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《圣爱与圣智》 第5节




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Divine Love and Wisdom #5 (Dole (2003))

5. If this is to be intelligible, though, it is essential to realize that the Lord, being love in its very essence or divine love, is visible to angels in heaven as a sun; that warmth and light flow from that sun; that the outflowing warmth is essentially love and the outflowing light essentially wisdom; and that to the extent that angels are receptive of that spiritual warmth and spiritual light, they themselves are instances of love and wisdom--instances of love and wisdom not on their own, but from the Lord.

Spiritual warmth and spiritual light flow into and affect not only angels but also us, precisely to the extent that we become receptive. Our receptivity develops in proportion to our love for the Lord and our love for our neighbor.

That sun itself, or divine love, cannot use its warmth and light to create anyone directly from itself. If it did, the creature would be love in its essence, which is the Lord himself. It can, however, create people out of material substances so formed as to be receptive of its actual warmth and light. In the same way, the sun of our world cannot use its warmth and light to bring forth sprouts in the earth directly. Rather, the sun uses substances in the soil in which it can be present through its warmth and light to make plants grow. (On the Lord's divine love being seen as the sun in the spiritual world, with spiritual warmth and light flowing from it, giving angels their love and wisdom, see Heaven and Hell 116-142)

Divine Love and Wisdom #5 (Rogers (1999))

5. For this to fall within the scope of the intellect, however, it must altogether be known that because the Lord is love in its very essence, or Divine love, He appears to angels in heaven as the sun, and that from that sun emanate warmth and light, the warmth emanating from it being, in its essence, love, and the light emanating from it being, in its essence, wisdom. Moreover, to the degree that angels are receptive of that spiritual warmth and that spiritual light, to the same degree they are embodiments of love and wisdom - not embodiments of love and wisdom of themselves, but from the Lord.

Not only do that spiritual warmth and that spiritual light flow into and affect angels, but they also flow into and affect people, to the degree that they become receptive. And they become receptive in the measure of their love toward the Lord and love for the neighbor.

[2] That sun itself, or Divine love, cannot by its warmth and light create anyone from itself directly, for such a one would in that case be love in its essence, which is the Lord Himself, but it can create someone out of substances and materials so formed as to be capable of receiving that warmth and light - even as the sun in the world cannot by its warmth and light produce sprouts in the earth directly, but out of materials in the soil in which it can be present by its warmth and light and cause growth.

(On the Lord's Divine love appearing as the sun in the spiritual world, and the emanation from it of spiritual warmth and spiritual light, from which angels have their love and wisdom, see the book Heaven and Hell, nos. Heaven and Hell 116-140.)

Divine Love and Wisdom #5 (Harley and Harley (1969))

5. But, so that this may penetrate the understanding, it must be known definitely that because He is Love in its very own essence, that is, Divine Love, the Lord appears before the angels in heaven as a Sun, and that from that Sun go forth heat and light. The heat going forth hence is, in its essence, love, and the light thence going forth, in its essence, wisdom; and to the extent that the angels are recipients of that spiritual heat and light, to that extent they are loves and wisdoms. They are not loves and wisdoms from themselves, but from the Lord. This spiritual heat and light inflow, not only into angels and affect them, but also into men and affect them precisely as they become recipients. And they become recipients in accordance with their love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour. This Sun itself, or Divine Love, cannot by its heat and light create anyone directly from itself, for such a one would be Love in its essence, which is the Lord Himself. But it can create out of substances and matters so formed that they can receive the heat itself and the light itself; comparatively also, the sun of the world cannot, by heat and light, directly produce germinations in the earth, but produces them out of the matters of the ground in which it can be present by its heat and light, and cause vegetation. It may be seen in the work HEAVEN AND HELL (116-140) that the Divine Love of the Lord appears as the Sun in the spiritual world and that from it goes forth the spiritual heat and light from which the angels have love and wisdom.

Divine Love and Wisdom #5 (Ager (1890))

5. But that this may reach the understanding, it must needs be known positively that the Lord, because He is Love in its very essence, that is, Divine Love, appears before the angels in heaven as a sun, and that from that sun heat and light go forth; the heat which goes forth therefrom being in its essence love, and the light which goes forth therefrom being in its essence wisdom; and that so far as the angels are recipients of that spiritual heat and of that spiritual light, they are loves and wisdoms; not loves and wisdoms from themselves, but from the Lord. That spiritual heat and that spiritual light not only flow into angels and affect them, but they also flow into men and affect them just to the extent that they become recipients; and they become recipients in the measure of their love to the Lord and love towards the neighbor. That sun itself, that is, the Divine Love, by its heat and its light, cannot create any one immediately from itself; for one so created would be Love in its essence, which Love is the Lord Himself; but it can create from substances and matters so formed as to be capable of receiving the very heat and the very light; comparatively as the sun of the world cannot by its heat and light produce germinations on the earth immediately, but only out of earthy matters in which it can be present by its heat and light, and cause vegetation. In the spiritual world the Divine Love of the Lord appears as a sun, and from it proceed the spiritual heat and the spiritual light from which the angels derive love and wisdom, as may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 116-140).

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #5 (original Latin,1763)

5. Sed ut hoc in intellectum cadat, omnino sciendum est, quod Dominus, quia est Amor in ipsa sua essentia, hoc est, Divinus Amor, appareat coram angelis in Coelo sicut Sol, et quod ex illo Sole procedat Calor et Lux, et quod Calor inde procedens in sua essentia sit amor, et Lux inde procedens in sua essentia sit sapientia, et quod angeli quantum recipientes spiritualis illius caloris et spiritualis illius lucis sunt, tantum sint amores et sapientiae, non amores et sapientiae a se, sed a Domino. Spiritualis ille calor et spiritualis illa lux non modo influunt apud angelos et afficiunt illos, sed etiam influunt apud homines et afficiunt illos, prorsus sicut recipientes fiunt; et recipientes fiunt secundum eorum amorem in Dominum, et amorem erga proximum.

[2] Ipse ille Sol, seu Divinus Amor, non potest per suum calorem et per suam lucem creare aliquem immediate ex se, sic enim foret Amor in sua essentia, qui est Ipse Dominus, sed potest creare ex substantiis et materiis ita formatis, ut recipere possint ipsum calorem et ipsam lucem, comparative sicut Sol mundi non potest per calorem et lucem immediate producere germinationes in tellure, sed ex materiis humi, quibus per calorem et lucem potest inesse, et vegetationem dare. Quod Divinus Amor Domini appareat ut Sol in Mundo spirituali, et quod ex illo procedat spiritualis calor et spiritualis lux, ex quibus Angelis est amor et sapientia, videatur in Opere de COELO ET INFERNO 116-140.

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