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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第56节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 56

56. As for the fact that a religion of faith divorced from caring is meant and described in the Book of Revelation by the dragon and his two beasts, this is something I have not only been told by a heavenly source but have also been shown in the world of spirits that is below heaven. I have seen people devoted to faith alone gathered into a crowd that looked like a great dragon whose tail was stretched out toward heaven; and I have seen separate individuals of this type who looked like dragons. In that world we see things like this because of the way spiritual and earthly phenomena correspond to each other. That is also why heaven’s angels call these people dragons.

There are many kinds of these people, though—some who form the head of the dragon, some who form the body, and some who form the tail. The ones who form the tail are the ones who distort everything that is true in the Word, which is why in the Book of Revelation it says of the dragon that its tail drew down a third of the stars of heaven [Revelation 12:4]. “The stars of heaven” means knowledge concerning what is true, and “a third” means all.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 56

56. That the religion of faith divorced from charity is meant and described in the book of Revelation by the dragon and its two beasts is something I have not only been told from heaven, but also something that was shown to me in the world of spirits below heaven.

A company of people whose faith was divorced from charity appeared to me as a great dragon, with its tail extended toward the sky. And some others of the same character appeared to me individually as dragons. For appearances of this kind are found in the spiritual world, owing to the correspondence of spiritual things and natural things. Therefore angels in heaven call these people dragonists.

These people are, however, of more than one kind. Some of them constitute the dragon’s head, some its body, and some its tail. Those who constitute its tail are people who have falsified all the Word’s truths. That is why we are told in the book of Revelation that the dragon’s tail drew down a third of the stars of heaven. The stars of heaven symbolize concepts of truth, and a third part all.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 56

56. That the religious persuasion of faith separated from charity is meant and described in the Revelation by the dragon and his two beasts, has not only been told me from heaven, but was also shown me in the world of spirits which is beneath heaven. I saw those who were in faith separated from charity assembled in a company as a great dragon with its tail extended towards heaven; and I have seen others of the same persuasion, separately, like dragons in appearance. For in that world such appearances are seen from the correspondence which exists between spiritual and natural things; and therefore the angels of heaven call them dragonists. There are, moreover, many kinds of them. Some of them constitute the head of the dragon, some its body and some its tail. They who constitute its tail are those who have falsified all the truths of the Word. It is therefore said of the dragon in the Revelation that with its tail it drew down the third part of the stars of heaven. By the stars of heaven are signified the cognitions of truth, while by the third part are signified all.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 56

56. That the religious principle of faith separated from charity is meant and described in the Revelation by the dragon and his two beasts has not only been told me from heaven, but has also been shown me in the World of Spirits, which lies beneath heaven. Those in this separated faith, when assembled together, I have seen appearing like a great dragon with a tail outstretched toward the sky; and others of the same description I have seen singly appearing like dragons. For there are appearances of this nature in the world of spirits on account of the correspondence of spiritual things with natural. For this reason the angels of heaven call such persons dragonists. There is however more than one kind of them; some constitute the head of the dragon, some its body, and some its tail. They who constitute its tail are they who have falsified all the truths of the Word, and it is therefore said of the dragon in the Revelation that with its tail it drew down the third part of the stars of heaven. The "stars of heaven" signify knowledges of truth, and a "third part" signifies all.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 56 (original Latin 1763)

56. Quod religiosum fidei separatae a charitate intelligatur et describatur in Apocalypsi per "draconem" et per "binas ejus bestias," non modo e caelo mihi dictum est, sed etiam in mundo spirituum, qui sub caelo est, ostensum est. Visi mihi sunt illi qui in fide separata erant, in coetu sicut magnus draco cum extensa cauda versus caelum; et visi sunt alii, qui tales, separati, in apparentia sicut dracones: sunt enim in illo mundo hujuscemodi apparentiae ex correspondentia spiritualium cum naturalibus: quare etiam illi ab angelis caeli vocantur draconici. Sed plura illorum genera sunt; quidam eorum constituunt draconis caput, quidam illius corpus, et quidam ejus caudam. Illi qui constituunt ejus caudam, sunt qui omnia vera Verbi falsificaverunt; quare dicitur de dracone in Apocalypsi, quod "cauda sua detraxerit tertiam partem stellarum caeli;" per "stellas caeli" significantur cognitiones veri, et per "tertiam partem," omnes.

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