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《婚姻之爱》 第95节





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Conjugial Love #95 (Chadwick (1996))

95. (vii) Conjugial love belongs to the inward or spiritual person, and consequently is peculiar to human beings.

Conjugial love belongs to the inward or spiritual person, because the more intelligent and wise, the more inward and spiritual he becomes. The more perfect too the form of his mind becomes, and this is the form which receives conjugial love. For in this it perceives and feels spiritual pleasure, which is what makes one inwardly blessed, and is the source of natural pleasure, which derives its soul, life and essence from it.

Conjugial Love #95 (Rogers (1995))

95. 7. But conjugial love is a love of the internal or spiritual man, and is peculiar to mankind. Conjugial love is a love of the internal or spiritual man because the more intelligent and wise a person becomes, the more internal or spiritual he becomes. The more, too, is the form of his mind perfected, and the perfected form receives conjugial love, for it perceives and feels in that love a spiritual delight that is inwardly blessed, and a natural delight arising from that love which takes its soul, life and essence from the spiritual delight.

Love in Marriage #95 (Gladish (1992))

95. 7. But love in marriage belongs to the inner or spiritual part of people, so it is strictly for people. Married love has to do with the inner or spiritual person, because the more a person becomes intelligent and wise, the more he develops an inner, spiritual dimension - and the more perfect the configuration of his mind becomes. This form of mind is receptive of married love. It notices and feels the spiritual joy in it, which is made inwardly happy.

And from this comes joy on the natural plane, which takes its spirit, life, and being from the inner joy.

Conjugial Love #95 (Acton (1953))

95. VII. BUT THAT CONJUGIAL LOVE BELONG TO THE INTERNAL OR SPIRITUAL MAN, AND HENCE IS PROPER TO MAN. That conjugial love belongs to the internal or spiritual man, is because the more a man becomes intelligent and wise, the more does he become internal or spiritual and the more is the form of his mind perfected. It is this form that receives conjugial love; for in that love he perceives and feels a spiritual delight which is inwardly beatific, and from this, a natural delight which draws its soul and life and essence from the former.

Conjugial Love #95 (Wunsch (1937))

95. (vii) But marital love is of the internal or spiritual man, and is therefore peculiar to man. Marital love is of the internal or spiritual man, for the reason that the more intelligent and wise the human being becomes, the more he becomes internal and spiritual; so much more, too, is his mind's form perfected, and this form receives marital love. For it perceives and feels in that love a spiritual joy which inwardly is beatific, and a natural joy which has its soul, life and essence from the spiritual joy.

Conjugial Love #95 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

95. (7) But that conjugial love is of the internal or spiritual man and is therefore, peculiar to man. The reason why conjugial love is of the internal or spiritual man, is that the more intelligent and wise a man becomes the more he becomes internal or spiritual, and the more perfect becomes the form of his mind, and that form receives conjugial love. For in that love it perceives and feels a spiritual delight which is inwardly beatific; and from this a natural delight which draws from that its soul and life and essence.

De Amore Conjugiali #95 (original Latin (1768))

95. VII: Sed quod Amor conjugialis sit Interni seu spiritualis hominis; et quod hic sit proprius homini. Quod Amor conjugialis sit Interni seu spiritualis hominis, est quia quo plus homo fit intelligens et sapiens, eo plus fit 1internus seu spiritualis; et eo plus perficitur ejus mentis forma, et haec forma recipit amorem conjugialem, percipit enim et sentit in hoc jucundum spirituale, quod intus beatificatum est, et ex hoc jucundum naturale, quod animam, vitam et essentiam trahit ex illo.


1. Prima editio (fortasse): sit

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