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《圣爱与圣智》 第187节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #187 (Dole (2003))

187. We can tell from this sample that people who know nothing about distinct or vertical levels cannot know anything about our state when it comes to reformation and regeneration, processes that are effected by our acceptance of love and wisdom from the Lord and a consequent opening of the deeper levels of our minds in due sequence. They cannot know, either, about the inflow through the heavens from the Lord or about the design into which they themselves were created. Anyone who ponders these subjects on the basis of gradual or horizontal levels rather than distinct or vertical ones can see them only in terms of effects and not at all in terms of causes. Seeing things solely in terms of effects is basing thought on illusions, which leads to one error after another. By inductive reasoning we can multiply these errors so much that ultimately grotesque distortions are labeled truths.

Divine Love and Wisdom #187 (Rogers (1999))

187. From these few observations it can be seen that one who knows nothing of discrete degrees or degrees of height can know nothing as well of a person's state as regards his reformation and regeneration, which are achieved by his receiving love and wisdom from the Lord, and by an opening then of the interior degrees of his mind in succession. Nor can he know anything of the influx that comes through the heavens from the Lord, nor anything of the hierarchical order into which he was created. For if anyone thinks of these, not in accordance with discrete degrees or degrees of height, but in accordance with continuous degrees or degrees of breadth, he cannot in that case see anything relating to them except what is discernible from effects, and nothing of their causes; and to see on the basis of effects alone is to do so on the basis of fallacious appearances, from which spring errors, one after another, which can be so multiplied by inductive reasonings that at last egregious falsities are called truths.

Divine Love and Wisdom #187 (Harley and Harley (1969))

187. From these few facts it can be established that one who knows nothing about discrete degrees, that is, degrees of height, can know nothing about the state of man as to his reformation and regeneration, which are effected through the reception of love and wisdom from the Lord, and then through the opening of the interior degrees of his mind in their order. Nor can he know anything about influx through the heavens from the Lord, nor anything about the order into which he has been created. For if anyone thinks about these, not from discrete degrees or degrees of height, but from continuous degrees or degrees of breadth, he cannot see anything except by effects, and nothing from causes. And to see only from effects is to see from fallacies which come from errors, one after another. And these may be so multiplied by inductions, that at length enormous falsities are called truths.

Divine Love and Wisdom #187 (Ager (1890))

187. From all this it can be seen, that one who knows nothing about discrete degrees, that is, degrees of height, can know nothing about the state of man as regards his reformation and regeneration, which are effected through the reception of love and wisdom of the Lord, and then through the opening of the interior degrees of his mind in their order. Nor can he know anything about influx from the Lord through the heavens nor anything about the order into which he was created. For if anyone thinks about these, not from discrete degrees or degrees of height but from continuous degrees or degrees of breadth, he is not able to perceive anything about them from causes, but only from effects; and to see from effects only is to see from fallacies, from which come errors, one after another; and these may be so multiplied by inductions that at length enormous falsities are called truths.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #187 (original Latin,1763)

187. Ex his paucis constare potest, quod qui non scit aliquid de Gradibus discretis seu altitudinis, nec scire aliquid possit de statu hominis quoad ejus reformationem et regenerationem, quae fiunt per receptionem amoris et sapientiae a Domino, et tunc per aperitionem graduum interiorum mentis ejus in suo ordine; nec scire potest aliquid de influxu per coelos a Domino, nec aliquid de ordine in quem creatus est; si enim aliquis de illis non ex gradibus discretis seu altitudinis, sed ex gradibus continuis seu latitudinis, cogitat, tunc non potest quicquam de illis videre quam ab effectibus, et nihil ex causis, et ex solis effectibus videre, est ex fallaciis, unde errores, unus post alterum, qui per inductiones ita multiplicari possunt, ut tandem enormes falsitates dicantur veritates.

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