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《圣治(天意)》 第105节



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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 105

105. The internal level of thought springs from the life's love and its affections and consequent perceptions. The external level of thought springs from matters in the memory, which are of service to the life's love as justifications or as means to an end.

From early childhood until he reaches adolescence a person's external level of thought springs from an affection for knowing, which during that time forms its internal component. Some element of lust and its propensity also issues from the life's love inborn in him from his parents. But afterward the way he lives becomes his life's love, and its affections and consequent perceptions form his internal level of thought. From his life's love is then produced a love of the means, and its delights and consequent knowledge stirred up from the memory form his external level of thought.

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 105

105. The inner level of our thinking comes from our life's love and from the feelings and consequent perceptions that this love prompts. The outer level of our thinking comes from items we have in our memory that are useful to our life's love as supports and as means to its ends. From early childhood to young adulthood we are absorbed in the outer level of our thinking because of our impulses to learn, which at this point constitute our inner level. Some elements of desire and resulting tendencies [to action] seep through from the life's love we have inherited from our parents as well.

Later, though, the way we live shapes our life's love, whose feelings and consequent perceptions make up the inner level of our thinking. Then our life's love gives rise to a love of means; and the pleasures and the information those means elicit from our memory make up the outer level of our thinking.

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 105

105. The internal of thought is from the life's love and its affections and consequent perceptions; while the external of thought is from the contents of the memory which minister to the life's love as confirmations and as means to further its end. From infancy to the age of youth man is in the external of thought from an affection for knowing, which then constitutes its internal. There also emerges from his life's love, which is innate from his parents, something of its lust and consequent inclination. Later, however, his way of life determines his life's love, and its affections and consequent perceptions constitute the internal of his thought. From his life's love there is formed the love of means; and their delights with the knowledges thereby called forth from the memory constitute the external of his thought.

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 105

105. The internal of thought is from the life's love and its affections and the perceptions therefrom; the external of thought is from the contents of the memory, which are serviceable to the life's love as confirmations and as means to further its ends. From infancy to early manhood man is in the external of thought from an affection for knowing, which then constitutes its internal; also there exhales from his life's love, which is innate from his parents, something of lust and inclination therefrom. But afterwards the way he lives determines his life's love; and its affections with the perceptions therefrom constitute the internal of his thought; while the life's love determines the love of the means; and the enjoyment of this and the knowledges thereby called forth from the memory constitute the external of his thought.

De Divina Providentia 105 (original Latin, 1764)

105. Internum cogitationis est ex amore vitae et ejus affectionibus et inde perceptionibus; externum cogitationis est ex illis quae in memoria sunt, et quae inserviunt amori vitae pro confirmationibus, et pro mediis ad finem. Homo ab infantia usque ad aetatem juvenilem est in externo cogitationis ex affectione sciendi, quae tunc facit internum ejus; 13 transpirat etiam aliquid concupiscentiae et inde inclinationis ex amore vitae connato ex parentibus: sed postea sicut vivit, fit amor vitae ejus, cujus affectiones et inde perceptiones faciunt internum cogitationis ejus, et ex amore vitae 2fit amor mediorum, quorum jucunda et inde 3excitatae scientiae e memoria, faciunt externum cogitationis ejus.


1 Prima editio: ejUs,

2 Prima editio: vit�

3 Prima editio: inde

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