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《圣治(天意)》 第334节




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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 334

334. We say also that the operation of Divine providence continues to eternity, since every angel is perfected in wisdom to eternity. But each is thus perfected in keeping with the degree of his affection for goodness and truth which he had when he departed from the world. It is this degree that is perfected to eternity. Anything beyond that degree is extrinsic to the angel and not an integral part of him, and whatever is extrinsic to him cannot be perfected within him.

This is what is meant by the "good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over" that will be put into the bosom of those who forgive and give to others (Luke 6:37-38), that is, who are impelled by the goodness of charity.

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 334

334. I have also said that the working of divine providence continues forever, because all angels grow more perfect in wisdom forever. Each of us does so, though, on whatever level of desire for what is good and true we had when we left this world. This is the level that is perfected to eternity. Anything beyond this level is outside an angel, not within, and whatever is outside cannot be developed within. This is the meaning of the good measure, pressed down, shaken, and overflowing, that would be poured into the laps of people who forgave others and were generous to them (Luke 7:37, 38 [Luke 6:37-38]), people who are living good and caring lives.

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 334

334. The operation of the Divine Providence is also said to continue to eternity because every angel is being perfected in wisdom to eternity, but each according to that degree of affection for good and truth in which he was when he departed from the world. It is this degree which is being perfected to eternity. What is beyond this degree is external to the angel and not within him; and what is external to the angel cannot be perfected within him. This is meant by the "good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, which shall be given into the bosom of those who forgive and give to others". Luke 6:37-38; 1

that is, who are in the good of charity.


1. Original Edition as vii.

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 334

334. It is also said that the operation of the Divine providence will continue to eternity, since every angel is perfecting in wisdom to eternity, but each according to the degree of that affection for good and truth in which he was when he left the world. It is this degree that is being perfected to eternity. Anything beyond this degree is outside of the angel and not within him, and that which is outside of him cannot be perfected within him. This is meant by the

Good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over, that shall be given into the bosom of those who forgive and give to others (Luke 6:37-38),

that is, who are in good of charity.

De Divina Providentia 334 (original Latin, 1764)

334. Dicitur etiam quod operatio Divinae Providentiae perstet in aeternum, quoniam omnis Angelus perficitur sapientia in aeternum; at quisque secundum gradum affectionis boni et veri, in quo fuit cum abivit e mundo: hic gradus est qui in aeternum perficitur; quod ultra illum gradum est, hoc extra angelum est, et non intra illum, et id quod extra illum est, non potest perfici intra illum. Hoc intelligitur per mensuram bonam, pressam, agitatam et superfluentem, quae dabitur in sinum illorum, qui remittunt et dant aliis, 1Lucas 6:37-38; 2hoc est, qui in bono charitatis sunt.


1 Prima editio: aliis"

2 Prima editio: 7:37-38;

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