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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第52节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 52

52. We can determine that people devoted to a faith divorced from caring were represented by the Philistines not only from their wars with the children of Israel but also from a number of other things we are told about them in the Word. For example, there is what it says about their idol, Dagon; about the hemorrhoids they were afflicted with and the rats they were invaded by because they had put the ark in their idol’s shrine; and about what happened after that (see chapters 1 Samuel 5, 6 of 1 Samuel). There is also Goliath, the Philistine killed by David (see 1 Samuel 17).

As for their idol Dagon, it looked human from the waist up but looked like a fish from the waist down. This was an image of their religion, which seemed to be spiritual because of its faith but was merely earthly because of its lack of caring. The hemorrhoids that afflicted them symbolized their unclean loves; the rats that invaded them symbolized the destruction of the church through its distortions of truth; and Goliath, [the Philistine] killed by David, represented their pride in their own intelligence.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 52

52. That people whose faith is divorced from charity were represented by the Philistines can be seen not only from their wars with the children of Israel, but also from many other things related about them in the Word. For example, what is related about their idol Dagon, about the hemorrhoids and mice with which they were smitten and infested after they put the Ark in the shrine with their idol, and from everything that then eventuated from that, as described in 1 Samuel 5, 6. Likewise what is related about Goliath, a Philistine whom David slew, as described in For the upper half of their idol Dagon was like that of a man, while the lower half was like that of a fish. This represented their religion, which because of their faith was seemingly spiritual, but, lacking any charity, was merely natural.

The hemorrhoids with which they were smitten symbolized their filthy loves. The mice with which they were infested symbolized the devastation of their church by their falsifications of truth. And Goliath, smitten by David, represented their conceit in their own intelligence.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 52

52. That they who are in faith separated from charity were represented by the Philistines may appear, not only from their wars with the Children of Israel, but also from many other things which are recorded of them in the Word: as from what is related of Dagon their idol, from the emerods and mice with which they were smitten and infested for placing the ark in the temple of their idol and from the other things which occurred at the same time and are mentioned in 1 Samuel 5 and 6; and also from what is related on Goliath, who was a Philistine and was slain by David, as noted in 1 Samuel 17. For Dagon their idol, was above like a man and below like a fish. By this was represented their religion which, by reason of faith, was as it were spiritual, but from having no charity, was merely natural. By the emerods with which they were smitten were signified their filthy loves; by the mice with which they were infested, was signified the devastation of the Church by falsifications of the truth; and by Goliath who was slain by David, was represented the pride of their own self-intelligence.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 52

52. That those who are in faith separated from charity were represented by the Philistines, is evident not only from their wars with the sons of Israel, but also from many other things recorded about them in the Word, such as that about Dagon their idol, and about the hemorrhoids and mice with which they were smitten and infested for placing the ark in the temple of their idol, and from other things occurring at the same time, as recorded in 1 Samuel 5 and 1 Samuel 6; and likewise from what is said about Goliath, who was a Philistine, and was slain by David, as related in 1 Samuel 17. For Dagon from the navel upward was like a man, and below was like a fish, and thus represented their religion, in that from faith it was as it were spiritual, but was merely natural from having no charity. The "hemorrhoids" with which they were smitten, signified their filthy loves. The "mice" by which they were infested, signified the devastation of the church through falsifications of truth. And "Goliath" whom David slew, represented their conceit of self-intelligence.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 52 (original Latin 1763)

52. Quod illi qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, per Philisthaeos repraesentati sint, constare potest non modo ex bellis eorum cum filiis Israelis, sed etiam ex pluribus aliis, quae de illis in Verbo memorantur; ut ex illis quae de Dagone idolo eorum, de haemorrhoidibus et muribus, quibus propter arcam in fano idoli eorum positam percussi et infestati sunt, et ex reliquis quae tunc evenerunt (de quibus, 1 Samuelis cap. 5 et 6); similiter quae de Goliatho, qui Philisthaeus erat, a Davide interfecto (de quo cap. 17). Dagon enim idolum eorum, erat superius sicut homo, inferius sicut piscis; per quod repraesentabatur religio eorum, quod ex fide esset sicut spiritualis, ex nulla charitate autem esset mere naturalis: per "haemorrhoides," quibus percussi erant, significabantur spurci eorum amores; per "mures," quibus infestati erant, significabatur devastatio ecclesiae per falsificationes veri; et per Goliathum a Davide percussum repraesentabatur fastus propriae intelligentiae illorum.

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