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《婚姻之爱》 第524节
































  善的报应也相似。那些在世间时认为自己的每一 点善都是来自于主的人的情况就是这样。他们在被准备好的会进入到他们内在的对善的爱中。进而天国之路为他们敞开。在那里他们与与他们性质相似的人和谐相处。这都是因为主才会这样的。

上一节  目录  下一节

Conjugial Love #524 (Chadwick (1996))

524. (i) Everyone has imputed to him after death the evil in which he is, and likewise the good.

To make this more plain it needs to be divided up, as follows.

(a) Everyone has a life of his own.

(b) Everyone has his own life awaiting him after death.

(c) Then a wicked person has the evil of his life imputed, and a good person the good of his.

The first point, that everyone has a life of his own and different from any other's, is a well known fact. For there is perpetual variation and the same never repeats; this is what gives a person his individuality. This is clearly visible from people's faces; there is never a face absolutely identical with another, nor can there ever be. The reason is that there are never two characters alike, and the character determines the face; for the face is, as the saying goes, the stamp of character, and the character owes its origin and form to the way people live.

[2] If a person did not have a life of his own, just as he has a character and a face of his own, he would not have a life after death distinct from any other's. In fact, heaven would not exist either, since it is composed of perpetual differences. The form of heaven is solely due to the variations in souls and minds so ordered as to make one; and they make one by virtue of the One, whose life is in each and every person there, as the soul is in a person. If this were not so, heaven would fall apart because its form was undone. The One who is the source of life for each and every person, and who holds the form together, is the Lord.

Generally speaking every form is composed of different parts, and its nature is dictated by the harmonious co-ordination of its parts and their combination into a unit. Such is the human form, and thus it is that a person is composed of so many members, viscera and organs, without being aware of anything in him or done by him except as a unit.

[3] The second point, that everyone has his own life awaiting him after death, is a fact well known in the church from the Word, including these passages:

The Son of Man is to come and he will then reward everyone in accordance with his deeds. (Matthew 16:27).

I saw the books opened, and all were judged in accordance with their works (Revelation 21:12-13).

On the day of judgment God will reward everyone in accordance with his works. (Romans 2:6; 2 Corinthians 5:10).

The works in accordance with which each is to be rewarded are his life, because it is his life which produces them and they are in keeping with it. Since I have been allowed for many years to enjoy the company of angels and to talk with new arrivals from the world, I can vouch for the fact that each person is there tested to see what sort of life he led in the world, and that the life he adopted in the world awaits him to eternity. I have talked with people who lived centuries ago and whose life was known to me from histories, and I recognised that their life was similar to the descriptions I had read. I have been told by angels that a person's life after death is immutable, because it has been organised in accordance with his love and thus with his works. If any change were made, this would upset the organisation, something that can never happen. Also, a change in the organisation is only possible in the material body, and it cannot be effected in the spiritual body after the rejection of the previous one.

[4] The third point is that a wicked person then has the evil of his life imputed to him, and a good person the good of his. The imputation of evil does not mean a process of accusation, arraignment, conviction and judgment as in the world, but it is the result of the evil itself. For wicked people in their own freedom separate themselves from the good, because they cannot be together. The pleasures of a love of evil turn away from the pleasures of a love of good; and everyone has pleasures emanating from him, like smells from every plant on earth. They are not absorbed and masked by a material body as before, but they diffuse freely from their loves into the spiritual aura. And because evil is there perceived as if by its smell, it is this which accuses, arraigns, convicts and judges, not before any judge, but before anyone who is in a state of good. This is what is meant by imputation. Moreover, the wicked man chooses companions with whom he can live and enjoy his pleasure; and since he turns his back on the pleasures of good, he takes himself off of his own accord to his kind in hell.

[5] The imputation of good takes place in much the same way. This happens to those who in the world have acknowledged that all the good in them is from the Lord, and none of it from themselves. After being prepared these are admitted to the inner pleasures of good, and then a way to heaven is opened for them, leading to a community with pleasures of the same kind. The Lord brings this about.

Conjugial Love #524 (Rogers (1995))

524. 1. Everyone has imputed to him after death the evil in which he is engaged; likewise the good. To make this discernible in some clarity, we will examine it in distinct parts as follows:

1. Everyone has his own particular life.

2. His own life awaits everyone after death.

3. An evil person then has the evilness of his life imputed to him, and a good person the goodness of his life.

First, that everyone has his own particular life. People know that everyone has his own particular life, thus one distinct from that of another. For there is a perpetual variety in everything, and no two things are the same. Therefore everyone has his own identity. This is clearly apparent from people's faces. No one's face is exactly like that of another, nor can it be to eternity. That is because no two minds are alike, and the mind begets the face; for the face is, as people say, an image of the mind, and the mind draws its origin and form from the person's life.

