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《最后的审判》 第68节






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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 68

68. Since we are now about to deal with the first heaven, which passed away, and since no one knows anything about it, I would like to describe it in the following sequence.

1. Who constituted this first heaven.

2. What it was like.

3. How it passed away.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 68

68. Since my present subject is the first heaven which passed away, a subject unknown to anyone, I should like to describe in order:

(i) The people composing the first heaven.

(ii) Its nature.

(iii) How it passed away.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 68

68. Since the first heaven which passed away is the subject now treated of, and since no one knows anything concerning it, I will describe it in order.

I. Of whom the first heaven consisted.

II. What its quality was.

III. How it passed away.

De Ultimo Judicio 68 (original Latin 1758)

68. Quia hic nunc agitur de primo caelo quod transivit, et nemo aliquid de eo scit, velim ordine describere,

(i.) Primum caelum a quibus exstiterat;

(ii.) Quale id fuit;

(iii.) Quomodo transivit.

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