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《宇宙星球》 第128节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 128

128. While I was awake, angels from the Lord led my spirit to a particular planet in the universe; we were accompanied by some spirits from our planet. We advanced to the right for two hours.

At the outer limit of our solar system the first thing I saw was a dense yet shining cloud, and beyond that there was fiery smoke rising out of a huge abyss. This was a vast chasm separating this side of our solar system from some extrasolar planets. As we traveled a considerable distance we kept seeing the fiery smoke.

I was taken across the middle of it, and in the abyss or chasm below me I saw many people, meaning spirits (all spirits have a human form and are actually people). I heard them talking with each other but it was not granted me to know where they were from or what they were like. One of them said to me, though, that they were guards to prevent anyone from crossing from our solar system to another one without permission. I was also given proof that this was the truth. When some of the spirits in our company who lacked permission to cross over came to that great abyss they began screaming that they were dying. They looked like people in the grip of death. So they stayed on their side of the chasm and could not be taken across. It was actually the smoke billowing from the chasm that overcame them and caused this torment.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 128

128. While fully awake I was taken by angels under the Lord's guidance to one of the worlds in space, accompanied by some spirits from this globe. We travelled towards the right for a period of two hours. Around the limits of our solar system there was first to be seen a shining, but dense, cloud. After it came fiery smoke coming up from a great gap. It was a huge chasm, which in that direction separates our solar system from that of some stars. The fiery smoke could be seen at quite a long distance. I was taken through the middle of it, and then below me in that gap or chasm were to be seen large numbers of people, who were spirits. (Spirits are all to be seen in human form, and really are people.) I also heard them talking to one another, but I was not able to learn where they came from or what they were like. However, one of them told me that they were guards, set to prevent spirits passing from this system into another in space, unless given permission.

Confirmation that this was so came from some spirits in my company who, on reaching that great gap, were not allowed to cross; they began to shout out that they were dying. They resembled people struggling in their death-agony. So they stopped this side of that chasm, and could not travel any further. For the fiery smoke rising up from the chasm gripped them and subjected them to these tortures.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 128

128. In a state of wakefulness I was led as to the spirit by the Lord, by means of angels, to a certain earth in the universe, accompanied by some spirits from this world. Our progress was made toward the right, and lasted two hours. Near the limit of our solar system, there appeared at first a shining bright cloud, but dense, and beyond it a fiery smoke ascending out of a great chasm. It was a vast gulf separating our solar world on that side from some worlds of the starry heavens. That fiery smoke appeared at a considerable distance. I was borne across the middle of it; and then there appeared beneath in that chasm or gulf very many men, who were spirits; for spirits all appear in the human form, and actually are men. I also heard them speaking with one another; but whence they were and their quality was not given me to know. Yet one of them said to me that they were guards, lest spirits should pass from this world into another in the universe without leave having been given. That it was so, was also confirmed; for some spirits who were in our company, but had not received the ability to pass over, when they came to that great interspace, began to cry out vehemently that they were perishing; for they were like those who are struggling in agony with death, and therefore they stopped on that side of the gulf, nor could they be taken any further, as the fiery smoke that exhaled from the gulf enveloped them and thus tortured them.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 128 (original Latin)

128. In statu vigili ducebar quoad spiritum per angelos a Domino ad quandam Tellurem in Universo, comitantibus spiritibus quibusdam ex hoc orbe: progressio fiebat dextrorsum, et perstabat duabus horis. Circa finem Mundi nostri Solis apparuit primum nubes candicans, sed densa; et post illam fumus igneus ascendens ex magno hiatu: erat ingens Vorago separans ab illa parte Mundum nostrum solarem a Mundis quibusdam Coeli siderei: igneus ille fumus ad satis multam distantiam apparuit. Trans illum medium ferebar; et tunc apparuerunt subter in Hiatu illo seu Voragine perplures homines, qui erant spiritus; (Spiritus enim apparent omnes in humana forma, et actualiter sunt homines) audivi etiam illos inter se loquentes; sed unde erant, et quales, non scire dabatur: unus tamen ex illis mihi dicebat, quod essent Custodiae, ne Spiritus transeant ab hoc Mundo in alterum in Universo absque data copia. Quod ita esset, etiam confirmabatur; aliqui enim Spiritus, qui in comitatu erant, quibus non permissum fuit transire, cum ad magnam illam intercapedinem venerunt, coeperunt clamare valde quod pereant: erant enim sicut illi qui in agone cum morte luctantur; quare ab illa parte Voraginis illius subsistebant, nec ulterius transferri potuerunt; igneus enim fumus exhalatus ex voragine occupabat illos, ac ita cruciabat.

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