[2] If a person did not have his own particular life, as he does his own particular mind and his own particular face, he would not have any life after death distinct from that of another. Indeed, neither would there be a heaven, for heaven consists of perpetually distinct individuals. Its form derives solely from varieties of souls and minds disposed into such an order that they constitute a united whole, and this from one whose life is in each and every element there as the soul is in man. If this were not so, heaven would be dispersed, because its form would be dissolved.

The one from whom each and every one of its constituents has life, and who causes the form to cohere, is the Lord.

Every form in general consists of a variety of elements, and its character depends on the harmonious coordination and disposition of these into a united whole. Such is the human form. So it is that, although consisting of so many members, viscera and organs, a person has no sensation of anything arising in him or emanating from him except as its being a united whole.

[3] Second, that his own life awaits everyone after death. People in the church know this from the Word, and it is known from the following passages there:

...the Son of man will come..., and then He will render to each according to his deeds. (Matthew 16:27)

...I saw...books...opened.... And they were judged, all according to their works. (Revelation 20:12-13)

...in the day of...judgment..., (God) will render to each one according to his works. (Romans 2:5-6. Cf. 2 Corinthians 5:10)

The works according to which it will be rendered to everyone are his life, because it is his life that does them and they are in accord with his life.

Because it has been granted me for many years to be in the company of angels and to speak with newcomers from the world, I can testify for a certainty that everyone is examined there to discover what sort of life he led, and that the life he acquired in the world awaits him as his life to eternity. I have spoken with people who lived centuries ago, whose life was known to me from historical records, and I have found it to be like the description. I have also been told by angels that a person's life cannot be changed after death, because it has been structured in accordance with his love and consequent works. Moreover, that if it were changed, the organic structure would be destroyed, which can never happen. They also said that a change in the organic structure is possible only in the material body, and not at all possible in the spiritual body after the former has been cast off.

[4] Third, that an evil person then has the evilness of his life imputed to him, and a good person the goodness of his life. An imputation of evil does not require indictment, arraignment, conviction and sentencing as in the world, but it is brought about by the evil itself. For evil people of their own free will separate themselves from the good, since they cannot be together. The delights of an evil love detest the delights of a good love, and atmospheres of delight emanate from everyone there like odors from every plant on earth; for these are not absorbed and concealed by a material body as before, but flow freely out into the spiritual atmosphere from their loves. So, because evil there is detected virtually in its smell, it is this which indicts, arraigns, convicts and sentences, not in the presence of some judge, but in the presence of everyone who is in a state of good. This, then, is what we mean by imputation. Moreover, an evil person chooses companions with whom to live in his delight, and because he detests the delight of good, of his own accord he betakes himself to his like in hell.

[5] An imputation of good is effected similarly. This happens in the case of those who in the world acknowledged that every good in them was from the Lord and none from themselves. After they have been prepared, they are conveyed into the interior delights of good, and a path is then opened for them into heaven, to a society whose delights are homogeneous with theirs. This is brought about by the Lord.

Love in Marriage #524 (Gladish (1992))

524. 1. After death everyone is held responsible for the bad he is dedicated to. Likewise the good. To make this reasonably clear, it will be examined point by point, like this: (a) Everyone has his own particular life. (b) Everyone's life stays with him after death. (c) Then the evil of a bad person's life is imputed to him, and the good of a good person's life is imputed to him.

(a) It is well known that everyone has his own particular life - - - that is, separate from anyone else's - for there is constant variety and no two things are the same. This gives each person his own selfhood. This is strikingly clear from people's faces. No one's face is absolutely the same as another person's, nor can it be to eternity. The reason is that there are no identical minds, and faces come from minds. Due to this, a face, as they say, is an image of the mind, and your mind takes its origin and form from your life. If a person did not have his own life, as he has his own mind and his own face, he could not have any life after death separate from another's. Indeed, there would be no heaven, for heaven is made up of more people all the time. Its form is only from varieties of souls and minds arranged in such an order that they make one thing, and they make one thing on account of the One whose life is in each and every one there, like a soul in a person. If this were not so, heaven would be scattered, because its form would be dissolved. The One that each and everyone's life is from, and on account of whom the form holds together, is the Lord. Every form generally is made up of various things, and it takes its character from the way they are harmoniously coordinated and arranged into the one form. The human form is like this. This is why a person, made up of so many members, tissues, and organs, feels nothing but unity in himself and about himself.

