tearing apart his clothes, and with a furious voice crying out to her fellow harlots as though to her servants for help; in the meantime opening the window and shouting "Thief! Robber! Murderer!" Then when the violator is about to rape her, she wails and weeps; and after the rape she lies prostrate, bawling and crying "Villainy!" She also at that point threatens him in a stern voice that unless he atones for the rape by paying her a large compensation, she will bring about his ruin.

When they are engaged in this theatrical sex play, they appear from a distance like cats, which fight, run off and howl in much the same way before mating.

[2] After several such vulgar combats, the violators are removed and conveyed to a cavern where they are forced into some work. But because they have a sick smell in consequence of their having dispelled the conjugial inclination, which is the precious treasure of human life, they are banished to the fringes of the western zone. At some distance there they appear emaciated, as though consisting of bones covered only by skin; while from afar they look like panthers.

When it was granted me to view them closer up, I was surprised to see that some of them were holding books in their hands and reading. I was told that this was because in the world they had made various declarations regarding the spiritual things of the church and yet had defiled them by adulteries, even to these extremes of them, and that of such a character was the correspondence of this lust with the violation of the spiritual marriage.

It should be known, however, that men who are caught up in this lust are rare.

Because it is not becoming for them to prostitute their love, some women, certainly, do at times resist, and their show of resistance does arouse, but still this does not emanate from any lust to be violated.

Love in Marriage #512 (Gladish (1992))

512. This is what happens to rapists after death. At that time they willingly separate themselves from people who practice a limited love of the other sex, and certainly from those with married love that is, from heaven. Then they are sent to very clever prostitutes who can characterize and portray the part of chastity itself not only by persuasion but by completely theatrical acting. These prostitutes can tell very well who has that lust. They talk in the rapists' presence about chastity and how precious it is, and when a rapist approaches and touches them they flare up and flee as if in terror to their room where a bed and mattress are, close the door after themselves, but not all the way, and lie down. In this way they use their skill to inflame the rapist with an unbridled passion to burst through the door, rush in, and assault them.

When he does this the prostitute gets up and begins to fight the rapist with her fists and nails, tearing his face, ripping his clothes, screaming in a frantic voice to the other prostitutes for help, as if to the servants, and opening the window and shouting, "Thief!

Robber! Murderer!" When the rapist is in the act she laments and weeps, and after the rape she throws herself down, wails, and cries, "Unspeakable!" And then in a hostile tone she threatens that she will find a way to ruin him unless he atones for the rape with a big payment.

When they are engaged in this theatrical sex they look, from a distance, like cats, which fight, charge, and wail before mating in practically the same way.

After a few brothel fights like this rapists are taken away and moved to a cave, where they are forced to do some job. But they stink because they have shattered the principle of marriage, which is the precious treasure of human life, so they are sent away to the borders of a western region. There they look, at a certain distance, emaciated as if made of bones with just skin stretched over them, but from far away they look like panthers.

When I had a chance to see them closer up I was surprised that some of them had books in their hands and were reading. I was told that this is because in the world they talked a lot about spiritual matters having to do with the church, and yet they completely defiled them by their adulteries, and this is how their lust corresponds to violation of spiritual marriage.

But note that few people are in the grip of this lust. Certainly women do resist now and then because it is not proper for them to be public about their love, and their resistance does excite, but this excitement certainly does not come from any lust for rape.

Conjugial Love #512 (Acton (1953))

