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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第40节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 40

40. We can illustrate the fact that what is good loves what is true and wants to be united to it if we think of food and water or bread and wine. We need both. Food or bread alone does nothing for the nourishment of the body without water or wine, so each seeks for and calls for the other. In fact, in the Word as spiritually understood, food and bread mean what is good, while water and wine mean what is true.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 40

40. That goodness loves truth and wishes to be united with it may also be illustrated by analogy with food and water or bread and wine. We have to have both. Food and bread alone are insufficient in the body for its nourishment, but must be combined with water or wine. One therefore hungers and longs for the other.

Food and bread in the Word also mean good in its spiritual sense, and water and wine mean truth.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 40

40. That good loves truth and wills to be conjoined with it, may also be illustrated by comparison with meat and drink, or with bread and wine; there must be the one as well as the other. Meat or bread alone does not suffice for nourishment in the body, but with water or wine; and therefore the one seeks and ardently desires the other. Moreover, by meat or bread in the Word, in the spiritual sense, is meant good, and by water and wine is meant truth.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 40

40. That good loves truth and wills to be conjoined with it, may also be illustrated by comparison with food and water, or with bread and wine. Both are necessary. Food or bread alone effects nothing in the body in the way of nourishment; it does so only together with water or with wine; and therefore the one has an appetite and longing for the other. Moreover in the Word "food" and "bread" mean good, in the spiritual sense; and "water" and "wine" mean truth.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 40 (original Latin 1763)

40. Quod bonum amet verum, et velit cum illo conjungi, illustrari etiam potest per comparationem cum cibo et aqua, seu cum pane et vino: unum et alterum erit; cibus aut panis solus non facit aliquid in corpore ad nutritionem, sed cum aqua aut vino; quare unum appetit et desiderat alterum. Per "cibum" et "panem" etiam in Verbo in sensu ejus spirituali intelligitur bonum, ac per "aquam" et "vinum" intelligitur verum.

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