(b) It is well known in the church that everyone's life stays with him after death, because of the Word, and because of these passages in it. "The Son of man is going to come, and then He will reward each person according to his works" (Matthew 16:27). "1 saw the books opened, and everyone was judged according to his works" (Revelation 20:12-13). "On the day of judgment God rewards everyone according to his works" (Romans 2:6; 2 Corinthians 5:10). The works that everyone is rewarded according to are his life, because his life does them, and they are in keeping with his life.

Because I have had the opportunity to be together with angels for many years, and to talk with arrivals from the world, I can testify for certain that each person is examined there as to what kind of life he had, and that the life he put together in the world stays with him forever. I have talked with people who lived ages ago, whose lives I knew about from histories, and I recognized the likeness from description. And I have heard from angels that no one's life can be changed after death, because it is structured according to the person's love and what he has done on account of it, and if it were changed its structure would be mangled, which can never be done. In addition, I have heard from angels that a Guilt for Illicit Love and Credit for Conjugial Love 0 503 change in structure is possible only in a material body and not at all possible in a spiritual body, after the material one is cast off.

(c) Then the evil of a bad person's life is imputed to him, and the good of a good person's life is imputed to him. The imputation of evil is not a complaint, prosecution, guilty verdict, and sentencing as in the world, but the evil itself accomplishes this. For evil people separate themselves from the good people of their own free will, since they cannot be together. The delights of an evil love are repulsed by the delights of a good love, and each person gives off his delights, like the odors from every plant in the world, because the delights are not absorbed and hidden by a material body as before, but they flow freely from the people's loves into the spiritual air. And since evil is perceived by its odor there, this is what accuses, prosecutes, gives a guilty verdict, and sentences not before any judge but before anyone who is living a life of good. This is what imputation means. Besides, an evil person chooses the friends he lives with in his kind of joy, and because he turns his back on the enjoyment of good, he joins his own kind in hell, of his own free will.

Imputation of good happens the same way. This happens to those who acknowledged in the world that all the good in them is from the Lord and none from themselves. When they are ready they are launched on the inner joys of good, and then a path to heaven is opened for them, to a community where the joys are the same kind as theirs. The Lord does this.

Conjugial Love #524 (Acton (1953))

524. I. THAT AFTER DEATH THE EVIL IN WHICH ONE IS, IS IMPUTED TO HIM; LIKEWISE THE GOOD. That this may be seen in some clearness, it shall be illustrated under distinct heads, thus:

1. That every one has a life proper to himself.

2. That this his life remains with every one after death.

3. That to the evil man is then imputed the evil of his life, and to the good, the good of his life.

FIRST: That every one has a life proper to himself, thus a life distinct from that of another, is well known; for there is perpetual variety, and no one thing is the same as another. Therefore, each individual has what is peculiar to himself. This is very manifest from men's faces, in that there is not, nor can ever be, a single face absolutely like another. The reason is because there is no animus the same as another, and the face is from the animus; for, as the saying is, the face is the type of the mind [animus], and the animus draws its origin and form from the life.

[2] Unless a man had a life properly his own, as he has an animus and face properly his own, then, after death he would not have any life separate from that of another. Indeed, there would be no heaven, for heaven consists of perpetually distinct individuals. Its form is solely from the varieties of souls and minds disposed into such order that they make a one; and they make a one from the one whose life is in each and every one there, as the soul is in man. Were this not the case, heaven would be dispersed because its form would be dissolved. The one from whom each and all have life and by reason of whom the form coheres, is the Lord. In general, every form consists of various things, and the quality of the form is according to the harmonious co-ordination and arrangement of those things into a one. Such is the human form. Hence it is that man, consisting of so many members, viscera, and organs, does not sensate anything, whether in himself or from himself, save as a one.

[3] SECOND: That this his life remains with every one after death is known in the Church from the Word and from the following passages there:

The Son of man shall come, and then he shall render to every man according to his works. Matthew 16:27.

I saw the books opened, and all were judged according to their works. Revelation 20:12, 13.

In the day of judgment God shall render to every man according to his works. Romans 2:5-6, 11, 2 Corinthians 5:10.

