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《圣爱与圣智》 第250节








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Divine Love and Wisdom #250 (Dole (2003))

250. Since people in this world do not know what a spiritual-minded person is and what an earthly-minded person is, and since many call someone "spiritual" who is merely earthly-minded, and vice versa, I need to say the following things clearly.

1. What an earthly-minded person is and what a spiritual-minded person is.

2. What an earthly-minded person is like whose spiritual level has been opened.

3. What an earthly-minded person is like whose spiritual level has not been opened but is not yet closed.

4. What an earthly-minded person is like whose spiritual level has been completely closed.

5. Lastly, the difference between the life of a wholly earthly-minded person and the life of an animal.

Divine Love and Wisdom #250 (Rogers (1999))

250. Because people do not know in the world what a spiritual person is and what a natural person is, and many call spiritual one who is merely natural, and vice versa, therefore we must say something about them under the following headings:

(1) What the natural person is, and what the spiritual person.

(2) The nature of the natural person in whom the spiritual degree has been opened.

(3) The nature of the natural person in whom the spiritual degree has not been opened and yet is not closed.

(4) The nature of the natural person in whom the spiritual degree has been completely closed.

(5) Lastly, the nature of the difference between the life of the merely natural person and the life of an animal.

Divine Love and Wisdom #250 (Harley and Harley (1969))

250. Because it is not known in the world what the spiritual man is, and what the natural, and because he who is merely natural is by many called spiritual, and conversely, therefore these subjects are to be discussed separately:

(i) What the natural man is, and what the spiritual man.

(ii) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree has been opened.

(iii) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree has not been opened, but yet not closed up.

(iv) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree has been entirely closed up.

(v) Lastly, the nature of the difference between the life of a merely natural man and the life of a beast.

Divine Love and Wisdom #250 (Ager (1890))

250. As it is unknown in the world what the spiritual man is, and what the natural, and as by many he who is merely natural is called spiritual, and conversely, these subjects shall be separately discussed, as follows:

(1) What the natural man is, and what the spiritual man.

(2) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree is opened.

(3) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree is not opened and yet not closed.

(4) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree is entirely closed.

(5) Lastly, The nature of the difference between the life of a man merely natural and the life of a beast.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #250 (original Latin,1763)

250. Quia in Mundo nescitur quid Spiritualis et quid 1 Naturalis homo, et a multis vocatur is spiritualis qui mere naturalis est, 2 et vicissim, ideo de his distincte dicendum est, 3 1. Quid homo naturalis, et quid homo spiritualis. 4 2. Qualis est homo naturalis apud quem spiritualis Gradus apertus est. 5 3. Qualis est homo naturalis, apud quem spiritualis Gradus non apertus est, sed usque non occlusus. 4. Qualis homo naturalis est, apud quem spiritualis gradus prorsus occlusus est. 5. Demum quale discrimen est inter vitam mere naturalis hominis et inter vitam bestiae.


1. Prima editio: quin

2. Prima editio: est;

3. Prima editio: est (absque interpuncto)

4. Prima editio: spiritualis,

5. Prima editio: est (absque interpuncto)

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