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《最后的审判》 第19节




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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 19

19. The church could have known from the Word that heaven and hell come from humankind, and could have made this part of its teachings, if it had let some light in from heaven and taken note of the Lord's words to the criminal, that today he would be with him in paradise (Luke 23:43). It could have noted what the Lord said about the rich man and Lazarus, that the rich man went to hell and spoke from there to Abraham, and that Abraham was in heaven (Luke 16:19-31); and what the Lord said to the Sadducees 1about the resurrection, that God is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Matthew 22:32). It could also have considered the belief common to all people who are living good lives, especially the belief they have when they are nearing death and are no longer preoccupied with worldly and physical concerns: they believe that they are about to enter heaven as soon as they leave their bodily life. This is the predominant view that we all have, except at those moments when we are basing our thinking on the church's teaching regarding resurrection at the time of the Last Judgment. Ask people whether this is the case or not, and you will see.


1. The Sadducees were a religious party in Palestine before and slightly after the time of Christ; they were composed of priestly leaders and lay nobility. They denied the existence of resurrection or life after death (compare Matthew 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40; Acts 4:1-2; 23:8), adhering to an ancient Hebrew belief that God would punish and reward individuals in their lives on earth rather than in the afterlife. Jesus warns his disciples against the beliefs of the Sadducees in Matthew 16:5-12. They ceased to exist as a body after the Jewish War of 66-73 C.E. (Metzger and Coogan 1993, 667-668). For a brief description of their composition and role in Jerusalem, see Jeremias 1969, 228-232. [RS, SS]

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 19

19. The church too could have known from the Word that heaven and hell are from the human race. It could have made this part of its teaching, if it had allowed enlightenment from heaven to reach it, and had paid attention to the Lord's words to the robber, that he would be to-day in Paradise with Him (Luke 23:43). Also what the Lord said about the rich man and Lazarus, that the rich man went to hell, from where he talked with Abraham, and Lazarus went to heaven (Luke 16:19-31). Also what the Lord said to the Sadducees about resurrection, that God is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Matthew 22:32). The same can be deduced from the general belief of all who lead good lives, especially their belief around the time of death, when they are withdrawn from worldly and bodily concerns, that they will go to heaven as soon as their bodily life departs. This is the dominant belief of all, provided the teaching of the church does not lead them to think of resurrection as happening at the time of the Last Judgment. Enquire whether this is not the case, and you will receive confirmation.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 19

19. That heaven and hell are from the human race, the church moreover might have known from the Word, and made it a part of its doctrine, if it had admitted enlightenment from heaven, and had attended to the Lord's words to the robber, that:

Today he should be with Him in paradise (Luke 23:43); and to those which the Lord spake concerning the rich man and Lazarus, that:

The one went to hell, and spoke thence with Abraham, and that the other went to heaven (Luke 16:19-31). Also to what the Lord told the Sadducees respecting the resurrection, that:

God is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Matthew 22:32).

And furthermore they might have known it from the common faith of all who live well, especially from their faith in the hour of death, when they are no longer in worldly and corporeal things, in that they believe they will go to heaven, as soon as the life of their body departs. This faith prevails with all, so long as they do not think, from the doctrine of the church, of a resurrection at the time of the Last Judgment. Inquire into the subject and you will be confirmed that it is so.

De Ultimo Judicio 19 (original Latin 1758)

19. Quod caelum et infernum sint ex humano genere, potuisset etiam ecclesia ex Verbo scire, ac id suae doctrinae facere, si admisisset illustrationem e caelo, et attendisset ad Domini verba ad latronem,

Quod hodie cum Ipso esset in Paradiso (Lucas 23:43);

Et ad illa quae Dominus dixit de divite et Lazaro,

Quod ille in infernum venerit, et inde locutus cum Abrahamo, et quod hic in caelum (Lucas 16:19-31):

Tum quae Dominus locutus est ad Sadducaeos de resurrectione,

Quod Deus non sit Deus mortuorum, sed viventium (Matthaeus 22:32):

Ac praeterea ex fide communi omnium qui bene vivunt, imprimis ex fide eorum circa tempus mortis, quando non amplius in mundanis et corporeis sunt, quod credant se venturos in caelum, ut primum abit vita corporis eorum; haec fides regnat apud omnes, dum non ex doctrina ecclesiae de resurrectione tempore ultimi judicii cogitant: inquire numne ita sit, et confirmaberis.

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