The works according to which it will be rendered to every one are the life, for it is the man's life that does them, and they are in accord with his life.

Because it has been granted me for many years to be with angels and to talk with new-comers from the world, I can testify for a certainty that in the spiritual world every one is explored as to the kind of life he has led; and that the life which he has contracted in the world remains with him to eternity. I have spoken with those who lived ages ago whose life was known to me from history, and I recognized that it was like the description. I have also heard from angels that no man's life can be changed after death because it has been organized according to his love and the works therefrom; that if it were changed, the organization would be torn apart, and this can never be; also that a change in organization is possible only in the material body, being entirely impossible in the spiritual body after the former is cast off.

[4] THIRD: That to the evil man is then imputed the evil of his life, and to the good, the good of his life. The imputation of evil is not an accusation, incrimination, charge, and judgement as in the world, but the evil itself does this; for the evil separate themselves from the good of their own free will, inasmuch as the two cannot be together. The delights of the love of evil have an aversion to the delights of the love of good, and [in the spiritual world] his delights exhale from every one like odors from every plant on earth; for they are no longer absorbed and concealed by a material body but flow freely from their loves into the spiritual aura. And because evil as manifested in its odor is there sensated, it is this that accuses, incriminates, charges, and judges, not before any judge but before every one who is in good. This is what is meant by imputation. Moreover, an evil man chooses companions with whom he may live in his delight; and being averse to the delight of good, he spontaneously betakes himself to his own in hell.

[5] The imputation of good is made in the same way, being made with those who in the world have acknowledged that all the good in them is from the Lord and none from themselves. These, after being prepared, are let into the interior delights of good, and then a way is opened for them into heaven, to the society whose delights are homogeneous. This is done by the Lord.

Conjugial Love #524 (Wunsch (1937))

524. 1(i) The evil in which one is, is imputed to one after death; similarly, the good. That this may be measurably evident, it shall be considered by steps: a) Every one has his own life. b) Every one's own life remains with him after death. c) To an evil man the evil of his life is then imputed and to a good man the good of his life.

A) It is known that every one has his own life or a life distinct from that of another. For there is perpetual variety and no one thing is the same as another; hence each has what is his own. The fact is very manifest from human faces, in that no one's face is absolutely like that of another and cannot be to eternity. The reason is that minds are not alike, and the face is from the mind. For the face, according to the common saying, is the type of the mind, and the mind derives its origin and form from the life.

[2] If a man did not have his own life as he has a mind and a face of his own, no one after death would have a life separate from that of another. Indeed, heaven would not be, for it consists of people perpetually different. Its form is solely from the varieties of souls and minds disposed into such an order that they make one, which they do from the One Being whose life is in each and all in heaven as the soul is in man; unless it were, heaven would be dispersed, because the form would be dissolved. The One Being from whom there is life in each and all and from whom the form coheres, is the Lord. Every form in general consists of different items and is such as is the harmonious coordination and disposition of them all into one. Such is the human form. Hence it is that although man consists of so many members, viscera and organs, his sole sensation is that what is in him or from him is one thing.

[3] b) The fact that every one's own life remains with him after death, is known in the Church from the Word, as from these passages there:

The Son of man shall come ... and shall render then to every one according to his deeds (Matthew 16:27);

I saw the books opened, and all were judged according to their works (Revelation 20:12-13).

In the day of judgment God shall render to every man according to his works (Romans 2:6, 2 Corinthians 5:10).

The works according to which judgment is rendered to every one are the life, for the life does them, and they are in accord with the life. As I have been enabled to commune with angels for many years and to speak with those coming from the world, I can testify for a certainty that every one is examined there as to what his life has been and that the life which he contracted in the world remains with him to eternity. I have spoken with men who lived ages ago and whose life was known to me from history, and I have found it like the description. I have also heard from angels that no one's life can be changed after death inasmuch as it has been organized in accord with his love and hence with his works, and that if it were changed, the organism would be torn apart, which could never be; likewise that an alteration in organization is possible only in the material body, and not at all in the spiritual body, after the other has been cast off.

