7. There will be ample demonstration that the whole Sacred Scripture is written about the Lord alone later, especially in what will be presented in the booklet on Sacred Scripture. This and this alone is why the Word is holy. It is also what is meant by the statement in Revelation that “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10).
7. The Holy Scripture throughout was written about the Lord alone, and this will be more fully evident hereafter, especially from considerations we intend to present in the short work on the Sacred Scripture. It is the one and only source of the Word’s holiness. It is also meant in the book of Revelation by the statement that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10).
7. It will more fully appear from what follows, especially from what will be adduced in the little work on THE SACRED SCRIPTURE, that the whole Sacred Scripture was written concerning the Lord alone. From this circumstance, and from no other, the Word derives its holiness. This also is what is meant by these words in Revelation:
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Revelation 19:10.
7. That universal Holy Scripture has been written solely about the Lord, will be more fully evident from what follows, especially from the things to be advanced in the small work on The Holy Scripture. This is the one only source of the holiness of the Word, and is what is meant by the words
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10).
7. Quod universa Scriptura Sacra de solo Domino scripta sit, plenius ex sequentibus constabit, imprimis ex illis quae in opusculo De Scriptura Sacra afferenda sunt. Inde et non aliunde est sanctitas Verbi; hoc quoque intelligitur per haec in Apocalypsi,
"Testimonium Jesu est spiritus prophetiae" (19:10),