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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第6节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 6

6. We can see from all this that faith and truth are one and the same; and this is why the ancients, who thought more about truths than we do because they had a longing for them, talked about “truth” rather than “faith.” This is also why in Hebrew the same word-for example, emuna, and also amen-can mean both “truth” and “faith.”

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 6

6. It is apparent from this that faith and truth are bound up together. Because of this, ancient peoples, who out of an affection for truths thought more about them than people today, spoke of truth instead of faith.

That, too, is why truth and faith are the same word in Hebrew, being called emunah or amen.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 6

6. From these considerations it is evident that faith and truth are one. This also is the reason that the ancients, who from affection thought about truths much more than the men of our time, instead of faith used the word truth. For the same reason in the Hebrew language truth and faith are expressed by the same word, namely, Amuna or Amen.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 6

6. From all this it is evident that faith and truth are a one. For this reason the ancients (who from their affection for truths thought more about them than the men of our time) instead of saying Faith, were accustomed to say Truth. For the same reason also truth and faith are one word in the Hebrew language, namely Amuna or Amen.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 6 (original Latin 1763)

6. Ex his patet quod fides et veritas unum sint. Quare etiam antiqui, qui ex affectione in cogitatione de veris prae nostratibus fuerunt, loco fidei dixerunt veritatem. Inde quoque est, quod in Hebraea lingua veritas et fides una vox sint, quae vocatur Amuna seu Amen.

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