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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第16节


















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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 16

16. The state of the church in relation to the Word, as represented by the prophets, was the meaning of their “carrying the iniquities and sins of the people.” This we can see from what is said about the prophet Isaiah, that he went naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and a wonder (Isaiah 20:3). It says of Ezekiel that he was to take out his belongings to go into exile and cover his face so that he could not see the ground, and that this was to be a sign to the house of Israel; and he was also to say, “I am a sign for you” (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

[2] It is abundantly clear from Ezekiel that this was carrying the people’s iniquities, when Ezekiel was commanded to lie on his left side for three hundred ninety days and on his right side for forty days against Jerusalem and to eat a cake of barley baked over cow dung. We read there,

Lie on your left side and place the iniquity of the house of Israel on it. According to the number of days that you lie on it you will carry their iniquity. I will give you years of their iniquity matching the number of days, three hundred ninety days, so that you carry the iniquity of the house of Israel. When you have finished them, you will lie a second time, but on your right side for forty days to carry the iniquity of the house of Judah. (Ezekiel 4:4-6)

[3] By carrying the iniquities of the house of Israel and the house of Judah in this way, the prophet did not take them away and thus atone for them, but simply represented them and made them clear. This we can see from what follows:

Thus says Jehovah: “The children of Israel will eat their bread defiled among the nations where I am going to send them. Behold, I am breaking the staff of bread in Jerusalem so that they will lack bread and water. They will all become desolate and waste away because of their iniquity.” (Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17)

[4] Similarly, when Ezekiel appeared in public and said, “Behold, I am a sign for you, ” he also said, “What I have done, [your leaders] will do” (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

Much the same is meant, then, when it says of the Lord, “He bore our diseases and carried our sorrows. Jehovah made the iniquities of us all fall upon him. By means of his knowledge he justified many, because he himself carried their iniquities.” This is from Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11], where the whole chapter is about the Lord’s suffering.

[5] We can see from the details of the narrative of his suffering that he, as the greatest prophet, represented the state of the church in its relationship to the Word. For example, he was betrayed by Judas; he was seized and condemned by the chief priests and elders; they struck him with their fists; they struck his head with a stick; they put a crown of thorns on him; they divided his garments and cast lots on his tunic; they crucified him; they gave him vinegar to drink; they pierced his side; he was entombed; and on the third day he rose again [Matthew 26:14-16, 47-68; 27:1-61; 28:1-10; Mark 14:43-65; 15:15-37; 16:1-8; Luke 22:47-71; 23:26-56; 24:1-35; John 18:1-14; 19:1-30; 20:1-18].

[6] His being betrayed by Judas meant that this was being done by the Jewish people, who at that time were custodians of the Word, since Judas represented them. His being seized and condemned by the chief priests and elders meant that this was being done by the whole church. Their whipping him, spitting in his face, striking him with their fists, and striking his head with a stick meant that they were doing this kind of thing to the Word in regard to its divine truths, all of which are about the Lord. Their putting a crown of thorns on him meant that they falsified and contaminated these truths. Their dividing his garments and casting lots on his tunic meant that they destroyed the connectedness of all the truths of the Word-though not its spiritual meaning, which is symbolized by the tunic. Their crucifying him meant that they destroyed and profaned the whole Word. Their giving him vinegar to drink meant offering nothing but things that were distorted and false, which is why he did not drink it and then said, “It is finished.” Their piercing his side meant that they completely stifled everything true in the Word and everything good in it. His entombment meant his putting off any residual human nature from his mother. His rising again on the third day meant his glorification. Much the same is meant by the passages in the prophets and David where these events were foretold.

[7] That is why, after he had been whipped and led out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe the soldiers had put on him, he said, “Here is the one [the human]” (John 19:1-5). This was said because “a human being” means a church, since “the Son of Humanity” means what is true in the church, therefore the Word.

