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《圣治(天意)》 第41节



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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 41

41. It can be seen from this that the more closely someone is conjoined with the Lord, the happier he becomes.

That happiness, however, rarely manifests itself in the world, because a person is then in a natural state, and the natural realm communicates with the spiritual one not by a continuous connection, but by correspondences; and this communication is not felt except by a certain ease and peace of mind, which occurs especially after combats against evils.

But when a person puts off the natural state and enters the spiritual state, which happens after his departure from the world, the happiness described above then gradually becomes manifest.

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 41

41. We may conclude from this that the more closely we are united to the Lord, the happier we become. This happiness is rarely evident in the world, though, because in this world we are in an earthly state, and things on the earthly level do not communicate directly with things on the spiritual level; they communicate only by correspondence. This kind of communication is felt only as a kind of quiet peace of spirit, especially after struggles against our evils.

However, once we leave this earthly state and come into a spiritual state, which happens when we depart from this world, a happiness gradually emerges that is beyond description.

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 41

41. It may be evident from these things that the more nearly anyone is conjoined to the Lord the happier he becomes. This happiness, however, is rarely manifest in the world; for man is then in a natural state, and the natural does not communicate with the spiritual by continuity but by correspondences; and this communication is felt only by a certain quiet and peace of mind (animus) that especially follows combats against evils. But when man puts off the natural state and enters the spiritual state, which takes place after his departure from the world, then the happiness described above gradually manifests itself.

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 41

41. From all this it can be seen that the more nearly any one is conjoined with the Lord the happier he becomes. But this happiness is rarely manifest in the world; for man is then in a natural state, and the natural does not communicate with the spiritual by continuity but by correspondences; and this communication is felt only in a certain quiet and peace of mind, that especially follows combats against evils. But when man puts off the natural state and enters the spiritual state, which he does after his departure from the world, the happiness described above gradually manifests itself.

De Divina Providentia 41 (original Latin, 1764)

41. Ex his constare potest, quod quo propius aliquis conjungitur Domino, eo felicior fiat: sed felicitas illa raro se manifestat in mundo; quia homo tunc in statu naturali est, ac naturale non communicat cum spirituali per continuum, sed per correspondentias, et haec communicatio non sentitur quam per quandam quietem et pacem animi, quae imprimis fit post pugnas contra mala: at quando homo exuit statum naturalem, ac intrat statum spiritualem, quod fit post excessum e mundo, tunc felicitas supra descripta se successive manifestat.

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