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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第2节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 2

2. Real faith is simply recognizing that something is so because it is true. This means that people who are devoted to real faith both think and say, “This is true, and that’s why I believe it.” That is, faith is dependent on truth, and what is true is the object of faith. So if we do not understand that something is true, we say, “I don’t know whether this is true or not, so I don’t believe it yet. How can I believe something that doesn’t make sense to me? It may be false.”

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 2

2. Real faith is nothing else than an acknowledgment that a thing is so because it is true. For someone who possesses a real faith thinks and says, "This is true. Therefore I believe it." For faith is a faith in the truth, and truth is the object of faith.

By the same token, if the same person does not understand a thing to be true, he says, "I do not know whether it is true. Therefore I do not yet believe it. How am I to believe what I do not comprehend? Perhaps it is not true."

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 2

2. Faith itself is an acknowledgment that a thing is so, because it is true. For he who is in real faith thinks and speaks to this effect: "This is true, and therefore I believe it." For faith is related to truth, and truth to faith. Moreover, if he does not comprehend a thing to be true, he says: "I do not know whether this is true or not; and therefore I do not yet believe it. How can I believe what I do not comprehend? It may possibly be false."

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 2

2. Real faith is nothing else than an acknowledgment that the thing is so because it is true; for one who is in real faith thinks and says, "This is true, and therefore I believe it." For faith is of truth, and truth is of faith. If such a person does not see the truth of a thing, he says, "I do not know whether this is true, and therefore as yet I do not believe it. How can I believe what I do not intellectually comprehend? Perhaps it is false."

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 2 (original Latin 1763)

2. Ipsa fides non aliud est, quam agnitio quod ita sit, quia est verum; ita enim cogitat et loquitur qui in ipsa fide est, "Hoc verum est, ideo credo;" fides enim est veri, et verum est fidei. Is etiam, si non comprehendit quod verum sit, dicit, "Non scio num verum sit, ideo nondum credo: quomodo credam quod non comprehendo? forte potest falsum esse."

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