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《圣爱与圣智》 第367节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #367 (Dole (2003))

367, 4. By means of its primary forms, life is in the whole from every part and in every part from the whole. This is because in terms of its origin, the whole--brain and body together--consists of nothing but the fibers that come from these primary forms in the brains. They have no other source, as we can see from the things just presented in 366. So the whole comes from each part. The reason that life in each part comes through the primary forms from the whole is that the whole provides each part with the share that it needs and thereby makes it a part of the whole. In brief, the whole arises from the parts and the parts are sustained by the whole. We can see from many things in the body that there is this kind of mutual sharing, and through it, a union.

It is much the same in the body as it is in a state, republic, or monarchy. The commonwealth arises from the people who are its parts, and the parts or individuals are sustained by the commonwealth. It is the same in everything that is in some form, especially humans.

Divine Love and Wisdom #367 (Rogers (1999))

367. (4) Life through those first elements is present from every part in the whole, and from the whole in every part. The reason is that the whole, which includes both the brain and the body, consists initially only of fibers which issue from their first elements in the brain. It has no other beginning, as is apparent from what we have shown just above in no. 366. Consequently the whole arises from every part.

Life through those first elements is present also from the whole in every part for the reason that the whole supplies to every part its portion and requirement, and so makes it to be a part of the whole.

In a word, the whole arises from the parts, and the parts are dependent on the whole.

The existence of such a reciprocal relationship and consequent conjunction is apparent from many illustrations of it in the body. For the case in it is the same as in a city, republic or kingdom, that the whole is formed of the people who are its parts, and the parts or people are dependent on the whole.

It is the same with everything that has some structure; especially so in the human being.

Divine Love and Wisdom #367 (Harley and Harley (1969))

367. (iv) By means of those beginnings, life is in the whole from every part, and in every part from the whole. This is because the whole, that is, the brain and body together, by its origin, exists only from the fibres which proceed from their beginnings in the brains. It has no other origin, as is plain from what has been shown just above (366). Hence the whole is from every part. Life also is in every part from the whole by means of those beginnings, because the whole furnishes each part with its duty and its needs, and thereby makes it a part in the whole. In a word, the whole exists from the parts, and the parts continue to exist from the whole. That there is such a reciprocal communion, and conjunction thereby, is plain from many things in the body. For it is the same there as in a city-state [civitas] , republic or kingdom; the community exists from the individuals who are its parts, and the parts or individuals continue to exist from the community. It is the same with everything which has any form, especially in man.

Divine Love and Wisdom #367 (Ager (1890))

367. (4) By means of first principles life is in the whole from every part, and in every part from the whole. This is because the whole, which is the brain and the body together, is originally made up of nothing but fibers proceeding from their first principles in the brains. It has no other origin, as is evident from what has been shown just above (n. 366); consequently, the whole is from every part; and by means of these first principles life is in every part from the whole, because the whole dispenses to each part its task and needs, thereby making it to be a part in the whole. In a word, the whole has existence from the parts, and the parts have permanent existence from the whole. That there is such reciprocal communion, and conjunction thereby, is clear from many things in the body. For the same order prevails there as in a state, commonwealth, or kingdom; the community has its existence from the individuals which are its parts, and the parts or individuals have permanent existence from the community. It is the same with every thing that has form, most of all in man.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #367 (original Latin,1763)

367. IV. Quod vita per principia illa sit ex qualibet parte in toto, et ex toto in qualibet parte, est quia totum, quod est cerebrum et simul corpus, originitus non consistit nisi ex fibris quae procedunt 1 ex suis principiis in cerebris[;] non aliunde est origo, ut patet ex illis quae mox supra 366, ostensa sunt; inde ex qualibet parte est totum: quod etiam vita per principia illa ex toto sit in qualibet parte, est quia totum subministrat cuilibet parti suum pensum et requisitum, et per id facit ut sit pars in toto; verbo[,] totum existit ex partibus, et partes subsistunt ex toto: quod talis reciproca communio sit, et per illam conjunctio, patet a multis in corpore. Est enim simile ibi, sicut in Civitate, Republica et Regno, quod commune existat ex hominibus qui sunt partes, et quod partes seu homines subsistant ex communi. Simile est cum omni re, quae in aliqua forma est; maxime in homine.


1. Prima editio: pocedunt

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