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《圣爱与圣智》 第18节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #18 (Dole (2003))

18. Anyone can come to an inner assurance about the presence of infinite things in God--anyone, that is, who believes that God is a person; because if God is a person, he has a body and everything that having a body entails. So he has a face, torso, abdomen, upper legs, and lower legs, since without these he would not be a person. Since he has these components, he also has eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and tongue. He also has what we find within a person, such as a heart and lungs and the things that depend on them, all of which, taken together, make us human. We are created with these many components, and if we consider them in their interconnections, they are beyond counting. In the Divine-Human One, though, they are infinite. Nothing is lacking, so he has an infinite completeness.

We can make this comparison of the uncreated Person, who is God, with us who are created, because that God is a person. It is because of him that we earthly beings are said to have been created in his image and in his likeness (Genesis 1:26-27).

Divine Love and Wisdom #18 (Rogers (1999))

18. Everyone can affirm in himself the existence of infinite elements in God if he believes that God is a person. And because God is a person, He has a body, and everything associated with a body. Thus He has a face, breast, abdomen, loins, and feet; for without these He would not be a person. Moreover, because He has these constituents, He also has eyes, ears, nose, mouth and tongue, and also the components which are found inside a person, such as a heart and lungs, and the organs that depend on these, all of which taken together make a person to be a person. In a created person these constituents are many, and regarded in their complexities they are beyond number. But in the human God they are infinite. Nothing is lacking. Consequently His is an infinite perfection.

We compare the uncreated person who is God with a created one for the reason that God is a person, and He Himself says that He created man in the world in His image and into His likeness (Genesis 1:26-27).

Divine Love and Wisdom #18 (Harley and Harley (1969))

18. Everyone who believes that God is a Man can affirm for himself that there are infinite things in God. And because He is a Man He has a body and everything pertaining to a body. Thus He has a face, breast, abdomen, loins and feet, for without these He would not be a Man. And since He has these, He also has eyes, ears, nostrils, a mouth and a tongue; so also the things within a man as the heart and lungs and the parts which depend on these, all of which taken together, make man to be man. In a created man, these parts are many, and regarded in their connections are innumerable. But in God-Man they are infinite. Nothing whatever is lacking, hence He has infinite perfection. The comparison is made between Uncreate Man Who is God and a created man, because God is Man, and it is said by Him that the man of this world was created after His image and into His likeness (Gen. 1:16, 27) .

Divine Love and Wisdom #18 (Ager (1890))

18. That in God there are infinite things, any one may convince himself who believes that God is a Man; for, being a Man, He has a body and every thing pertaining to it, that is, a face, breast, abdomen, loins and feet; for without these He would not be a Man. And having these, He also has eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and tongue; also the parts within man, as the heart and lungs, and their dependencies, all of which, taken together, make man to be a man. In a created man these parts are many, and regarded in their details of structure are numberless; but in God-Man they are infinite, nothing whatever is lacking, and from this He has infinite perfection. This comparison holds between the uncreated Man who is God and created man, because God is a Man; and He Himself says that the man of this world was created after His image and into His likeness (Gen. 1:26, 27).

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #18 (original Latin,1763)

18. Quod Infinita in Deo sint, quisque apud se affirmare potest, qui credit quod Deus sit Homo; et quia est Homo, est Ipsi Corpus, et omne quod corporis est; ita est Ipsi Facies, Pectus, Abdomen, Lumbi, Pedes, nam absque illis non foret Homo: et quia Ipsi illa sunt, etiam sunt Ipsi Oculi, Aures, Nares, Os, Lingua; tum etiam quae intra in Homine sunt, ut Cor et Pulmo, et quae ex illis pendent, quae omnia simul sumta faciunt ut homo sit homo: in homine creato sunt illa multa, et in contexturis suis spectata sunt innumera; sed in Deo Homine sunt illa infinita; non deest quicquam; inde Ipsi infinita perfectio. Quod comparatio Hominis Increati, qui est Deus, cum homine creato fiat, est quia Deus est Homo, et ab Ipso dicitur, quod homo mundi ad imaginem Ipsius et in similitudinem Ipsius creatus sit, Genesis 1:26-27.

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