512. Their lot after death is as follows: These violators then separate themselves of their own accord from those who are in a limited love of the sex, and absolutely from those who are in conjugial love, thus from heaven. They are then sent off to exceedingly crafty harlots who can simulate and represent themselves as though they were chastities, and this, not only by persuasion but also by an imitation which is perfectly dramatic. These harlots easily perceive who they are who are in this lust. They talk before them about chastity and its preciousness; and when the violator comes near and touches them, they grow angry and fly to their chamber as if in terror, closing the door behind them. In the chamber is a couch and a bed, and there they lie down. Then, by their art, they inspire in the violator an unbridled desire to force the door, burst in, and assault them. When he does this, the harlot, raising herself, begins to fight the violator, lacerating his face with hands and nails, tearing his garments, calling out in a furious voice to her companion harlots for help, as though calling to her maidservants, and opening the window and crying out "Thief, robber, murderer." And when the violator is in the act, she wails and weeps, and after the violation she prostates herself, howls, and cries out, "Infamous." Then, in a serious tone, she threatens that unless he atones for the violation with a large payment, she will set about his ruin. While they are in this theatrical venery, they appear at a distance like cats which, before their conjunction, fight, rush at each other and howl in almost the same way.

[2] After some such brothel-contests, they are taken and removed to a cavern where they are driven to some work. But because they have an offensive odor owing to the fact that they have dispersed the conjugial which is the precious treasure of human life, they are sent away to the utmost limits of the western quarter. There, from some distance, they appear to be very thin, as though consisting of bones covered only with skin, and from afar off they seem like panthers. When it was given me to see them more closely, I was astonished to see that some of them were holding books in their hands and reading, and I was told that this is because in the world they had spoken various things about the spiritual things of the Church and yet had defiled those things with adulteries even to the last extremes thereof mentioned above; also that such is the correspondence of this lust with the violation of the spiritual marriage. It should be known, however, that they are few who are in this lust.

That women, because it does not become them to prostitute their love, do now and then resist is certain, and also that the resistance invigorates, but this is not from any lust of violation.

Conjugial Love #512 (Wunsch (1937))

512. The lot of such violators after death is as follows. Of their own accord they part from those in limited sexual love and of course from those in marital love, thus severing themselves from heaven. Then they are sent to very clever harlots who, not only by word but also by perfect histrionic imitation, can feign and represent themselves to be veritable chastities. These readily discern who are in this lust. They make allusions to chastity and its preciousness before the men. When the violator approaches and touches them, they flare up and fly as in dread to their chamber, where are couch and bed, and leaving the door ajar after them, lie down. Then, by their artfulness, they inspire the violator with an ungovernable desire to force the door, rush in and attack. When he does, the harlot leaps up and begins to fight the violator, tooth and nail, tearing his face, rending his clothes, in a furious voice calling to her harlot companions, as to female attendants, for assistance, and through opened windows screaming, "Thief! Robber! Murderer!" When the violator embraces her, she wails and weeps, and after the violation prostrates herself, shrieks and cries, "Infamous!" Then in stern tones, she threatens that unless he atones for the violation with a large payment she will contrive his ruin. While they are at this theatrical venery, they appear at a distance like cats, which fight, run off and yowl before connection in much the same way.

[2] After some such brothel-contests violators are brought out and removed to a cavern where they are forced to some work, but as they smell offensively, having dissipated the marital which is the treasure of human life, they are remanded to the borders of the western quarter where at some distance they appear emaciated, as though they consisted of bones covered with skin only, and from afar look like panthers. When I was enabled to see them nearer, I was astonished to find that some of them held books in their hands and were reading. I was told that this was because they had spoken much in the world about the spiritual things of the Church and yet had defiled them by adulteries, even to these extremes, and that such is the correspondence of this lust with the violation of spiritual marriage. But let it be known that there are few who are in this lust. Certain it is that women do at times resist, as it is unseemly for them to proffer love, and that the resistance invigorates; but still this is not from any lust of violation.

