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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第70节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 70

70. Now, since what is evil and what is good are two opposite things, like hell and heaven or like the Devil and the Lord, it follows that if we turn our backs on something evil as a sin we come into something good that is the opposite of that evil. The goodness that is opposite to the evil meant by killing is loving our neighbor.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 70

70. Now, because evil and good are two opposites, altogether like hell and heaven, or like the devil and the Lord, it follows that if a person refrains from some evil as a sin, he comes into the goodness opposite the evil. The goodness opposite the evil meant by murder is the goodness of love for the neighbor.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 70

70. Now as evil and good are two opposites, precisely like hell and heaven, or like the devil and the Lord, it follows that if man shuns an evil as sin, he comes into the good that is an opposite to the evil. The good opposite to the evil which is meant by murder, is the good of love towards the neighbour.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 70

70. Now as evil and good are two opposite things, precisely as are hell and heaven, or as are the devil and the Lord, it follows that if a man shuns evil as sin, he comes into the good that is opposite to the evil. The good opposite to the evil that is meant by "murder," is the good of love toward the neighbor.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 70 (original Latin 1763)

70. Nunc quia malum et bonum sunt duo opposita, prorsus sicut infernum et caelum, aut sicut diabolus et Dominus, sequitur quod si homo fugit malum sicut peccatum, veniat in bonum malo oppositum; bonum Oppositum malo quod intelligitur per homicidium, est bonum amoris erga proximum.

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