We can see from all this that his “carrying iniquities” means that he represented and offered an image of the sins that were being committed against the divine truths of the Word. And we will see in the following pages that the Lord endured and suffered these torments as the Son of Humanity and not as the Son of God. “The Son of Humanity” means the Lord as the Word.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 16

16. The state of the church founded on the Word and represented in the prophets was what bearing the iniquities and sins of the people means. The reality of this is apparent from what we are told about the prophet Isaiah, that he went naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and a wonder (Isaiah 20:3); and about the prophet Ezekiel, that he made containers for departure and covered his face so as not to see the ground, so that he was thus a sign to the house of Israel. He also said, “Behold, I am a sign to you” (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

[2] That they regarded this as bearing iniquities is clearly apparent in the case of Ezekiel when he was ordered to lie for a period of three hundred days and a period of forty days on his left and right sides facing Jerusalem, and to eat a barley cake made with cow dung, in a passage where we also read the following:

Lie on your left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it. For the number of the days that you lie on it, you shall bear their iniquity. For I will lay on you the years of their iniquity reflected in the number of the days, three hundred and ninety, that you may bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. Then, when you have completed them, lie again on your right side, that you may bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days. (Ezekiel 4:4-6)

[3] By bearing in this way the iniquities of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, the prophet did not take away those iniquities or thereby atone for them, but only represented and portrayed them, as is apparent in the same chapter from the following:

“Thus, ” says Jehovah, “shall the children of Israel eat their unclean bread among the nations where I will drive them.... Behold, I am breaking the staff of bread in Jerusalem..., that they may lack bread and water, and be left desolate, each man and his brother, and waste away because of their iniquity.” (Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17)

[4] So, too, when the same prophet showed himself and said, “I am a sign to you, ” saying also, “As I have done, so shall it be done to them” (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

The same thing is therefore meant where we are told regarding the Lord, “He has borne our diseases.” “He has carried our sorrows.” “Jehovah has laid on Him the iniquities of us all.” “By His knowledge He shall justify many by His bearing their iniquities.” (Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11) This in a chapter whose subject throughout is the Lord’s suffering.

[5] That the Lord, as the grand prophet, represented the state of the church in relation to the Word, is apparent from the particulars of His suffering, as for example, that He was betrayed by Judas; that the chief priests and elders arrested Him and condemned Him; that they struck Him blows; that they struck Him on the head with a reed; that they put on it a crown of thorns; that they divided His garments, and for His tunic cast lots; that they crucified Him; that they gave Him vinegar to drink; that they pierced His side; that He was entombed, and on the third day rose again.

[6] The Lord’s being betrayed by Judas symbolized His betrayal by the Jewish nation, who had the Word; for Judas represented that nation.

The Lord’s being arrested and condemned by the chief priests and elders symbolized His having been so treated by the whole Jewish Church.

His being whipped, spat upon in the face, struck blows, and struck on the head with a reed symbolized the Jews’ treatment of the Word in a similar way in respect to its Divine truths, all of which have to do with the Lord.

His having a crown of thorns put on Him symbolized the Jews’ falsification and adulteration of those truths.

Their dividing the Lord’s garments and casting lots for His tunic symbolized their having done away with all the Word’s truths, but not its spiritual sense — the Lord’s tunic symbolizing that level of meaning in the Word.

Their crucifying the Lord symbolized their destruction and profanation of the entire Word.

Their offering Him vinegar to drink symbolized nothing but truths falsified and falsities, which is why He did not drink it, and why He then said, “It is finished.”

Their piercing His side symbolized their complete extinction of every truth in the Word and every goodness in it.

His being entombed symbolized His rejection of any remaining human quality received from His mother.

His rising again on the third day symbolized His glorification.

[7] The same things are symbolized by those passages in the Prophets and Psalms where they are foretold.

As a consequence, after the Lord had been whipped and brought out wearing the crown of thorns and a purple garment that the soldiers put on Him, He said, “Behold, the man!” (John 19:1, 5). He said this because “the man” symbolizes the church, inasmuch as the Son of man symbolizes the truth of the church, thus the Word.

It is apparent from this now that to bear iniquities means to represent and portray in person sins against the Word’s Divine truths.