Conjugial Love #512 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

512. Their lot after death is of this kind. These violators then, of their own accord, separate themselves from those who are in the limited love of the sex; and altogether from those who are in conjugial love, and thus from heaven. Afterwards they are given up to most crafty strumpets, who, not only by persuasion, but also by perfectly dramatic imitation, are able to feign and represent as if they were chastities themselves. These perceive well who are in that lust; they talk before them about chastity and its preciousness; and when the violator approaches and touches them, they burn with indignation and fly as with terror to their chamber, where there is a couch and a bed, and when they have lightly closed the door after them they lie down. And then by their art they inspire the violator with an unbridled desire to force the door, burst in, and rush to the assault. When he does this, the strumpet rising up begins to fight the violator, tearing his face with her hands and nails, rending his garments, and with frantic voice calling upon her strumpet companions, as upon female attendants, for help, and opening the window calling, 'Thief! Robber! Murderer!' And when the violator is ready she wails and weeps, and after the violation casts herself down and cries 'Infamous!' And then, in a low tone, she threatens that unless he atones for the violation with a large payment she will compass his ruin. While they are in this theatrical venery, they appear at a distance like cats, which in a manner almost similar fight, run away, and squall, before connection. After some such brothel-contests they are taken away, and removed to a cavern where they are compelled to some work. But because they have a bad odor, from the fact that they have dispersed the conjugial, which is the precious jewel of human life, they are sent away to the utmost limits of the western quarter, where they appear at some distance, emaciated as if consisting of bones covered only with skin, and from afar off like panthers. When it was given me to see them nearer, I was astonished to see that some of them held books in their hands and were reading; and I was told that this is, because in the world they spoke, various things about the spiritual things of the church and yet defiled them by adulteries, even to these, their extremities, and that such is the correspondence of this lust with the violation of the spiritual marriage. But it should be known that they are few who are in this lust.

It is certain that women, because it does not become them to put forth their love, do from time to time resist, and that the resistance invigorates; but yet this is not from any lust of violation.

De Amore Conjugiali #512 (original Latin (1768))

512. Sors illorum post mortem talis est; tunc violatores illi sponte separant se ab illis qui in limitato amore sexus sunt, et prorsus ab illis qui in amore conjugiali, ita a Coelo: postea delegantur ad scorta astutissima, quae non modo persuasione, sed etiam ex imitamine perfecte histrionico, possunt fingere et repraesentare sicut forent ipsae Castitates; hae probe perspiciunt, quinam in illa libidine sunt; coram his loquuntur de castitate et ejus pretiositate; et cum violator accedit, et tangit, excandescunt, et effugiunt sicut ex terrore in conclavium, ubi est sponda et lectus, ac post se januam leviter occludunt, seque reponunt; ac inde per artem suam inspirant violatori effraenem cupidinem excutiendi januam, irruendi, et invadendi; quod cum fit, scortum erigens se cum violatore incipit pugnare manibus et unguibus, laniando faciem, dilacerando vestes ejus, ac voce furibunda clamando ad scorta consocia ut ad famulas pro opitulatione, ac aperiendo fenestram, vociferans "fur, praedo, homicida;" et cum violator in accinctu est, plangit et lachrymatur; et post violationem prosternit se, ejulat, et clamat "infandum," et tunc gravi tono minatur quod nisi violationem grandi mercede expiet, molitura sit perniciem ejus: cum in scenica hac Venere sunt, apparent e longinquo sicut feles, qui paene similiter ante conjunctiones dimicant, procurrunt, et ejulant.

[2] Post aliquot talia certamina lupanaria, eximuntur, et transferuntur in cavernam, ubi ad aliquod opus adiguntur; sed quia graveolent, ex eo quod Conjugiale, quod est Cimelium vitae humanae, disperserint, amandantur ad fines Plagae occidentalis; ubi ad quandam distantiam apparent macilenti sicut constantes ossibus sola cute obductis, at e longinquo sicut 1pantherae. Cum datum est videre illos propius, miratus sum quod aliqui ex illis tenerent libros in manibus, ac legerent; et dictum est, quod hoc sit, quia in Mundo loquuti fuerunt varia de spiritualibus Ecclesiae, et tamen illa per adulteria, usque ad illas extremitates illorum, conspurcaverunt, et quod talis hujus libidinis correspondentia esset cum violatione Conjugii spiritualis. Sed sciatur, quod rari sint, qui in hac libidine sunt: certum est, quod foeminae, quia non decet illas prostituere amorem, subinde repugnent, et quod repugnantia evigoret, sed usque hoc non est ex aliqua libidine violationis.


1. Prima editio: sicur

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