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《最后的审判(续)》 第47节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 47

47. I talked with Melanchthon and asked him about his situation. He did not want to answer, so I was told about his situation by others. They said that he was sometimes in a stone-vaulted room and sometimes in hell, and that because it was so cold in the room, he seemed to be wearing a bearskin. They said that because of the uncleanness of his room he did not admit newcomers from the world who came to him as visitors, drawn by his reputation and fame.

He still talked about faith alone, something he had done more to establish than anyone else in the world.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 47

47. I talked with Melanchthon 1and asked him about his present state. He did not wish to answer the question. I was therefore informed of his fate by others: he is at times in a rocky vaulted room and at other times in hell. In the room he is seen to be wearing a bear's skin on account of the cold, and when newcomers from the world wish to visit him because of his reputation, he does not admit them to his vault because of the filth in it. He still talks about faith alone, the doctrine which he above all others established in the world.


1. Melanchthon (a Greek translation of his German name), 1497-1560, was a leader of the Reform movement in Germany.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 47

47. I have spoken with Melancthon, and then asked him concerning his state; but he was not willing to reply. Wherefore I was informed of his lot by others, which is that he is alternately in a fretted stone chamber, and alternately in hell, and that in his chamber he appears clothed in a bear's skin on account of the cold, and because of the uncleanness there he does not admit newcomers from the world, who wish to visit him on account of the reputation of his name. He still speaks of faith alone, which in the world he established more than others.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 47 (original Latin 1763)

47. Locutus sum cum Melanchthone, et tunc quaesivi ex illo 1in quo statu esset; ad quod respondere non voluit. Quare informatus sum ab aliis de sorte ejus, quae est quod per vices in camera saxea lacunata sit, et per vices in inferno; et quod in camera propter frigus pelle ursina appareat indutus, et quod advenas e mundo, qui illum propter nominis ejus famam adire volunt, in lacunar suum non admittat propter immunditiem ibi. Loquitur adhuc de sola fide, quam prae aliis in mundo stabilivit.


"1. ex illo pro ""illum"""

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