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《最后的审判》 第11节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 11

11. 3. The full extent of heaven, which exists for the sake of angels, is so vast that it cannot be filled to eternity. In support of this, see the book Heaven and Hell, particularly the chapter on the vastness of heaven (415-420).

4. On the fact that so far, heaven is made up of relatively few people, see 126 in my booklet on the planets in the universe.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 11

11. The extent of the heaven for the angels is so immense that it cannot be filled to all eternity. This was established in HEAVEN AND HELL, in the section on the immensity of heaven (415-420). The short work on THE EARTHS IN THE UNIVERSE showed that the present inhabitants of heaven are relatively few (Earths in the Universe 126).

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 11

11. III. The extension of heaven, which is for angels, is so immense, that it cannot be filled to eternity, appears from what has been said in the work on Heaven and Hell. On the Immensity of Heaven (415-420); and That they are, but few respectively of whom heaven is at present formed, in the little work on the Earths in the Universe (126).

De Ultimo Judicio 11 (original Latin 1758)

11. ((iii.)) Quod Extensio Caeli, quod pro Angelis, tam immensa sit, ut in aeternum non impleri possit, constat ex illis quae in opere De Caelo et Inferno, et ibi in articulo De Immensitate Caeli (415-420) dicta 1sunt; et quod pauci sint respective a quibus adhuc Caelum, in opusculo De Telluribus in Universo (De Telluribus in Universo 126).


"1. dicta sunt pro ""dicta sunt est"""

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