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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第118节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 118

118. People whose faith is self-induced do not know from any inner enlightenment whether what they are teaching is true or false, and as long as the crowd believes them, they do not care. In fact, they have no interest whatever in knowing the truth for its own sake. As a result, if they cannot obtain status or profit they abandon their faith (or at least if they can do so without putting their reputation in jeopardy), because self-induced conviction does not live deep within us. It remains on the outside, only in our memory, so we can call on it when we are teaching. This means that this type of faith vanishes after death, and so do the truths that go with it, because the only kind of faith that remains then is the kind that lives within us-that is, that has taken root in our doing of good and has therefore become part of our life.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 118

118. When we are caught up in a deceptively convincing faith, we have no inner enlightenment as to whether the things we teach are true or false. We do not even care about that. All we care about is whether the masses of people believe what we say. We do not love the truth for its own sake.

For this reason, if we lose the respect and profit we get from our faith, we also lose interest in it — provided our reputation does not suffer as a result. This deceptively convincing faith is not deep inside us. It is just superficial knowledge in our memory, which we can draw on when we are teaching people. This “faith” disappears after death, along with any truth there was in it. Only faith that is deep inside us lasts — faith that is rooted in goodness and has become a part of our life.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 118

118. Those whose faith is from false belief have no inward light to tell them whether what they teach is true or false. Indeed, they do not care either, so long as the people believe them. For they have no affection for truth for truth's sake. For this reason they withdraw from faith if they are deprived of honours and gain, so long as they do not risk their reputation. For faith from false belief is not inside the person, but stands outside, being only in the memory, from which it is recalled when he is teaching. That faith therefore together with what it sees as truths evaporates after death. For then only as much of faith as is inside the person remains, so much, that is, as is rooted in good, and has thus become part of his life.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 118

118. Those who are in faith by persuasion do not know from any internal enlightenment whether what they teach is true or false; nay, they do not care, provided they are believed by the common people, for they have no affection for the truth for the sake of the truth. Whenever, therefore, they are deprived of places of honour and gain, provided their reputation is not endangered, they decline from faith. For faith by persuasion is not inwardly with a man, but outwardly in the memory only, from which it is brought forth in teaching. Hence also, this faith with its truths vanishes away after death; for then only that much of faith remains as had been inwardly in the man, that is, as had taken root in good, and thus had become a matter of his life.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 118

118. They who are in persuasive faith do not know, from any internal enlightenment, whether the things which they teach be true or false; yea, neither do they care, provided they be believed by the common people; for they are in no affection of truth for the sake of truth. Wherefore they recede from faith, if they are deprived of honors and gains, provided their reputation be not endangered. For persuasive faith is not inwardly with man, but stands without, in the memory only, out of which it is taken when it is taught. Wherefore also that faith with its truths vanishes after death; for then there remains only that faith which is inwardly in man, that is, which is rooted in good, thus which has become of the life.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 118 (original Latin 1758)

118. Qui in fide persuasiva sunt, non sciunt ex aliqua illustratione interna num vera sint vel falsa quae docent, immo nec curant, modo a vulgo credantur; sunt enim in nulla affectione veri propter verum. Quapropter recedunt a fide si privantur honoribus et lucris, modo fama non periclitetur; nam fides persuasiva non est intus apud hominem, sed stat foris, solum in memoria, e qua depromitur cum docetur: quare etiam illa fides cum suis veris post mortem evanescit; nam tunc manet solum illud fidei quod intus in homine est, hoc est, quod radicatum est in bono, ita quod factum est vitae.

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