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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第68节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 68

68. These kinds of killing lie hidden within us from birth, but from early childhood we learn to veil them with the civility and morality we need when we are with others in this world; and to the extent that we yearn for rank or money, we take care not to let them become visible. This latter character becomes our outside, while the former is our inside and is what we are like in and of ourselves; so you can see how demonic we will be after death, when we put off that outside along with our bodies, unless we have been reformed.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 68

68. These three kinds of murder are latent in a person from his birth, but he learns, even from early childhood, to cover them up with civil and moral conduct, which he is obliged to display with people in the world, and he keeps them from showing the more he loves honor and material gain. Thus is formed his outer self, while these latent inclinations to murder constitute his inner one. Such is the human character in itself.

Now because he puts off his outer self along with his body when he dies, but keeps his inner self, it is apparent what a devil he would be without being reformed.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 68

68. These kinds of murder lie concealed inwardly with man from his birth; but even from childhood he learns to cover them with the principles of civil and moral life which he must needs practise among men in the world; and so far as he loves honour and gain, he is watchful lest they appear. This way of life becomes his external, while these evils form his internal: such is the real nature of man in himself. Now, as he lays aside his external with the body when he dies, and retains his internal, it is evident what a devil he would be unless he were reformed.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 68

68. These kinds of murder lie inwardly hidden in man from his birth, but from early childhood he learns to veil them over with the civic and moral behavior that he is bound to show toward men in the world, and in proportion as he loves honors or gains he guards against their appearance. This forms his external, while his internal is these kinds of murder. Such is man in himself. Now as when he dies he lays aside that external together with his body, and retains the internal, it is evident what a devil he would be unless he were reformed.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 68 (original Latin 1763)

68. Haec homicidiorum genera latent intus apud hominem ex nativate, sed ille usque ab infantia discit obvelare illa civilitate et moralitate, in quibus debet esse cum hominibus mundi, et quantum honorem aut lucrum amat, custodit ne appareant; hoc fit externum hominis, cum illa sunt internum ejus; talis homo est in se. Nunc quia externum deponit cum corpore cum moritur, et retinet internum, patet qualis diabolus foret nisi reformaretur.

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