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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第26节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 26

26. I have been granted the opportunity to see and hear many people after their deaths listing their good works and their devotional practices along the lines of those just mentioned in 24, 25, plus some others as well. I also saw that some of them had lamps but no oil, and when they were asked whether they had turned their backs on evil deeds because they are sins it turned out that they had not. So they were told that they were evil, and later I saw them going into caves where there were other evil people like themselves.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 26

26. I have been given to see and hear many people after death who listed their good deeds and exercises of piety, the kind mentioned just mentioned in nos. 24 and 25 above, and more still. Among them I have also seen some who had lamps and no oil. But they were asked whether they had refrained from evils as being sins, and when they were discovered not to have done so, the people were informed therefore that they were evil. Moreover I saw them afterward go into caverns inhabited by people evil like themselves.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 26

26. It has been granted me to see and hear many after death who recounted their good deeds and exercises of piety, such as those just mentioned above in numbers 24, 25, and many more. Among them I have also seen some who had lamps and no oil; but when inquiry was made whether they had shunned evils as sins, it was found that they had not. They were therefore told that they were wicked; and they were afterwards seen to enter caves where there were wicked spirits like them themselves.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 26

26. I have been permitted to see and hear many after death who reckoned up their good works and performances of piety, such as those mentioned above (n. 24-25), and many others besides. Among them I have also seen some who had lamps and no oil. Inquiry was made as to whether they had shunned evils as sins, and it was found that they had not, and therefore they were told that they were evil. Afterwards also they were seen to go into caverns where evil ones like them had their abode.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 26 (original Latin 1763)

26. Datum est videre et audire multos post mortem, qui enumeraverunt bona sua opera, et pietatis exercitia, quae nunc supra (24, 25) memorata sunt, et plura adhuc. Inter illos etiam vidi quosdam habere lampades et non oleum. At inquisitum est num fugerint mala ut peccata, ac inventi, quod non; quare illis dictum est, quod mali sint. Visi etiam postea intrare cavernas, ubi similes mali erant.

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