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《宇宙星球》 第150节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 150

150. When I asked whether they would like to see some of the things on our planet and said that this could be done through my eyes (see 135 above), they answered at first that this was impossible and then that they did not want to, because all they would see would be earthly and material things, which they did their best to exclude from their thinking.

Nevertheless, they were shown representations of some splendid mansions like the ones monarchs and rulers have on our earth, since things like this can be represented to spirits, and these representations are so vivid that it is just as though the objects were right there. However, the spirits of that planet were not in the least impressed. They said these were just imitations made of marble. Then they told me that they had even more splendid structures and that these were their sacred gathering places, made not from stone but from wood.

When I said that these structures were nonetheless earthly they said no, they were heavenly because when they looked at them their mental image was of something heavenly, not earthly. They believed that they would also see things like this in heaven after their death.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 150

150. When I asked whether they would like to see some scenes in our world, something which they could do through my eyes (see 135 above), they replied first that they could not, and then that they did not want to, since they would see nothing but earthly and material objects, things they banished from their thoughts to the best of their ability. Still some magnificent palaces were pictured for them, resembling those where kings and princes live in our world. Such scenes can be depicted to spirits so vividly that it seems as if they were really there. However, the spirits from that world thought nothing of them, calling them marble images; and then they reported that they have more magnificent ones, and these are their sacred temples, built not of stone but of wood. When they were told that these were still earthly, they replied that they were not, but heavenly, since when they look at them it is not earthly but heavenly ideas which fill their minds, and they believe that they will also see similar sights in heaven after death.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 150

150. When I asked whether they wished to see anything on our earth, and said that this could be done through my eyes (see above n. 135), they answered at first that they could not, and then that they did not wish it; since they would see only earthly and material things, from which they remove their thoughts as far as possible. But still there were represented before them magnificent palaces, like those of kings and princes on our earth, for such things can be represented before spirits, and when represented, they appear altogether as if they were there. But the spirits from that earth set no value upon them, calling them marble images; and then they told me that they had more magnificent ones, which are their sanctuaries, not of stone, but of wood. When it was said to them that these were still earthly, they answered that they were not, but heavenly; because when they look upon them, they have not an earthly, but a heavenly idea, believing that they will also see similar ones in heaven after death.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 150 (original Latin)

150. Cum quaererem num vellent videre aliqua in nostra Tellure, et quod id posset fieri per meos oculos, (vide supra 135) sed respondebant primum quod non possent, dein quod non vellent, quoniam non alia forent quae visuri quam terrestria et materialia, a quibus cogitationes, quantum possunt, removent. Sed usque repraesentabantur coram illis magnifica Palatia, ad similitudinem eorum quae in nostra Tellure apud Reges et Principes sunt; nam talia coram spiritibus repraesentari possunt, et cum repraesentantur apparent prorsus sicut forent; verum Spiritus ex illa Tellure nihil illa aestimabant, vocabant illa simulacra marmorea: et tunc narrabant, quod apud eos magnificentiora sint, et quod illa essent Aedes eorum sacrae, non ex lapide sed ex ligno. Quum illis dicebatur, quod ea usque essent terrestria, respondebant quod non essent, sed coelestia, quia cum illas inspiciunt non ideam terrestrem sed coelestem habent; credentes quod etiam visuri similia in Coelo post mortem.

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