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《最后的审判(续)》 第29节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 29

29. Then I saw what happened to the rocks people were living on: some of them sank to the deepest depths, some were carried far away, some split open in the middle so that the people living on them were cast down into a cave, and some were submerged as if by a flood. I saw the many people on them gathered into groups like bundles, sorted by types and subtypes of evil, and cast far and wide into whirlpools, swamps, marshes, and deserts, all of which were hells.

The rest, who did not live on those rocks but on either side of them (even though they were given to the same kinds of evil), fled thunderstruck to the Catholics, Muslims, and people of other religions and professed those religions. They could do this without even changing their minds because they actually had no religion. To prevent them from leading the others in those religions astray, though, they were driven off and forced down to live with their true companions in the hells.

This provides a general outline of their fate. The details of what I saw are more than can be described here.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 29

29. I then saw some of the rocks on which they stood sinking down to the lowest depths, some carried off to the far distance, some split open in the middle, and those who stood on them cast down through a cave. Some of the rocks were covered as by a flood. Many of the people were gathered into groups to match their general and particular kinds of evil; they were made as it were into bundles and tossed hither and thither into chasms, marshes, pools and deserts, each of which was a hell. The remainder who were not standing on the rocks were scattered in different directions, and since they shared similar evils, in their amazement they ran for refuge to the Roman Catholics, the Mohammedans and the heathen, and claimed to have their religion. They could do this without mental upset because they lacked any religion. But to prevent them leading these people astray they were driven away and thrust down to join their companions in the hells. This is a general description of their fate; but the details of what I witnessed are too many to relate here.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 29

29. Then I saw some of the rocks upon which they were, subsiding even to the lowest depths; some carried far away; some opening in the middle, and those who were on them cast down through the chasm; and some inundated as with a flood. And I saw many collected into companies, as into bundles, according to the genera and species of evil, and cast hither and thither into whirlpools, marshes, stagnant pools, and deserts, which were so many hells. The rest who were not on rocks, but scattered here and there, and who yet were in similar evils, fled amazed to the Papists, Mohammedans, and Gentiles, and professed their religions, which they could do without any disturbance of mind, because they had no religion; but still lest they should seduce these also, they were driven away, and thrust down to their companions in the hells. This is a general description of their destruction; the particulars which I saw, are more than can be here described.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 29 (original Latin 1763)

29. Vidi tunc petras, super quibus erant, quasdam subsidentes usque ad ima; quasdam translatas in longinqua; quasdam apertas in medio; et per antrum dejectos qui supra erant; quasdam inundatas sicut diluvio; ac multos secundum genera et species mali collectos in coetus, sicut in fasciculos, et conjectos huc illuc in voragines, paludes, stagna et deserta, totidem inferna: reliqui, qui non super petris erant, hinc illinc dispersi, et tamen in similibus malis, attoniti aufugerunt ad Pontificios, Mahumedanos et Gentes, ac religionem illorum fassi sunt; hoc potuerunt absque motione animi facere, quia illis nulla religio fuerat; sed usque ne quoque illos seducerent, abacti sunt, et ad socios suos in infernis detrusi. Hoc fuit exitium illorum universaliter descriptum; particularia, quae vidi, sunt plura quam ut hic describi possint.

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