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《婚姻之爱》 第529节







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Conjugial Love #529 (Chadwick (1996))

529. It is very similar in the case of those who are by the Lord's doing in a state of good. If these by an act of the will and the intellect, that is, deliberately and of set purpose, refrain from one evil as being a sin, they refrain from all evils; and the more so, if they refrain from several evils. For as soon as anyone deliberately and of set purpose refrains from any evil as being a sin, he is kept by the Lord in the intention of refraining from the others. If therefore he does evil through ignorance or some overwhelming bodily desire, this is still not imputed to him, because he had not intended or set his mind on it. A person can achieve this intention, if once or twice a year he examines himself, and repents of the evil he finds in himself. This is not the case if he never examines himself. These facts make it plain who it is that does not have sin imputed to him and who it is that does.

Conjugial Love #529 (Rogers (1995))

529. Something similar is true in the case of people who are in a state of good from the Lord. If they from their will and intellect or purposefully and deliberately refrain from one evil because it is a sin, they refrain from them all; and this still more if they refrain from several. For as soon as anyone purposefully or deliberately refrains from some evil because it is a sin, he is kept by the Lord in a purpose to refrain from the rest. Consequently, if he then does evil unwittingly or under the sway of some overwhelming lust of the body, still it is not imputed to him, because he did not purpose it to himself, nor does he defend it in himself.

A person comes into this purpose if examines himself once or twice a year and repents of the evil that he finds himself. Not so one who never examines himself.

This makes clear who it is to whom sin is not imputed, and who it is to whom it is imputed.

Love in Marriage #529 (Gladish (1992))

529. It is just the same with those who are preoccupied with good from the Lord. If they willingly and with understanding, or, on purpose and with confirmation, keep from doing one bad thing because it is a sin, they keep from doing them all - the more so if they keep from more than one. For as soon as someone purposely and in confirmation keeps from committing some evil because it is a sin, the Lord keeps him to the intention of abstaining from the others. So if he does evil because of ignorance or as a result of being overcome by some bodily drive, it is not held against him even so, because he did not plan it on his own nor confirm it in himself. A person acquires this resolution if he examines himself once or twice a year and repents of the evil that he discovers in himself. It is different with a person who never examines himself.

These observations make it obvious who is not blamed for sin and who is.

Conjugial Love #529 (Acton (1953))

529. The same is the case with those who are in good from the Lord. If from will and understanding, or purpose and confirmation, they abstain from one evil because it is a sin, and still more if they abstain from several, they abstain from all; for as soon as one from purpose or confirmation abstains from any evil because it is a sin, he is held by the Lord in the purpose of abstaining from the rest. Therefore, if he does evil from ignorance or from some prevailing concupiscence of the body, it is not imputed to him because he did not propose it to himself and does not confirm it with himself. A man comes into this purpose if once or twice a year he examines himself and repents of the evil which he finds in himself. Not so with one who never examines himself. From this it is manifest who it is to whom sin is not imputed, and who it is to whom it is imputed.

Conjugial Love #529 (Wunsch (1937))

529. The like is true of those in good from the Lord. If from will and understanding, or of purpose and by confirmation, they abstain from one evil, because it is sin, they abstain from all, and still more if they abstain from many. For as soon as a man abstains of purpose and by confirmation from one evil because it is sin, he is held by the Lord in the purpose to abstain from the rest. If he does evil unwittingly, therefore, or from some overwhelming concupiscence of the body, still this is not imputed to him, for he did not purpose it nor does he confirm it with himself. A man comes into this purpose if he examines himself once or twice a year and repents of the evil which he discovers in himself. It is different with one who never examines himself. It becomes evident from these things who it is to whom sin is not imputed, and who it is to whom it is imputed.

Conjugial Love #529 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

529. It is quite similar with those who are in good from the Lord. If they from will and understanding, or from purpose and confirmation, abstain from one evil because it is a sin, they abstain from all, and more yet if they abstain from several; for as soon as one from purpose, or from confirmation, abstains from any evil because it is a sin, he is kept by the Lord in the purpose of abstaining from the rest. If then he does evil from ignorance, or from some prevailing concupiscence of the body, it is yet not imputed to him, because he did not propose it to himself, and does not confirm it with himself. A man comes into this purpose if once or twice in a year he examines himself, and repents of the evil that he discovers with himself. It is otherwise with him who never examines himself. From these considerations it is manifest who it is to whom evil is imputed and to whom it is not imputed.

De Amore Conjugiali #529 (original Latin (1768))

529. Consimile est apud illos, qui in bono a Domino sunt; hi si ex voluntate et intellectu, seu ex proposito et confirmato, abstinent ab uno malo, quia peccatum est, abstinent ab omnibus, et plus adhuc si abstinent a pluribus: ut primum enim aliquis ex proposito aut confirmato ab aliquo malo, quia peccatum est, abstinet, ille a Domino in proposito abstinendi a reliquis tenetur; quare si ex inscitia aut ex praevalente aliqua corporis concupiscentia, malum facit, usque hoc non ei imputatur, quia id sibi non proposuit, nec apud se confirmat. Homo in hoc propositum venit, si semel aut bis in anno explorat se, et a malo, quod deprehendit apud se, resipiscat; aliter qui nusquam explorat se. Ex his patescit, quis est cui non imputatur peccatum, et quis cui imputatur.

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