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《最后的审判(续)》 第5节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 5

5. Allow me to skip over the absurd notions we would have concerning the destruction of the universe if we did not know that we are just as human after death as before. These notions are all of the same nature, and there are a lot of them.

Once we know that we are not breaths or breezes after death but spirits—and if we have led good lives, angels in heaven—and that spirits and angels have a form that is human in every way, then we can think intelligently about our state after death and about the Last Judgment. We do not need to think about these matters on the basis of an unintelligible faith, a faith that spawns only idle beliefs that are handed down through the ages. We can instead use our intellect to conclude for certain that the Last Judgment foretold in the Word is not going to happen in this earthly world but in the spiritual world, where everyone is gathered together. We can recognize as well that when the Last Judgment happens, that fact will surely be revealed, for the sake of the credibility of the Word.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 5

5. I leave aside the paradoxical ideas about the destruction of the universe which people will entertain who do not know that a person is as much a person after death. These are like the other ideas and equally numerous. But when it is known that a person after death is not a breath or a puff of wind, but is a spirit, an angel in heaven if he has led a good life, and that spirits and angels have a complete human form, then it is possible to base one's ideas about the state of people after death and about the Last Judgment on understanding and not on faith accepted without understanding, which leads only to traditional beliefs. Understanding can also lead to the certain conclusion that the Last Judgment predicted in the Word will not take place in natural but in the spiritual world, where all are gathered. It also follows that, when the Last Judgment takes place, it must be revealed so that the Word remains credible.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 5

5. I pass over paradoxes, similar to, and equally numerous with these, which the man who does not know that he is a man after death as before, must think concerning the destruction of the universe. But when he knows that a man after death is not an exhalation or a wind, but a spirit, and if he has lived well, an angel in heaven, and that spirits and angels are men in a perfect form, can then think from his understanding concerning the state of man after death, and the Last Judgment, and not from faith separate from the understanding, from which mere traditions go forth: and he may also with certainty conclude from his understanding, that the Last Judgment, which is predicted in the Word, will not exist in the natural world, but in the spiritual world, where all are together: and furthermore, that whenever it does exist, it must be revealed, for the sake of belief in the Word.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 5 (original Latin 1763)

5. Ut praeteream paradoxa, quae homo, qui non scit quod post mortem sit homo sicut prius, cogitaturus esset de destructione universi; quae similia sunt, et aeque multa. Verum cum novit quod homo post mortem non sit halitus aut ventus, sed quod sit spiritus, ac si bene vixit, angelus in caelo, et quod spiritus et angeli sint in perfecta forma homines, tunc potest de statu hominum post mortem, et de ultimo judicio, ex intellectu cogitare, et non ex fide separata ab intellectu, ex qua merae traditiones exeunt: et quoque potest ex intellectu pro certo concludere, quod ultimum judicium, de quo praedicitur in Verbo, non exstiturum sit in mundo naturali, sed in mundo spirituali, ubi omnes simul sunt; tum etiam, quod ultimum judicium, quando fit, propter fidem Verbi, revelandum sit.

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