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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第8节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 8

8. With the regime of the papacy, faith apart from truth entered—even invaded—the church, because the primary bulwark of that religion was ignorance of the truth. That is why the reading of the Word was forbidden—otherwise people could not have been worshiped as having divine authority, and there could have been no invocation of saints, and no wholesale introduction of idolatrous practices—like the belief that cadavers and bones and their tombs are holy (and therefore profitable). We can see from this what monstrous misconceptions blind faith can produce.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 8

8. Faith divorced from truth entered and pervaded the church with the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church, since the principal protection for that church was ignorance of the truth. Reading the Word was therefore also forbidden. Otherwise they could not have been worshiped as deities or have had their saints invoked, nor could they have introduced such idolatries as to have the people believe the saints’ bodies, bones and tombs to be holy and so be a source of material gain.

It is apparent from this what terrible falsities a blind faith can lead to.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 8

8. Faith separated from truth entered and invaded the Church with the Papal dominion, because the chief safeguard of that religion was ignorance of the truth. Therefore, the reading of the Word was also forbidden: otherwise their leaders could not have been worshipped as deities, nor could their saints have been invoked, nor idolatry introduced to such an extent that their dead bodies, bones and sepulchres should be regarded as holy, and be converted into sources of gain. From this it is manifest what enormous falsities blind faith can produce.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 8

8. Faith separated from truth came in and took possession of the church along with the papal dominion, because the chief safeguard of that religion was ignorance of truth. For this reason also they forbade the reading of the Word, for otherwise they could not have been worshiped as deities, nor could their saints have been invoked, nor idolatry instituted to such an extent that dead bodies, bones, and sepulchers were regarded as holy, and made use of for purposes of gain. From this it is evident what enormous falsities a blind faith can bring into being.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 8 (original Latin 1763)

8. Fides separata a veritate intravit et invasit ecclesiam cum dominio Papali, quoniam praecipuum tutamen religionis istius fuit ignorantia veri; quare lectio Verbi etiam vetabatur: alioquin non potuissent coli ut numina, ac sancti eorum invocari, ac in tantum introduci idololatriae, ut cadavera, ossa et sepulcra illorum sancta crederentur, et inde lucrarentur. Ex quo patet quam enormes falsitates fides caeca potest producere.

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