We shall see later that the Lord endured and suffered these things as the Son of man, and not as the Son of God; for the Son of man symbolizes the Lord in relation to the Word.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 16

16. The state of the Church from the Word, as represented in the Prophets, is what is meant by their bearing the iniquities and sins of the people. This is evident from what is said of the prophet Isaiah,

That he went naked and barefoot three years, for a sign and a wonder. Isaiah 20:3; and of the prophet Ezekiel,

That he brought out the stuff for removing ... and covered his face that he might not see the ground. That thus he was a sign to the house of Israel, and

Also said, I am your sign. Ezekiel 12:3-11.

[2] That this was bearing their iniquities, manifestly appears in Ezekiel, when he was commanded to lie three hundred and ninety days on his left side, and forty days on his right side, against Jerusalem, and to eat a cake of barley made with cow's dung; where we read thus:

Lie thou upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it; according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it, thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I will give thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: that thou mayest bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.

And when thou hast accomplished them, thou shalt lie again upon thy right side, that thou mayest bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days. Ezekiel 4:4-6.

[3] It is evident from what follows in the same chapter that the prophet, by thus bearing the iniquities of the house of Israel and the house of Judah, did not take them away and so expiate them, but only represented and demonstrated them:

Jehovah said, Even thus shall the Children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the nations, whither I will drive them ...

Behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem ...

That they may lack bread and water, and be desolate, a man (vir) and his brother, and waste away for their iniquity. Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17.

[4] So when the same prophet showed himself, and said,

Lo, I am your sign, it is also added, As I have done, so shall it be done unto them. Ezekiel 12:6, 11.

The meaning is similar where it is said of the Lord,

He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.

... Jehovah hath laid on Him the iniquities of us all....

By His knowledge He hath justified many, because He hath borne their iniquities. [Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11].

[5] Here the passion of the Lord is treated of throughout the whole chapter.

That the Lord Himself, as the Greatest Prophet, represented the state of the Church as to the Word, appears from the particulars of His passion, as: He was betrayed by Judas: He was taken and condemned by the chief priests and elders: they buffeted Him and smote Him on the head with a reed: they put a crown of thorns (upon His head): they divided His garments and cast lots for His vesture: they crucified Him: they gave Him vinegar to drink and pierced His side: He was buried and rose again on the third day.

[6] His being betrayed by Judas signified that He was betrayed by the Jewish nation, with whom the Word then was; for Judas represented that nation. His being taken and condemned by the chief priests and elders signified that He was taken and condemned by the whole of that Church. Their scourging Him, spitting in His face, buffeting Him and smiting Him on the head with a reed, signified that they did the like to the Word, with respect to its Divine truths, which all treat of the Lord. Their putting a crown of thorns (on His head), signified that they had falsified and adulterated those truths. Their dividing His garments and casting lots for His vesture, signified that they had dispersed all the truths of the Word, but not its spiritual sense: for the vesture of the Lord signified this sense of the Word. Their crucifying Him signified that they had destroyed and profaned the whole Word. Their offering Him vinegar to drink signified that all was utterly falsified and false and therefore He did not drink it, and then said It is finished. Their piercing His side signified that they had completely extinguished all the truth of the Word and all its good. His being buried signified the rejection of what still remained of the Human derived from the mother.

[7] His rising again on the third day signified His glorification. Such also is signified by the same things in the Prophets and in the Psalms where they are foretold.

On this account also, after He had been scourged and led out wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe was put on Him by the soldiers, He 1said: Behold the Man! (John 19:1-5). This was said because by man is signified the Church, for by the Son of Man is signified the truth of the Church, and consequently the Word. Now it is evident from these things that by bearing iniquities is meant to represent and portray in Himself sins against the Divine truths of the Word.

That the Lord endured and suffered such treatment as the Son of Man, and not as the Son of God, will be seen in what follows; for the Son of Man signifies the Lord as to the Word.


1. A.V. adds Pilate in italics. In the original Greek no subject is mentioned.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 16

16. The state of the church from the Word thus represented in the Prophets, is what is meant by bearing the iniquities and sins of the people. That such is the case is evident from the things said of Isaiah the prophet:

That he went naked and barefoot three years, for a sign and a wonder (Isaiah 20:3).

