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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第23节



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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 23

23. So far we have been talking about why the Lord is called the Son of God. Now we must turn to why he is called the Son of Humanity.

He is called the Son of Humanity when the subject is his suffering, his judging, his Coming, or more generally his redeeming, saving, reforming, or regenerating us. This is because the Son of Humanity is the Lord as the Word; and it is as the Word that he suffered, judges, comes into the world, redeems, saves, reforms, and regenerates. What follows may serve to demonstrate that this is the case.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 23

23. We have already said why the Lord is called the Son of God. Now we must say why the Lord is called the Son of man.

He is called the Son of man whenever the subject is His suffering, judgment, advent, and in general redemption, salvation, reformation and regeneration. That is because the Son of man is the Lord in relation to the Word; and as the embodiment of the Word He suffered, judged, came into the world, redeemed, saved, reformed and regenerated.

The reality of this can be seen from what follows now.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 23

23. It has already been stated on what ground the Lord is called the Son of God: it shall now be stated on what ground He is called the Son of Man. He is called the Son of Man where His passion, the Judgment, His Coming, and, in general, where redemption, salvation, reformation and regeneration are treated of. The reason is, that the Son of Man is the Lord as to the Word; and it is as the Word that He suffered, judges, comes into the world, redeems, saves, reforms and regenerates. That this is so may appear from what now follows.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 23

23. Having stated on what grounds the Lord is called "the Son of God," we will now state those on which He is called "the Son of man." The Lord is called "the Son of man" where the subject treated of is His passion, Judgment, His advent, and, in general, redemption, salvation, reformation, and regeneration. The reason is that "the Son of man" is the Lord in respect to the Word; and as the Word He suffered, judges, came into the world, redeems, saves, reforms, and regenerates. That such is the case is evident from what now follows.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 23 (original Latin 1763)

23. Ex quo Dominus vocatur "Filius Dei," hactenus dictum est; nunc ex quo Dominus vocatur "Filius hominis," dicetur. Vocatur "Filius hominis," ubi agitur de passione, de judicio, de adventu, et in genere ubi de redemptione, salvatione, reformatione et regeneratione. Causa est, quia "Filius hominis" est Dominus quoad Verbum; ac Ipse ut Verbum passus est, judicat, venit in mundum, redimit, salvat, reformat et regenerat. Quod ita sit, ex nunc sequentibus constare potest.

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