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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第60节





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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 60

60. In the next chapter of Revelation, chapter 13, the subject is the dragon’s two beasts, the one that was seen rising up out of the sea and the one that was seen rising up out of the earth. Verses 1-10 are about the first and verses 11-18 about the second. We can see from verses 2, 4, and 11 that these are the dragon’s beasts. The first beast means faith divorced from caring with respect to the confirmations it draws from the earthly self, and the second means faith divorced from caring with respect to the confirmations it draws from the Word, which are in fact distortions of the truth. I will forgo an explanation of all this, though, since these verses reflect the lines of reasoning [of those devoted to faith divorced from caring], and require a great deal of verbiage to expound. [I will limit myself to] the last one: “Let those who understand calculate the number of the beast. It is the number of a human being; its number is six hundred and sixty-six” (Revelation 13:18). “Let those who understand calculate the number of the beast” means that those who are enlightened should examine the nature of the confirmations of that faith that have been drawn from the Word. “It is the number of a human being” means that those confirmations are of the same nature as the self-centered understandings [of those who hold that faith]; and “its number is six hundred and sixty-six” means that it is a distortion of everything true in the Word.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 60

60. In chapter thirteen, which follows next in the book of Revelation, the subject is the dragon’s two beasts, one of which was seen rising up out of the sea, and one that was seen coming up out of the earth. The first beast is described in Revelation 13:1-10, and the second in verses Revelation 13:11-18. That they are the dragon’s beasts is apparent from verses 2, 4, and 11 there.

The first beast symbolizes faith divorced from charity based on arguments for it springing from people’s natural self. And the second beast symbolizes faith divorced from charity based on arguments for it drawn from the Word, which are also falsifications of truth.

But I omit to provide an exposition of these, because they contain those people’s various arguments, which would be much too lengthy to present in any detail. I will explain only this verse:

Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and its number is 666. (Revelation 13:18)

"Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast" symbolically means, let people who have some enlightenment investigate the nature of the arguments for that faith in the light of the Word. "For it is the number of a man" symbolically means that the nature of these arguments is one of people’s own intelligence. "And its number is 666" symbolizes every truth in the Word falsified.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 60

60. The next chapter in the REVELATION, the thirteenth, treats of the dragon's two beasts, one of which was seen to rise out of the sea, and the other out of the earth: the former is treated of from verses 1-10, and the latter from verses 11-18. That they are the dragon's beasts is evident from verses 2, 4, 11 of this chapter. By the first beast is signified faith separated from charity, as to the confirmations of it drawn from the natural man; and by the second is signified faith separated from charity, as to the confirmations of it drawn from the Word, which are, moreover, falsifications of the truth. But I pass over the explanation of these passages because they contain argumentations, which it would be too tedious to draw out at length. I will only explain the concluding verse:

Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, threescore and six. (Apocalypse 13:18)

Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, signifies, let those who are enlightened inquire into the nature of the confirmations of that faith drawn from the Word. For it is the number of a man, signifies that its nature is that of self-intelligence. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six, signifies that every truth of the Word is falsified.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 60

60. The next chapter (Apocalpyse 13) treats of the dragon's two beasts, the first seen coming up out of the sea, in verses 1-10, and the other one out of the earth, in verses 11-18. That these are the dragon's beasts is evident from verses 2, 4, and 11. The first beast signifies faith separated from charity in respect to confirmations of it from the natural man. The other beast signifies faith separated from charity in respect to confirmations of it from the Word, which also are falsifications of truth. As the exposition of these passages contains the argumentations of those who are in such faith, and would be too tedious if set forth in detail, I pass it by, and merely give the exposition of the concluding words:

He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six (Apocalpyse 13:18).

"He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast," signifies that those who are in enlightenment examine the nature of the confirmations of that faith manufactured from the Word; "for it is the number of a man," signifies that the nature of these confirmations is one of self-intelligence; "and his number is six hundred and sixty-six," signifies all the truth of the Word in a falsified condition.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 60 (original Latin 1763)

60. In capite 13. sequente in Apocalypsi agitur de binis bestiis draconis; de una quae visa est ex mari ascendisse, et de altera quae visa est ex terra ascendisse; de priore agitur a versu 1-10, et de posteriore a versu 11-18; quae quod sint bestiae draconis, patet a versibus 2, 4, 11, ibi. Per primam bestiam significatur fides separata a charitate quoad confirmationes ejus ex naturali homine; et per alteram significatur fides separata a charitate quoad confirmationes ejus ex Verbo, quae etiam sunt falsificationes veri. Sed praetereo illa explicare, quia continent argumentationes eorum, quae prolixius diducendae forent; solum ultimum hoc,

"Habens intelligentiam computet numerum bestiae, numerus enim hominis est, et numerus ejus sexcenta sexaginta sex" (vers. 18):

"habens intelligentiam computet numerum bestiae," significat qui in illustratione sunt, inquirant quale confirmationum istius fidei ex Verbo; "numerus enim hominis est," significat quod sit quale propriae intelligentiae; "et numerus ejus sexcenta sexaginta et sex," significat omne verum Verbi falsificatum.

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