Of the prophet Ezekiel:

That he brought forth vessels of wandering, and covered his face so that he should not see the earth, and that so he was for a portent to the house of Israel, and also said, I am your portent (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

[2] That this was for them to bear iniquities, is plainly evident in Ezekiel, where that prophet is commanded to lie three hundred and ninety days, and forty days, upon his left side and upon his right, against Jerusalem, and to eat a barley cake made with cow's dung: As we read:

Lie thou upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it, thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days, that thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, thou shalt lie upon thy right side, so that thou bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days (Ezekiel 4:4-6).

[3] That by his having thus borne the iniquities of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, the prophet did not take them away, and thus expiate them, but only represented and showed them, is evident from what there follows:

Thus saith Jehovah, The sons of Israel shall eat their unclean bread among the nations whither I will drive them. Behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem, that they may lack bread and water, and be desolate a man and his brother, and consume away for their iniquity (Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17).

[4] So when the same prophet showed himself, and said,

Behold, I am your portent, it is added, as I have done, so shall it be done unto them (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

The meaning is therefore the same where it is said of the Lord:

He hath borne our diseases, and carried our sorrows Jehovah hath made to light on Him the iniquities of us all by His knowledge hath He justified many, in that He hath borne their iniquities (Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11);

where, in this whole chapter, the Lord's passion is treated of.

[5] That the Lord Himself, as the Grand Prophet, represented the state of the church in respect to the Word, is evident from all things of His passion; as that He was betrayed by Judas; that He was taken and condemned by the chief priests and elders; that they buffeted Him; that they smote Him on the head with a reed; that they put on Him a crown of thorns; that they divided His garments, and cast lots for His under vesture; that they crucified Him; that they gave Him vinegar to drink; that they pierced His side; that He was buried; and that He rose again the third day.

[6] That He was betrayed by Judas, signified that He was betrayed by the Jewish nation, among whom at that time was the Word, for Judas represented that nation. That He was taken and condemned by the chief priests and elders, signified that He was so treated by the whole Jewish Church. That they scourged Him, spat in His face, buffeted Him, and smote Him on the head with a reed, signified that they had done the like to the Word in respect to its Divine truths, all of which treat of the Lord. That they put on Him a crown of thorns, signified that they had falsified and adulterated those truths. That they divided His garments, and cast lots for His under-vesture, signified that they had dispersed all the truths of the Word, but not its spiritual sense, which His under-vesture signified. That they crucified Him, signified that they had destroyed and profaned the whole Word. That they offered Him vinegar to drink, signified that everything had become falsified and false; and therefore He did not drink it, and then said, It is finished. That they pierced His side, signified that they had completely extinguished all the truth of the Word, and all its good. That He was buried, signified the rejection of the residue of the maternal human. That He rose again the third day, signified His glorification.

[7] Similar things are signified by these things as foretold in the Prophets and in David. And it was for the same reason that, after He had been scourged and brought out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe put on Him by the soldiers, He said, Behold the Man! (John 19:1, 5). This He said because by "man [hominem]" is signified the church; for by "Son of man" is signified the truth of the church, thus the Word. It is evident then from these things, that to bear iniquities means to represent and effigy in one's self sins against the Divine truths of the Word. That the Lord endured and suffered such things as the Son of man, and not as the Son of God, will be seen in what follows; for "the Son of man" signifies the Lord in respect to the Word.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 16 (original Latin 1763)

16. Status ecclesiae ex Verbo repraesentatus in prophetis, erat quod intelligitur per "portare iniquitates et peccata populi." Quod ita sit, patet ex illis quae dicuntur de Esaia propheta,

Quod iret nudus et discalceatus tres annos, in signum et prodigium (Esaiam 20:3):

De Ezechiele propheta,

Quod educeret vasa migrationis, et obtegeret facies ut non videret terram, et quod sic prodigium esset domui Israelis, et quoque diceret, "Ego prodigium vestrum" (Ezechielem 12:6, 11).

[2] Quod hoc fuerit illis portare iniquitates, manifeste constat apud Ezechielem, cum ille jussus est cubare trecentos et nonaginta (dies) et quadraginta dies super latere sinistro et dextro contra Hierosolymam, ac edere placentam hordeorum factam cum excrementis bovis; ubi haec etiam leguntur:

"Tu cuba super latere tuo sinistro, et pone iniquitatem domus Israelis super illud; numerum dierum, quibus cubabis super illo, portabis iniquitatem eorum. Ego namque dabo tibi annos iniquitatis eorum juxta numerum dierum trecentos et nonaginta dies, ut portes iniquitatem domus Israelis. Quum vero absolveris hos, jacebis super latere tuo dextro secundum, ut portes iniquitatem domus Jehudae quadraginta dies" (Ezechielem 4:4-6.)

