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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第89节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 89

89. To the extent that we love truth we want to know it and we find our hearts moved when we find it. That is the only way to arrive at wisdom; and to the extent that we love to do the truth, we take pleasure in the light that contains it.

This is the same as in the case of the commandments already discussed, such as honesty and fairness in those who turn their backs on all kinds of theft, chastity and purity in those who turn their backs on all kinds of adultery, love and caring in those who turn their backs on all kinds of killing, and so on.

People who are caught up in the opposite attitudes, though, know nothing about all this, even though it involves everything that is actually anything.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 89

89. Insofar as someone loves truth, so far he wishes to know it, and so far he is affected at heart when he finds it. Nor does anyone else come into wisdom. And insofar as someone loves to put the truth into practice, so far he feels the pleasantness of the light in which truth resides.

The case is the same as with everything else said so far. As for instance, with honesty and righteousness in someone who refrains from every form of stealing; with chasteness and purity in someone who refrains from every form of adultery; and with love and charity in someone who refrains from every form of murder. And so on.

By contrast, a person engaged in their opposites knows nothing about these virtues, even though everything positive resides in them.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 89

89. So far as any one loves truth, so far he desires to know it, and so far he is affected in heart when he finds it; nor does any other attain to wisdom. Moreover, so far as he loves to do the truth, so far is he sensible of the pleasantness of the light in which truth is. It is similar with the other virtues mentioned above; as with sincerity and justice with him who shuns all kinds of theft; with chastity and purity with him who shuns all kinds of adultery; and with love and charity with him who shuns all kinds of murder; and so on. But he who is immersed in their opposites knows nothing of these virtues, when yet everything is in them.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 89

89. In proportion as anyone loves the truth, in the same proportion he desires to know it, and in the same proportion is affected at heart when he finds it. No one else comes into wisdom. And in proportion as anyone loves to do the truth, in the same proportion he is sensible of the pleasantness of the light in which the truth is. It is the same with all the other things spoken of above; with sincerity and justice in the case of one who shuns thefts of every kind; with chastity and purity in the case of one who shuns adulteries of every kind; and with love and charity in the case of one who shuns murders of every kind; and so forth. On the other hand, one who is in the opposites to these heavenly things knows nothing about them, although everything that is truly something is present in them.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 89 (original Latin 1763)

89. Quantum quis amat veritatem, tantum vult cognoscere illam, et tantum corde afficitur cum invenit illam; nec alius venit in sapientiam: et quantum amat facere illam, tantum sentit amoenitatem lucis in qua est veritas, Simile est cum reliquis hactenus dictis; ut cum sinceritate et justitia apud illum qui fugit omnis generis furta; cum castitate et puritate apud illum qui fugit omnis generis adulteria; et cum amore et charitate apud illum qui fugit omnis generis homicidia; et sic porro. Ille autem qui in oppositis est, non scit aliquid de illis, cum tamen omne aliquid est in illis.

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