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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第4节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 4

4. This is why the people who have an inner recognition of what is true are those who have a spiritual love for truth. Since angels have this love, they flatly reject the dogma that our intellect must be subject to faith. On the contrary, they say, “Is there any such thing as believing something without first seeing whether it is true?” And if someone says that we must nevertheless believe, they reply, “Do you think you are God, that I should believe you, or that I am so crazy that I will believe some statement in which I see nothing true? Make me see it.” Then the adherent of dogmatism slinks away.

The angels' wisdom consists entirely in seeing and understanding the things they are thinking about.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 4

4. This, now, is why people who possess an internal acknowledgment of truth are those who have an affection for truth. Because angels have that affection, they completely reject the dogma that the intellect must be kept in obedience to faith. For they say, "What is it to believe something and not see whether it is true?"

And if someone says that it must nevertheless be believed, they reply, "Do you suppose yourself to be God whom I am to believe? Or that I am so irrational as to believe in an assertion in which I do not see any truth? Make me see it!"

Upon which the dogmatist goes away.

The wisdom of angels consists simply in this, that they see and comprehend what they entertain in thought.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 4

4. Hence it is now that those who are in the spiritual affection of truth have an internal acknowledgment of it. As the angels are in that affection they utterly reject the dogma that the understanding should be kept in subjection to faith; for they say, What is it to believe a thing, and not to see whether it is true? If any one declares that still it must be believed, they reply, Do you think that you are God whom I ought to believe, or that I am mad to believe an assertion in which I do not see any truth? Cause me therefore to see it. So the dogmatic one retires. Angelic wisdom consists solely in this, that angels see and comprehend what they think.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 4

4. This then is the reason why those who are in the spiritual affection of truth possess an internal acknowledgment of truth. 1As the angels are in this affection, they discard the dogma that the understanding must be kept in obedience to faith, and say, "What is this? believing when you do not see whether the thing is true?" And if somebody says that still it is to be believed, they reply, "Do you consider yourself the Deity that I am bound to believe you? or do you think me mad enough to believe a statement in which I do not see the truth? Cause me to see it." Thereupon the dogmatizer betakes himself elsewhere. The wisdom of the angels consists solely in this: that they see and comprehend everything they think about.


1. The spiritual affection of truth is the love of truth for its own sake, and because we have eternal life by means of its teaching. See the Apocalypse Explained 115, 444[10]).[TR.]

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 4 (original Latin 1763)

4. Inde nunc est, quod agnitio interna veri sit illis qui in spirituali affectione veri sunt. Quia angeli in illa affectione sunt, prorsus respuunt illud dogma, quod intellectus erit sub obedientia fidei; dicunt enim, "Quid est credere et non videre num verum sit?" Et si aliquis dicit, quod usque credendum sit, respondent, "Num putas te Deum esse, cui credam? aut me insanum, quod credam dicto in quo non video verum? fac itaque ut videam." Ita dogmaticus ille recedit. Sapientia angelica in eo unice consistit, ut videant et comprehendant quae cogitant.

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