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《最后的审判(续)》 第24节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 24

24. As the revealing of their deeper natures increased, the hierarchy among these inhabitants changed and was reversed. The ones who made the strongest arguments against the holy principles of the church invaded the center and took control, while the rest, whose arguments were less forceful, retreated to the circumference and hailed the ones in the middle as their guardian angels.

In this way they bound themselves into bundles for hell.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 24

24. As the disclosure of interiors proceeded, the arrangement of the people living there changed and was reversed. Those who reasoned most energetically in attacking the holy things of the church burst into the middle and took control. The remainder, who were less energetic in reasoning, retreated to the sides and recognised those in the middle as their guardian angels. In this way they bound themselves together so as to resemble hell.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 24

24. As the disclosure of the interiors increased, so the order among the inhabitants was changed and inverted. Those who were most powerful in reasonings against the holy things of the church, rushed into the middle, and assumed the dominion; and the rest, who were less powerful in reasonings, receded to the circumferences, and acknowledged those who were in the middle as their tutor-angels. Thus they collected themselves together into the form of hell.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 24 (original Latin 1763)

24. Sicut reclusio interiorum increvit, ita ordo inter habitantes mutatus et inversus est; illi qui maxime invaluerunt ratiociniis contra sancta ecclesiae, irruperunt in medium, et dominium ceperunt; ac reliqui, qui minus valuerunt ratiociniis, ad latera circumcirca secesserunt, et illos qui in medio erant, pro suis angelis tutoribus agnoverunt: ita colligaverunt se in facies inferni.

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