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《宇宙星球》 第28节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 28

28. Later on, a long sheet of paper was given to me by some spirits from Mercury. It was irregularly shaped because it was made up of a number of individual pages glued together. It seemed to have typeset printing on it, the kind we have in our world. I asked whether they had that sort of thing in their world and they said that they did not, but that they knew that we had printed pages like that in our world. They did not want to say more than that, but I perceived they were thinking that knowledge in our world exists on paper and not in human minds. In fact, they made jokes about pieces of paper on Earth knowing things that the people there do not know. However, the reality of the situation was explained to them.

After a while they came back and gave me another sheet of paper, also covered with printing like the earlier one, only not untidily stuck together, but neat and clean. They said that they had been further informed that the pages on our planet were like that, and that books were made of them.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 28

28. Afterwards the spirits of Mercury sent me a long piece of paper of irregular shape, being a number of sheets glued together, which looked to be printed in the sort of type used in this world. I asked whether they had papers like this in their world; they said no, but they knew such papers existed in our world. They were unwilling to say more; but I perceived that they thought knowledge in our world was committed to paper rather than to people, poking fun at us as if papers knew things that people do not. But they were informed what is the truth about this. Some time later they came back and sent me another paper, also printed like the previous one, not glued together and untidy, but clean and neat. They said that they had received further information that in this world papers existed such as this, from which books are made.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 28

28. Afterwards there was sent me by the spirits of Mercury a long piece of paper, of an irregular shape, consisting of several pieces pasted together, which appeared as if printed with types, as on this earth. I asked whether they had the art of printing amongst them; but they said they had not, nevertheless they knew that on our earth we had such printed papers. They did not wish to say more; but I perceived that they thought that knowledges in our earth were upon paper, and not so much in man, thus insinuating that the papers knew what man did not. But they were instructed how this really is. After some time they returned, and sent me another paper, which appeared also printed like the former, but not so pasted together and irregular, but neat and handsome. They said, that they were further informed, that in our earth there are such papers, and books made of them.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 28 (original Latin)

28. Postea mihi a Spiritibus Mercurii mittebatur charta longa, inaequalis, a pluribus chartis conglutinata, quae apparebat sicut impressa typis, qualibus in hac Tellure; quaesivi num talia haberent apud se, sed dicebant quod non habeant, verum quod sciant tales chartas in nostra Tellure dari; non volebant plura dicere; sed percipiebam quod cogitarent quod cognitiones in nostra Tellure essent super chartis, et non ita in homine, ita subsannando quod chartae quasi scirent quae non homo: sed instruebantur quomodo cum hoc se haberet. Post aliquod tempus redierunt, et ad me mittebant aliam chartam etiam sicut typis exaratam, ut erat prior, sed non ita conglutinatam et incomtam, verum decentem et nitidam; dicebant quod informati ulterius essent, quod in hac tellure tales chartae sint, et inde libri.

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