[3] Quod propheta, per quod sic portaverit iniquitates domus Israelis et domus Jehudae, non abstulerit illas, et sic expiaverit, sed modo repraesentaverit et monstraverit, patet a sequentibus ibi:

"Sic inquit Jehovah, Comedent filii Israelis panem suum immundum, inter gentes quo depulsurus sum eos. ...Ecce Ego frangens baculum panis in Hierosolyma,... ut careant pane et aqua, et desolentur vir et frater ejus, et contabescant propter iniquitatem eorum" (vers. 13, 16-17, in eodem capite).

[4] Similiter cum idem propheta ostenderet se et diceret,

"Ecce ego prodigium vestrum," etiam dicitur, "Quemadmodum feci sic fiet illis" (Ezechielem 12:6, 11).

Simile itaque intelligitur de Domino, ubi dicitur,

"Morbos nostros Ille tulit:... dolores nostros portavit:... Jehovah incurrere fecit in Illum iniquitates omnium nostrum:... per scientiam suam justificavit... multos, eo quod iniquitates eorum Ipse portaverit" (Esaiam 53:4, 6))

Ubi in toto capite agitur de passione Domini.

[5] Quod Ipse sicut Maximus Propheta repraesentaverit statum ecclesiae quoad Verbum, patet a singulis passionis Illius: ut, Quod a Juda proditus fuerit: quod a principibus sacerdotum et a senioribus comprehensus et condemnatus sit: quod colaphos impegerint: quod caput calamo percusserint: quod imposuerint coronam ex spinis: quod vestimenta Ipsius diviserint, et super tunicam jecerint sortem: quod crucifixerint: quod dederint Ipsi acetum ad bibendum: quod transfoderint latus: quod sepultus; et tertio die resurrexerit.

[6] Quod "a Juda proditus fuerit," significabat quod a gente Judaica, apud quam tunc erat Verbum; nam Judas illam repraesentabat: quod "a principibus sacerdotum et a senioribus comprehensus et condemnatus sit," significabat quod ab omni illa ecclesia: quod "flagellaverint, spuerint in faciem, colaphos impegerint, et caput calamo percusserint" significabat quod similiter fecerint cum Verbo quoad Divina vera ejus, quae omnia agunt de Domino: quod "imposuerint coronam ex spinis," significabat quod illa falsificaverint et adulteraverint: quod "vestimenta diviserint, et super tunicam jecerint sortem," significabat quod omnia vera Verbi disperserint, sed non sensum ejus spiritualem; "tunica Domini" hoc Verbi significabat: quod "crucifixerint" significabat quod totum Verbum destruxerint et profanaverint: quod "praebuerint Ipsi acetum ad bibendum," significabat quod mere falsificata et falsa; quare illud non bibit, et tunc dixit, "Consummatum est:" quod "transfoderint latus," significabat quod plane exstinxerint omne verum Verbi et omne bonum ejus: quod "sepultus," significabat rejectionem humani residui a matre; quod "tertio die resurrexerit," significabat glorificationem.

[7] Similia per illa significantur apud Prophetas et apud Davidem, ubi praedicta sunt. Quapropter, Postquam flagellatus et eductus portans spinosam coronam, et vestimentum purpureum a militibus impositum, dixit "Ecce Homo" (Johannem 19:1, 5): hoc dictum est quia per "Hominem" significatur ecclesia; per "Filium enim hominis" significatur verum ecclesiae, ita Verbum. Ex his nunc patet quod per "portare iniquitates" intelligatur, peccata contra Divina vera Verbi in Se repraesentare et effigiare. Quod Dominus talia sustinuerit et passus sit ut Filius hominis, et non ut Filius Dei, videbitur in sequentibus; "Filius hominis" enim significat Dominus quoad Verbum.

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