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《最后的审判(续)》 第11节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 11

11. 3. Before the Last Judgment on these people was carried out, much of the communication between heaven and earth, and therefore between the Lord and the church, was blocked. Any enlightenment we have comes to us from the Lord through heaven and enters us by an inner route. As long as there were gatherings of people like this between heaven and the world, that is, between the Lord and the church, we could not be enlightened. It was like what happens when the brilliance of the sun is obscured by the interference of a black cloud or when the sun is eclipsed by the moon and its light is cut off. This means that if anything had been revealed by the Lord it would not have been understood, or if it were understood it would not have been accepted, or if it were accepted, over time it would have been smothered.

Since all the gatherings that were causing obstructions have now been dispersed by the Last Judgment, we can see that:

4. Communication has been restored between heaven and the world, that is, between the Lord and the church.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 11

11. (iii) Before the Last Judgment was carried out on them, much of the communication between heaven and the world, and so between the Lord and the church, was blocked. All of a person's enlightenment is from the Lord by way of heaven, and it comes in by an internal route. So long as there were groups of such people between heaven and the world, or between the Lord and the church, people could not be enlightened. It was as when the sun's rays are blocked by a dark intervening cloud; or when the sun goes into eclipse by the interposition of the moon and its light is blocked. If therefore any revelation had been made by the Lord, either it would not have been understood, or, if it was understood, it would still not have been accepted, or, if it was accepted, it would still afterwards have been choked. Now, since all these interposed groups were scattered by the Last Judgment, it is clear that (iv) communication was restored between heaven and the world or between the Lord and the church.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 11

11. III. Before the Last Judgment was effected upon them, much of the communication between heaven and the world, thus between the Lord and the church, was intercepted. All enlightenment comes to man from the Lord through heaven, and it enters by an internal way. So long as there were congregations of such spirits between heaven and the world, or between the Lord and the church, man could not be enlightened. It was as when a sunbeam is cut off by a black interposing cloud, or as when the sun is eclipsed, and its light arrested, by the interjacent moon. Wherefore, if anything had been then revealed by the Lord, either it would not have been understood, or if understood, still it would not have been received, or if received, still it would afterwards have been suffocated. Now since all these interposing congregations were dissipated by the Last Judgment, it is plain, IV. That the communication between heaven and the world, or between the Lord and the church, has been restored.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 11 (original Latin 1763)

11. (iii.) Quod antequam ultimum judicium super illas jactum est, multa communicatio inter caelum et mundum, ita inter Dominum et ecclesiam, intercepta fuerit.- Omnis illustratio homini est a Domino per caelum, ac intrat per viam internam; quamdiu inter caelum et mundum, seu inter Dominum et ecclesiam, talium congregationes fuerunt, non potuit homo illustrari; fuit sicut cum jubar solis per atram interpositam nubem disparatur; aut sicut sol per interjectam lunam eclipsin patitur, ac lux ejus intercipitur: quare si tunc aliquid a Domino revelatum fuisset, hoc vel non intellectum, vel si intellectum usque non receptum, vel si receptum usque postea suffocatum fuisset. Nunc quia omnes illae congregationes interpositae per ultimum judicium dissipatae sunt, patet, (iv.) Quod communicatio inter caelum et mundum, seu inter Dominum et ecclesiam, restituta sit.

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