[4] c) To an evil man the evil of his life is then imputed and to a good man the good of his life. Imputation of evil is not accusation, incrimination, inculpation and judgment as in the world, but is a process of the evil itself. For those who are evil separate of their own free will from the good, for the two cannot be together. The delights of an evil love are averse to the delights of good love, and delights in the other world exhale from every one like odors from a plant on earth; for they are no longer absorbed and concealed by a material body, but flow forth freely from their loves into the spiritual aura. Inasmuch as evil is perceived there as in its odor, it is this which accuses, incriminates, inculpates and judges, not before a judge, but before every one who is in good. This is what is meant by imputation. Moreover an evil man chooses companions with whom he may live in his delight, and being averse to the delight of good, he betakes himself of his own accord to his like in hell.

[5] Imputation of good is accomplished similarly. This takes place with those who had acknowledged in the world that all good in them is from the Lord and none from themselves. After these have been prepared, they are admitted into the interior delights of good, and then a way is opened to them into heaven to the society whose enjoyments are homogeneous with theirs. This is done by the Lord.


1. See the same material in Brief Exposition,110.

Conjugial Love #524 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

524. (1) That to everyone after death is imputed the evil in which he is; likewise the good. That this may appear in some clearness it shall be illustrated under distinct heads, thus: (1) That everyone has his peculiar life. (2) That his own life remains with everyone after death. (3) That to an evil man is then imputed the evil of his life, and to the good man is imputed the good of his life.

(1) That everyone has his peculiar life, thus a life distinct from that of another, is known; for there is a perpetual variety and no one thing is the same as another. Each one therefore, has what is his own. This is very manifest from the faces of men, in that there is no one face just like another, and cannot be to eternity. The reason is that there are no minds alike, and the faces are from the mind; for the face, as has been said, is the type of the mind, and the mind derives its origin and form from the life. If a man had not his own life, just as he has his own mind and his own face, he would have no life after death distinct from that of another. Yea, neither would there be any heaven, for heaven consists of perpetually distinct individuals. Its form is solely from the varieties of souls and minds disposed in such order as to make one, and they make one from the One whose life is in all and in the single ones therein, as the soul is in man. If it were not so heaven would be dispersed because its form would be dissolved. The One, from whom all and each single individual have life, and from whom the form coheres, is the Lord. Every form in general is from various things, and is such as is their harmonious co-ordination and disposition into one. Such is the human form. Hence it is that man, consisting of so many members, viscera and organs, has no feeling within himself or from himself but that he is one.

(2) That his own life awaits everyone after death is known in the church from the Word, as from these things there: -

The Son of man shall come, and then He shall reward every man according to his works (Matthew 16:27). I saw the books opened, and they were judged every man according to his works (Revelation 20:12-13).

In the day of judgment God shall render to every man according to his deeds (Romans 2:5-6; 2 Corinthians 5:10).

The deeds, according to which it will be rendered to everyone, are the life, because the life does them and they are according to the life.

As it has been given to me for many years to be with the angels, and to talk with those that were coming from the world, I can testify for a certainty that everyone is explored there as to what his life has been; and that the life which he has contracted in the world remains with him to eternity. I have conversed with those who lived ages ago whose life was known to me from history, and have recognized that it was like the description. I have also heard from the angels that the life of no one can be changed after death, because it is organized, in accordance with his love and thence his works, and if they were changed the organization would be torn to pieces, which can never be done. And that a change in organization only takes place while in the material body, and is entirely impossible in the spiritual body, after the former is cast off.

(3) That then is imputed to an evil man the evil of his life; and to the good man is imputed the good of his life. The imputation of evil is not accusation, crimination, inculpation, and judgment, as in the world, but the evil itself works this; for the evil, of their own free will, separate themselves from the good, because they cannot be together. The delights of the love of evil have an aversion to the delights of the love of good, and from everyone his delights exhale, as do the odors from every plant on earth; for they are not absorbed and concealed by a material body as before, but flow freely forth from their loves into the spiritual aura. And as evil is there sensibly perceived as in its odor, it is this that accuses, criminates, inculpates, and judges, not before any judge, but before everyone who is in good. And this is what is meant by imputation. Moreover, an evil man chooses his companions, with whom he may live in his delight; and as he has an aversion to the delight of good, he of his own accord, betakes himself to his own in hell

The imputation of good is effected in like manner. This takes place with those who in the world acknowledged that all the good in them is from the Lord and none from themselves. These are let into the interior delights of good, after they are prepared, and then the way is opened for them into heaven, to the society where its delights are homogeneous. This is done by the Lord.

