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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第101节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 101

101. Caring, though, applies to much more than just helping the poor and needy. Caring is doing what is right in everything we do, doing our duty in every position of responsibility.

A judge who does what is fair for the sake of fairness is practicing caring. Judges who punish the guilty and acquit the innocent are practicing caring because in doing so they are showing concern for their fellow citizens and concern for their country.

Priests who teach people truth and lead them to do good are practicing caring, if they do so for the sake of truth and goodness. If they do these things for the sake of themselves or for worldly purposes, though, they are not practicing caring, because they are loving themselves rather than their neighbor.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 101

101. However, kindness is much broader than just helping poor and deprived people. Kindness is doing what is right in all of our actions, and doing what we should in every job. If judges do their job impartially for the sake of justice, they are showing kindness. If they punish people who are guilty and acquit people who are not guilty, they are showing true kindness, because they are caring for their fellow citizens and their country. Ministers who teach what is true and lead people to goodness for the sake of truth and goodness are showing kindness. But if we do these things for our own benefit and for the sake of material gain, we are not showing kindness, because we are loving ourselves and not other people.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 101

101. But charity extends much further than to the poor and needy. For charity consists in doing what is right in every task, and one's duty in every office one holds. If a judge sees justice done for justice's sake, he exercises charity; if he punishes the guilty and acquits the innocent, he exercises charity, for he thus takes thought for his fellow citizens and his country. A priest who teaches the truth and guides people towards good, for the sake of truth and good, exercises charity. But if he does such things for his own or the world's sake, he does not exercise charity, because it is not the neighbour he loves, but himself.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 101

101. But charity has a far wider scope than the poor and needy: for charity consists in doing what is right in every work, and in doing one's duty in every office. Thus if a judge does what is just for the sake of what is just, he practises charity; if he punishes the guilty, and acquits the innocent, he practises charity; for in so doing he cares for the welfare of his fellow-citizens and for his country. A minister, again, who teaches the truth, and leads to good, for the sake of truth and good, practises charity: but he who does these things for the sake of himself and the world, does not practise charity; because he does not love the neighbour, but himself.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 101

101. But charity extends itself much more widely than to the poor and indigent; for charity consists in doing what is right in every work, and our duty in every office. If a judge does justice for the sake of justice, he exercises charity; if he punishes the guilty and absolves the innocent, he exercises charity, for thus he consults the welfare of his fellow-citizens and of his country. The priest who teaches the truth, and leads to good, for the sake of truth and good, exercises charity. But he who does such things for the sake of self and the world, does not exercise charity, because he does not love the neighbor, but himself.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 101 (original Latin 1758)

101. Sed charitas multo latius se extendit quam ad pauperes et indigentes; charitas enim est rectum facere in omni opere, ac debitum in omni officio. Si judex justum facit propter justum, charitatem exercet; si punit sontem, et absolvit insontem, charitatem exercet, nam sic consulit concivi et consulit patriae. Sacerdos qui docet verum, et ducit ad bonum, propter verum et bonum, is charitatem exercet. Qui autem talia facit propter se et mundum, is charitatem non exercet, quia non amat proximum sed semet.

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