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《圣爱与圣智》 第401节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #401 (Dole (2003))

401, 3. Unless it is married to wisdom or discernment, love or volition cannot accomplish anything through its human form. This too we can see from the way the heart corresponds to our volition. The human fetus is alive as to its heart but not as to its lungs. Blood is not yet flowing from the heart into the lungs and enabling them to breathe, but is flowing through an opening into the left ventricle of the heart. As a result, the fetus cannot yet move any part of its body, but rests bound; and it cannot sense anything, with its sensory organs closed.

It is the same with the love or volition. [The fetus] is alive because of it, but in darkness. That is, it lacks sensation and action. As soon as the lungs are opened, though, which happens after birth, it begins to sense and to act and at the same time to intend and to think.

We can tell, then, that unless it is married to wisdom or discernment, love or volition cannot accomplish anything through its human form.

Divine Love and Wisdom #401 (Rogers (1999))

401. (3) Love or the will cannot do anything through its human form without a marriage with wisdom or the intellect. This, too, is apparent from the correspondence of the heart with the will. The human fetus lives because of its heart, but not because of its lungs; for blood does not flow then from the heart into the lungs and grant them the power of respiration, but flows instead through an opening [from the right atrium into the left atrium and so] into the left ventricle of the heart. 1 Consequently during that time the fetus cannot move any part of its body, but lies bound, nor is it capable of any sensation, its sensory organs being closed.

The case is the same with love or the will, which causes the fetus nevertheless to live, but dimly so, that is, without sensation or activity. As soon as the lungs open, however, which happens after birth, it then begins to experience sensation and to act, and likewise to will and think.

It can be seen from this that love or the will cannot do anything through its human form without a marriage with wisdom or the intellect.


1. In the mature heart, blood from the veins enters from the right atrium into the right ventricle, is pumped to the lungs, and returning from there to the left atrium, enters the left ventricle and is pumped through the aorta into the body. In the fetal heart, the venous blood passes from the right atrium through an opening called the foramen ovale into the left atrium and so into the left ventricle, bypassing the right ventricle.

Divine Love and Wisdom #401 (Harley and Harley (1969))

401. (iii) Love or the will can do nothing through its human form except by marriage with wisdom or the understanding. This also is clear from the correspondence of the heart with the will. The embryo-man lives by the heart, but not by the lungs; for at that time blood does not flow from the heart into the lungs and enable him to breathe, but through an aperture into the left ventricle of the heart; for which reason the embryo during that time cannot move any part of the body, for it lies bunched up, nor can it feel anything, for the sensory organs are closed. It is the same with love or the will, from which the embryo is all the while living, but in obscurity, without feeling and movement. But as soon as ever the lungs are opened, which takes place after birth, he begins at once to feel and to move, and likewise to will and to think. From these things it can be established that love or the will can do nothing through its human form except by marriage with wisdom or the understanding.

Divine Love and Wisdom #401 (Ager (1890))

401. (3) Love or the will is unable to effect anything by its human form without a marriage with wisdom or the understanding. This also is evident from the correspondence of the heart with the will. The embryo man lives by the heart, not by the lungs. For in the fetus the blood does not flow from the heart into the lungs, giving it the ability to respire; but it flows through the foramen ovale into the left ventricle of the heart; consequently the fetus is unable to move any part of its body, but lies enswathed, neither has it sensation, for its organs of sense are closed. So is it with love or the will, from which the fetus lives indeed, though obscurely, that is, without sensation or action. But as soon as the lungs are opened, which is the case after birth, he begins to feel and act, and likewise to will and think. From all this it can be seen, that love or the will is unable to effect anything by means of its human form without a marriage with wisdom or the understanding.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #401 (original Latin,1763)

401. III. Quod Amor seu Voluntas absque conjugio cum Sapientia seu Intellectu non possit per humanam suam formam aliquid facere. Hoc etiam patet ex Correspondentia cordis cum voluntate: homo embryo vivit corde, sed non pulmone; non enim tunc a corde influit sanguis in pulmonem, et ei dat facultatem respirandi, sed per foramen in ventriculum 1 cordis sinistrum; quare embryo non tunc aliquid corporis 2 potest movere, jacet enim confasciatus, nec potest aliquid sentire, organa enim sensuum sunt occlusa. Simile est cum amore seu voluntate, ex qua usque vivit, sed in obscuro, hoc est, absque sensu et actu: at vero ut primum aperitur Pulmo, quod fit post enixum, tunc incipit sentire et agere, ac similiter velle et cogitare. Ex his constare potest, quod Amor seu Voluntas absque conjugio cum Sapientia seu Intellectu non possit per humanam suam formam aliquid facere.


1. Prima editio: vetriculum

2. Prima editio: corporis

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