De Amore Conjugiali #524 (original Latin (1768))

524. I. Quod cuique post mortem imputetur malum in quo est; similiter bonum. Hoc, ut in aliqua evidentia pateat, lustrabitur in distinctione, in hac,

1. Quod unicuique sit vita propria.

2. Quod unumquemvis sua vita post mortem maneat.

3. Quod Malo tunc imputetur malum ejus vitae, et quod Bono imputetur bonum ejus.

Primum, quod unicuique sit vita propria, ita distincta ab alterius, notum est; est enim perpetua varietas, et non aliquid idem; inde est cuivis suum proprium; hoc patet manifeste ex faciebus hominum, quod non detur unius facies absolute similis alterius, nec dari possit in aeternum; causa est, quia non dantur animi similes, et ex animis sunt facies, est enim facies, ut dicitur, typus animi, ac animus ducit suam originem et formam ex vita.

[2] Nisi homini propria vita foret, sicut est proprius animus, et propria facies, non foret ei aliqua vita post mortem, separata ab alterius; imo nec foret Coelum, hoc enim ex perpetuis aliis consistit; hujus forma unice est ex varietatibus animarum et mentium in talem ordinem dispositis, ut unum faciant, ac unum faciunt ex Uno, cujus vita est in omnibus et singulis ibi, sicut anima est in homine; quod nisi foret, dispergeretur Coelum, quia dissolveretur forma. Unus ex Quo est vita omnibus et singulis, et ex Quo cohaeret forma, est Dominus. In genere est omnis forma ex variis, ac talis, qualis est horum harmonica coordinatio et dispositio ad unum; talis est forma humana; inde est quod homo ex tot membris, visceribus et organis consistens, non sentiat aliquid in se et a se nisi sicut unum.

[3] Secundum, quod unumquemvis sua vita post mortem maneat, notum est in Ecclesia ex Verbo, et ex his ibi, "Venturus est Filius hominis, et tunc reddet unicuique secundum facta ejus," Matth. 116:27. "Vidi libros apertos, et judicati sunt omnes secundum opera illorum," Apoc. 220:12-13. 3"In die judicii reddet Deus unicuique secundum opera ejus," Rom. 2:5-6. 2 Cor. 5:10; Opera, secundum quae reddetur unicuique, sunt vita, quia vita facit illa, et secundum vitam sunt. Quia datum est mihi per plures annos una esse cum Angelis, ac loqui cum advenis e Mundo, pro certo testari possum, quod unusquisque exploretur ibi qualis ei vita fuit, et quod vita, quam contraxit in Mundo, maneat illum in aeternum; loquutus sum cum illis, qui ante Saecula vixerunt, quorum vita ex historicis mihi nota fuit, et cognovi similem descriptioni; et audivi ab Angelis, quod vita alicujus post mortem non possit mutari, quia organizata est secundum amorem ejus et inde opera; et quod si mutaretur, discerperetur organizatio, quod nusquam fieri potest; tum quod mutatio organizationis 4detur unice in corpore materiali, et prorsus non dabilis in corpore spirituali, postquam prius rejectum est.

[4] Tertium, quod Malo tunc imputetur malum ejus vitae, et quod Bono imputetur bonum ejus; Imputatio mali non est accusatio, incusatio, inculpatio et judicatio sicut in Mundo, sed ipsum malum hoc facit; mali enim ex suo libero separant se a bonis, quoniam non possunt simul esse; jucunda amoris mali aversantur jucunda amoris boni, et jucunda ex unoquovis exhalant, sicut odorata ex omni vegetabili in terris; non enim absorbentur et occultantur a corpore materiali sicut prius, sed libere in auram spiritualem effluunt ex amoribus illorum: et quia malum ibi sentitur sicut in suo odore, est hoc quod accusat, incusat, inculpat et judicat, non coram aliquo judice, sed coram unoquovis, qui in bono est; et hoc est quod intelligitur per imputationem: praeterea, Malus eligit socios, cum quibus in suo jucundo vivat, et quia aversatur jucundum boni, sponte se confert ad suos in inferno.

[5] Imputatio boni fit similiter; hoc fit illis, qui in Mundo agnoverunt, quod omne bonum in illis sit a Domino, et nihil a se; hi postquam praeparati sunt, mittuntur in jucunda interiora boni, et tunc aperitur illis via in Coelum ad Societatem, ubi ejus jucunda homogenea sunt; hoc fit a Domino.


1. Prima editio: Matth. (absque puncto)

2. Prima editio: Apoc. (absque puncto)

3. Prima editio: 21:12, 13

4. Prima editio: organzationis

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