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《婚姻之爱》 第89节






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Conjugial Love #89 (Chadwick (1996))

89. The reason why those two have from creation an inherent tendency to join themselves into one is that one is formed from the other. Wisdom is formed from the love of being wise, that is, truth is formed from good; and the love of wisdom is formed from that wisdom, that is, the good of truth is formed from that truth. It can be seen that the result of their formation is a mutual tendency to be re-united and to be joined into one. But this only happens to men who possess real wisdom, and to women who possess the love of that wisdom in their husbands; in other words, to those who have truly conjugial love. More will be said in the following pages about the wisdom the husband ought to have and which the wife ought to love.

Conjugial Love #89 (Rogers (1995))

89. Implanted in these two from creation is an inclination to join together into one, for the reason that one was formed out of the other. Wisdom is formed out of a love of growing wise, which is to say that truth is formed as a result of good. And a love of wisdom is formed as a result of that wisdom, or in other words, the good of truth is formed as a result of that truth.

From this process of formation it can be seen that they have a mutual inclination to reunite themselves and to join together into one. But this happens only in the case of men who are in a state of genuine wisdom, and in women who are in a state of love for that wisdom in their husbands, thus who are in a state of truly conjugial love. As for the wisdom that a man needs to have and that a wife ought to love, however, this, too, will be discussed later.

Love in Marriage #89 (Gladish (1992))

89. From creation these two have an inborn inclination to join themselves into one because the one is formed from the other wisdom from love of becoming wise, or truth from good, and love of wisdom from that wisdom, or the good of truth from that truth. This pattern shows that they have a mutual inclination to reunite themselves and join themselves into one.

But this happens for men who have genuine wisdom and for women who have a love for that wisdom in their husbands which is to say, who have the real love for marriage.

But later articles will tell what wisdom a man must have and a wife must love.

Conjugial Love #89 (Acton (1953))

89. That in these two is implanted from creation an inclination to conjoin themselves into a one, is because the one is formed from the other--wisdom from the love of growing wise, or truth from good, and the love of wisdom from that wisdom, or the good of truth from that truth. From this formation, it can be seen that in them there is a mutual inclination to reunite and conjoin themselves into a one. This reunion is effected with men who are in genuine wisdom, and with women who are in the love of that wisdom in their husband, thus, with those who are in love truly conjugial. As to the wisdom which must be with the man and which must be loved by the wife, this will be spoken of later.

Conjugial Love #89 (Wunsch (1937))

89. An inclination to unite into one has been implanted in these two by creation, because one is formed from the other: wisdom from the love of being wise or truth from good, and the love of wisdom from that wisdom, or good of truth from that truth; and due to this formation it can be seen that there is a mutual inclination to reunite and join into one. But this reunion takes place with men who are in genuine wisdom, and with women who are in the love of that wisdom in the husband, thus with those who are in true marital love. More will be said in what follows about the wisdom which the husband must have, and which the wife must love.

Conjugial Love #89 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

89. That there is inherent in these two from creation an inclination to conjoin themselves into one, is because the one is formed from the other, wisdom, from the love of growing wise, or truth from good; and the love of wisdom from that wisdom, or the good of truth from that truth. It can be seen from this formation that there is a mutual inclination to reunite and to conjoin themselves into one. But this re-union takes place with men who are in genuine wisdom, and with women who are in the love of that wisdom in the husband, who are thus in love truly conjugial. But the wisdom which should be with the man and be loved by the wife is also to be spoken of hereafter.

De Amore Conjugiali #89 (original Latin (1768))

89. Quod illis duobus a creatione insita sit inclinatio ad se conjungendum in unum, est quia unum formatum est ex altero, Sapientia ex amore sapiendi seu verum ex bono, ac Amor sapientiae ex illa sapientia, seu bonum veri ex illo vero; ex qua formatione 1videri potest, quod sit mutua inclinatio ad reuniendum se, et ad conjungendum se in unum. Sed hoc fit apud Viros, qui in genuina Sapientia sunt, et apud Mulieres quae in Amore illius sapientiae in Marito sunt, ita qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt: Sed de Sapientia, quae apud Virum erit, et quae amanda est ab Uxore, in sequentibus etiam dicetur.


1. Prima editio: litera i in formatione inversa est.

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