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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第8节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 8

8. The reason religion is all about how we live is that after death we all are our own life. It remains the same for us as it was in the world and does not change. An evil life cannot be altered into a good one or a good life into an evil one, because they are opposites, and alteration into something opposite is extinction. So because they are opposites, a good life is called life and an evil life is called death.

That is why religion is all about how we live and why the way to live is to do good. On our nature after death being determined by our life in the world see.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 8

8. Every religion is a way of life, because everyone after death continues his life, and his life remains the same as the life he had led in the world and does not change. For an evil life cannot be turned into a good one, nor a good one into an evil one, because they are antithetical, and conversion into an antithesis means extinction. So then, because they are antithetical, a good life is called life, and an evil life is called death. It follows, therefore, that religion is a way of life, and that its life is the doing of good.

That a person’s character after death is the same as that of the life he had led in the world may be seen in the book Heaven and Hell 470-484.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 8

8. The reason why all religion has relation to life is, because every one after death is his own life. For every one's life remains the same as it had been in the world, and is not changed; as an evil life cannot be converted into a good life, nor a good life into an evil one because they are opposites, and conversion into an opposite is extinction; and thus, because they are opposites, a good life is called life, and an evil life is called death. Hence it is that religion has relation to life, and that the life [of religion] is to do good. That man after death is such as his life has been in the world, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 470-484.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 8

8. The reason why all religion is of the life, is that after death everyone is his own life, for the life stays the same as it had been in this world, and undergoes no change. For an evil life cannot be converted into a good one, nor a good life into an evil one, because they are opposites, and conversion into what is opposite is extinction. And, being opposites, a good life is called Life, and an evil one Death. This is why religion is of life, and why its life is to do what is good. (That after death a man is such as had been his life in this world may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 470-484).

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 8 (original Latin 1763)

8. Quod omnis religio sit vitae, est quia unusquisque post mortem est sua vita; manet enim eadem, quae ei fuerat in mundo, et non mutatur; mala enim vita in bonam non potest converti, nec bona in malam, quia oppositae sunt, et conversio in oppositum est exstinctio: quare quia oppositae sunt, vita bona vocatur vita, et vita mala vocatur mors. Inde est quod religio sit vitae, et quod vita sit bonum facere. Quod homo sit post mortem qualis ejus vita fuerat in mundo, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 470-484.

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